
Talents FFA - Customize Your Own Hero Talents! + 1 sources

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Thanks to:

  • NyaWalking
  • Sethh
  • BouncyBear99
  • Spice
  • saywhatnow
  • Mortis
  • Josbird
  • Shingen

Don't fix what's not broken. Don't also fix what's already broken. Actually, let's make it worse.

Blizzard has completely retconned their PvE and robbed us of talent customization for every hero. Oh no. Anyway. I've made the next best thing.

It's a mutual agreement that bringing talents into PvP would just make the game incredibly imbalanced. It already is. It's already ridiculously broken.

At this point, why not break it even more?

Introducing selectable talents as a Free-For-All game, 7 players max. Out of 5 unique talents for each hero, you can select up to 3 to play with at once (this can be changed in the settings). That's 195 unique talents and 390 different combinations!
Brawl it out in the map with varying talents for everybody, and different objectives that help spice up the gameplay.

When selecting a hero, you will be brought to a screen where you will be able to select 3 out of 5 available talents. After you have made your selections, hold INTERACT (default key F) for 1.5 seconds to enter the game.

Why not bother playing around with insane character customization? Brawl in chaos and server-crashing potential abilities and talents against other players and different objectives, forcing you to be pissed and cry and rage in one way or another. Experience toxicity, imbalance and playing against players who abuse their abilities too much or have no idea what they're doing. Literally everything in a gamemode happens here in OW2FFA!

How To Play

  • Simple FFA! Choose your hero and customize them by selecting 3 out of 5 different talents.
  • Health is greatly increased for all heroes to increase Time To Kill as everything deals so much damage.
  • Killing blows earn 3 points. Eliminations earn 1 point. Simple Enough.
  • Eliminating a player who has more points than you will steal 1 point from them.
  • New players who join will not be set off at 0 points, but will be set off a little under the medium
  • First player to 100 points, or the highest scoring player when the timer runs out, wins!

Health and Healing

In an FFA setting, chaos ensues! In Talents FFA, we are the harbinger's of true insanity and even the greatest amongst all heavens fear us. That's why all heroes have greatly increased health. But healing is also an issue?

  • Healing will be biased as health pack stealing always end up determining a fight due to their sudden surge in health. Due to this, health packs now heal much less. Small packs heal 15 initial health then 75 overtime health. Large packs heal 75 initial health then 75 overtime health
  • With every elimination, players heal 50% of their missing health over 10 seconds. This way, players can recover more easily when at low health
  • Tank Heroes take 10% less damage from all attacks, and heal 50% more health from health packs
  • DPS Heroes heal 100HP instead of 25HP with eliminations
  • Support Heroes already have the most survivability in the game so they can █████ █████████ ██████████ █ ██████ (but they do tend to have their own mechanic to fit in to the FFA playstyle)


Aforementioned before, each hero has 5 different hero talents, and are able to select 3 maximum to help them fight. If you do not choose 3 talents, you will not able to enter the game.
If you see a row with B before them, that is a base mechanic for that hero, typically replacing an unused keybind or a bonus ability so they can fit into the FFA playstyle!

ana Ana

# Talent Name Info
1 Nano Bolster Gain a weaker Nano effect at while at 100% health; Ultimate lasts 2.5x longer with a bonus speed boost.
2 Multinade Throw multiple weaker Biotic Grenades instead of 1.
3 Still Got It Biotic Rifle shots deal more damage the further away the enemy is (+50% damage at 50m max).
4 Airspring Boots Gain several leap charges that allow you to jump while in the air.
5 Disrespect T-Bag a sleeping enemy to plant a delayed explosive gift on them, dealing large damage.

ashe Ashe

# Talent Name Info
1 Play With Fire Scoped shots explodes and lengthens burn of already burning enemies.
2 Sharpshooter All attacks deal 30% more damage from more than 20m away.
3 Viper Jaws Reloading 2 bullets refills the entire magazine.
4 Black Gunpowder Coach Gun burns enemies, then instantly damages all visible burning enemies.
5 Coiled Snake Consecutive rifle shots continuously rack up in damage.

baptiste Baptiste

# Talent Name Info
B Bio-Bombs Secondary fire can be used as a ranged explosive attack.
1 Combat Stim Immortality Field boosts primary attack speed and resistance while under the effect.
2 Corrosive Burst Regenerative Burst inflicts poison damage to surrounding enemies.
3 Second Wind Regenerative Burst lasts 40% longer and grants a speed boost.
4 Double Dose Bio-Bombs explode twice and have infinite ammo.
5 Cloud 9 Hold JUMP after fully charged Exo-Boots to fall slower.

