
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

WIP but feedback is appreciated ^^ . Made by nanorie

Use interact to open the menu, hammer to edit things
Save your map using inspector logs

Currently there is

Custom Bots Orisa/Tracer/Bastion/Baptiste
Nulltrooper Basic Enemy
Jumpjet Flying Enemy
Objectives +1 phase
Point Defense Defend a zone
Escort Escort a in/vulnerable convoy Link to a pathfinding
Follow Go to some place
Eliminate Kill all enemies Uses 2 Eliminate for the start/end
Dialogue '/say' (doesn't change phase) Use the workshop to setup the dialogue
Spawner Spawns enemies on a timer Link to a pathfinding (optional)
Pathfinding Set a path Link to others
Wall Impassable wall
Door Hole in a wall ?
How to make a Mission ?
The Missions are centered around 3 things, Objectives that dictate the flow of the mission, Terrain is for enemy spawns and terrain modifications, lastly Units are the enemies you can use
Speaking of Flow, the missions are setup using a Timeline. To set everything in place you can use 'Timer' or 'Phase', Timer being the time elapsed in a phase, phase ... it's in the name
Also the Timeline uses only 1 rule so everything runs in order, if an objective is happening it can stop the Timeline until it is resolved, nothing will run while it is the case
So now that you know how everything works you can start by making a mission yourself, note that I'm making a PVE gamemode alongside this one so maps made with this code are compatible with the PVE

To save your maps
there is a button in 'menu +' => 'save'

Copy to clipboard

to get something like that

You can then paste it into the --- Import Maps --- Rule for the PVE (linked)

note: not everything is done, so if something doesn't work, it hasn't been implemented yet or is a placeholder


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

Players | 1 - 12
Categories: Tools
Heroes: Torbjörn
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 0.4


Primary Fire + Hammer
Don't forget to go up 1 phase after using an objective object
+ Hammer
Don't forget to go up 1 phase after using an objective object
+ Hammer
Don't forget to go up 1 phase after using an objective object
+ Hammer
Don't forget to go up 1 phase after using an objective object
+ Hammer
Don't forget to go up 1 phase after using an objective object



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