Tag, You're It
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Runner mechanics:
- Avoid being tagged to score points over time
- Being chased by a tagger awards 2x points
- Shoot enemies to slow them down and increase their gravity
- Reduce an enemy to 1 HP to stun them
- Melee enemies to knock them back
- Environmental deaths subtract 3 points from your score
Tagger mechanics:
- Taggers do not earn points until they tag someone else
- Taggers gain extra ultimate generation
- Taggers are highlighted by red auras
- Taggers have faster respawn and don't lose points from dying
- Tagging a player stuns them briefly
Game mechanics:
- Score 100 points to win
- The number of taggers scales with player count (max of 2)
- All heroes have faster movement, projectile speed, cooldowns, and higher jump
- All heroes regenerate 7% max HP per sec.
- All heroes are unkillable
- Environmental kills do not award any points
- Some abilities have been nerfed for balance, such as Lucio's wall ride