bastion Bastion

# Talent Name Info
1 Helicopter Hold JUMP while in Assault form to fly upwards.
2 Bomblets Continuously firing in Assault form for 1.5s adds explosive rounds.
3 Shock 'n Awe Fire a weaker Tactical Grenade every 10 Recon form shots.
4 Trickshot Sticking Tactical Grenade slows enemies and reduces its cooldown.
5 Springboard Pressing JUMP while Sentry Form ends initiates a powerful launch.

brigitte Brigitte

# Talent Name Info
B Band-Aid Using Repair Packs heals 25 health instantly.
1 Endeavor When your barrier breaks, gain a boost in damage, speed and health for several seconds.
2 Whiplash Whip Shot generates a slowing shockwave at its endpoint.
3 Extra Chain Gain an additional charge for Whip Shot.
4 Anchor Shot Hold the Whip Shot button while activating to launch forward.
5 Concussion Wave Shield bash range, knockback and damage is increased, and slows enemies.

cassidy Cassidy

# Talent Name Info
1 Flashpoint Magnetic Grenade explosion stuns enemies if it successfully sticks but with less damage.
2 Bullet Time Reload faster and refund every bullet hit. Last bullet deals 20% more damage.
3 Smoke Bomb Flashbang creates a smokescreen if thrown straight down.
4 Kickdraw Hold Combat Roll to activate a leap. Cooldowns speed up with critical hits.
5 Standoff Two shots in a row slows, the next shot adds charge. Deadeye slows enemies in sight.

dva D.Va

# Talent Name Info
1 Voltage Grid Defense Matrix damages and slows enemies it's casted on.
2 Shooting Star Boosters deal more damage and set enemies on fire.
3 Zero Explode when mech is destroyed. Increased damage and speed in Pilot Form.
4 Macro Missiles Dealing damage with Micro Missiles replenishes health and Defense Matrix resource.
5 Surgical Strikes Fires two spikes with Micro Missiles that can impale into enemies, slowing them down when they stick.

doomfist Doomfist

# Talent Name Info
1 Trigger Discipline Gain bonus shields and size when using Power Block.
2 Elbow Driver Seismic Slam deals more damage and slowness the longer it channels.
3 Rocketeering Reduce 40% less damage in Rocket Punch and launch 2 mini-rockets.
4 Cleaving Uppercut Initiate an uppercut hook that weakens enemies when using Power Block.
5 Hot Rupture Seismic Slam sends fire charges creates a small heat fissure upon landing.

echo Echo

# Talent Name Info
1 Focusing Optics Focusing Beam bonus damage starts at 75% HP. Heal for Focusing Beam damage.
2 Under My Wing Using Flight sends 2 wingblades that seek and slow enemies.
3 Adaptive Mainframe Gain 10% damage, and -1s on Sticky Bombs and Focusing Beam while above 50% HP. Gain 15% speed, resistance and -2s on Flight when below 50% HP.
4 Silver Lining Tri-Shot critical hits add extra shots to the next Sticky Bombs attack.
5 Air Support Start to regenerate health when gliding.

genji Genji

# Talent Name Info
1 Venomous Strike Swift Strike inflicts bleed damage; heal for bleed damage.
2 Dragon's Breath Hold Swift Strike to double-dash; Dragonblade fires powerful ranged charges with every swing.
3 Perfect Parry Deflected attacks deal double damage; throw seeking shurikens when Deflecting
4 South Winds Allow triple jumps and gain a speed boost after using an ability.
5 Assassinate Shurikens deal +75% more damage from behind and heal for dealt damage.

hanzo Hanzo

# Talent Name Info
1 Stormbreak Each Storm Arrow spawns a cloud of thunder that zaps bolts of lightning (1 cloud per player).
2 Northern Dragons Fire 3 Dragonstrike bolts instead of 1. Increase Lunge distance.
3 Sojiro's Guidance Sonic Arrow shoots a bolt at the closest enemy in its detection range, slowing them down.
4 Firebolt Charging an arrow for +3sec will supercharge it and turn it into an explosive bolt.
5 Punch II Attacks inflict pushback that scales through damage.

illari Illari

# Talent Name Info
B Sunspot Throw a charge that applies a weaker Sunstruck effect on enemies.
1 Solar Flare Outburst sends fire blasts out and leaves a fire zone behind.
2 Golden Hour After using an ability, gain brief invincibility and shots to the next attack.
3 3rd-Degree Burns Sunstruck detonations inflict constant burn until cleansed or healed to full HP, or collecting a health pack.
4 Crack Of Dawn Hitting Solar Rifle creates a rising charge above them. High power shots can inflict sunstruck.
5 Morning Glory Outburst launches higher and causes enemies to take more damage.

junkerqueen Junker Queen

# Talent Name Info
1 Reverse Polarity Jagged Blade pull is stronger and can pull enemies on its fly back.
2 Grace Period Pulling Gracie back after stuck to an enemy for the full duration deals more damage and applies additional debuffs.
3 Rude Awakening Commanding Shout wounds all enemies in the area of effect.
4 Salt Wounded enemies are revealed and suffer 20% more damage from you.
5 Give It Rockets! Using Carnage will lunge you into your facing direction; Cancel boost with Crouch.

junkrat Junkrat

# Talent Name Info
1 Oil Drum Frag Launcher slows players with sticky tar; hitting slowed enemies ignites them.
2 Trigger Happy Regain the 2nd Concussion Mine charge every time it deals damage.
3 Joyride Landing from a Concussion Mine boost sets off an explosion.
4 Winner Takes All Heal health and refill ammo with every Concussion Mine detonation.
5 Cannonballs Increased clip size and knockback dealt. Frags bounce and fly further and faster.

kiriko Kiriko

# Talent Name Info
B Ambush When hitting a critical, enter a state of Ambush. When pressing Ability 1 (Swift Step hotkey), teleport to the target enemy.
1 Possessed Edge Every 200 damage send out seeking shurikens to the last enemy hit.
2 Playmaker Create explosions when using ambush, becoming stronger the longer you stay in Ambush.
3 Shinobi Tactics Increased climb speed; gain increased damage and gliding after climbing a wall.
4 Fox Collar Suzu throws another explosive bell that can activate Ambush, but delays Suzu activation.
5 Tricky Shuffles Cooldowns speed up while you stay in Ambush.

lifeweaver Lifeweaver

# Talent Name Info
B Acupuncture Send out sharp needls that can mark enemies. Marked enemies take damage when they move, the faster the more damage.
1 Apotheosis Falling from great heights creates a slowing pollen field and acupuncture shots.
2 Strike A Nerve Deal 35% more damage to enemies at least 5M below you.
3 Meridian Paths Acupuncture needles can ricochet off of surfaces.
4 Cherry Bomb Blossoms Marked enemies leave behind delayed blossom charges around them.
5 Pressure Points Critical hits slow enemies down and speed up cooldowns.

lucio Lúcio

# Talent Name Info
B Raise The Roof Sound Barrier damages and knocks up enemies.
1 Reverse Amp Amp It Up inflicts the opposite effect of his currently played song to enemies.
2 Fortissimo Hitting Soundwave increases the damage of the next few volleys by 25%.
3 Power Skating Soundwave's damage and knockback scales based on your forward speed.
4 Mashup Both songs play at once and are more effective. Amp It Up increases damage and knockback while active.
5 Beat Drop Booped enemies suffer extra damage when hitting the ground hard enough.

mauga Mauga

# Talent Name Info
1 Charismatic Laughter Constantly pull enemies towards you during Cardiac Overdrive.
2 Absolute Unit Cardiac Overdrive increases duration, size, and damage, but slows movement.
3 Smokin' Hot Bod Enemies hit with Overrun are lightly burned and slowed.
4 You're Welcome Continous firing of both chainguns for 3s adds rockets to the ammunition.
5 Creatine Jumping during Overrun is boosted, and gain a damage boost after using.

mei Mei

# Talent Name Info
1 Cold Snap Chill all nearby enemies when Cryo-Freeze expires. Enemies too close will be frozen.
2 Sublimation Hitting 3 icicle shots adds a freezing snowball to the next icicle.
3 Snowball Effect Continue rolling during Cryo-Freeze, damaging enemies you roll past.
4 Breaking The Ice When Ice Wall breaks, add rising ice spikes to your next icicle shot.
5 Sheer Cold Icicles chill and shed 10% of enemy health of non-frozen enemies.

mercy Mercy

# Talent Name Info
B Guardian Angel Use to gain a sudden horizontal boost.
B Resurrect Use when dead to resurrect on the spot with a powerful ascendent explosion.
1 Winged Guardian Gain 1s of controlled flight after using Guardian Angel.
2 Phoenix Feathers Pistol strength gradually increases while gliding.
3 Halo Gain a second chance when hit with a fatal attack.
4 Guiding Light Use Damage Boost beam to fire a seeking light attack.
5 Holy Light Missiles Caduceus Pistol fires holy blasts for a short duration after using Guardian Angel.

moira Moira

# Talent Name Info
1 Eureka Fill Biotic Energy by dealing damage; When full, the next Biotic Orb fires a massive volley.
2 Broken Ethics Damage Orb weakens enemies and healing orb boosts damage output.
3 Waning Catharsis Mark enemies you fade through and pull them all to you when Fade ends.
4 Phantom Pains Fade is faster and damages enemies you fade through.
5 Covalent Bond Launch 2 Biotic orbs at once but they are stationary.

orisa Orisa

# Talent Name Info
1 Cease & Desist Javelin creates a delayed halt implosion when striking an enemy during Fortify.
2 Harpoon Energy Javelin knocks back further and causes the victim to stagger when hit against a wall.
3 Steel Pinwheel Javelin Spin enables minor flight and has a larger knockback hitbox.
4 Marching Orders Fortify repels enemies and reduces cooldowns by 2s.
5 Melting Point Fusion Driver deals 50% more damage when firing for more than 2.5s.

pharah Pharah

# Talent Name Info
1 Head Trauma Concussive Blast damages enemies for 15% of their max HP.
2 Air Flares Block up to 50 damage every time Jump Jet is used.
3 Bird's-Eye View Take 15% less and deal 15% more damage against enemies below you.
4 Weaponized Storm The last rocket in the clip is faster and creates mini-explosions.
5 Ground Zero Hold Crouch while airbourned to aim a powerful ground pound attack.

ramattra Ramattra

# Talent Name Info
1 Numbing Rage Deal 1% more damage per 2% health lost.
2 Dread & Despair Throw 2 vortexes; Damaging enemies in Ravenous Vortex pulls them towards you.
3 Rise To Power Ravenous Vortex speeds up cooldowns and adds ultimate charge when it deals damage.
4 Onslaught Gain a decaying speed boost, increased jump height, and zero knockback in Nemesis form.
5 Window Of Opportunity Deal 100% more damage when shooting from behind your barrier.

reaper Reaper

# Talent Name Info
1 Breath Of Hades Throw grenades with every reload under half clip; Damage nearby enemies when in Wraith Form.
2 Soul Watching You can see nearby enemies through walls. Crouch speed increased.
3 Wrathful Wraith Shooting is enabled in Wraith Form with decreased damage.
4 Jumpscare Explode and cripple nearby enemies when an ability ends.
5 Paranoia Enemies looking at you while in Wraith Form get blinded and slowed.

reinhardt Reinhart

# Talent Name Info
1 Crusade Allow jumping in Charge, and Charge can pin multiple enemies at once.
2 Dancing Flames Fire Strike sends 2 additional seeking strikes.
3 Epicenter Earthshatter travels in all directions. Gain 10% ultimate charge with every elimination.
4 Electric Fence Move faster while holding your barrier and repel enemies away from it.
5 Frenzy Every other Rocket Hammer strike deals increased damage and reduces cooldowns.

roadhog Roadhog

# Talent Name Info
1 Ball 'n Chain Reset ammo and slow enemies when hitting a hook and reset cooldown with eliminations.
2 Noxious Stench Inflict poison damage to nearby enemies.
3 Barbed Wires Pigpen sends out ricocheting scrap bits that can stagger and cripple enemies.
4 Gluttony You cannot fall below 1HP unless an enemy is nearby.
5 Juggernaut Stuns and knockbacks are less effective.

sigma Sigma

# Talent Name Info
1 Newton's Limits Enemies nearby are slowed and have high gravity.
2 Cosmic Appetite Launch extra Hyperspheres after Kinetic Grasp, scaling through amount absorbed.
3 Accretion Disk Accretion flies straight, and strength and stun scales through distance travelled.
4 Stellar Collapse Direct Accretion hit creates an unstable high-gravity zone.
5 Orbit Gain increased projectile speed and the ability to hover.

sojourn Sojourn

# Talent Name Info
1 Thunderous Thighs Power Slide launch deals area damage and allows you to glide.
2 Slipstream Press again mid-slide to activate a second slide, and receive 30% less damage while sliding.
3 Aurora Borealis Landing high-power railgun shots immediately follows up with a Disruptor Shot.
4 Matter Splatter Disruptor Shot leaves behind a splash of small explosives as it flies.
5 Military Benefts Critical hits and railgun shots refill ammunition; projectiles fly faster.

soldier 76 Soldier: 76

# Talent Name Info
1 Hopscotch Rocket jumping is faster and drops rocket strikes behind you.
2 Guerilla Warfare Press Crouch to slide while sprinting and deal 30% more damage when crouched.
3 Airdrop Biotic Field can be deployed at a distance and will damage enemies.
4 Rocket Assault Rifle Shoot extra Helix Rockets at the cost of 15 ammo.
5 Spec Ops Critical hits deal 25% more damage. Fire 2 mini-rockets with Helix Rockets

sombra Sombra

Sombra is disabled until I stop slacking because her rework ████ her over

symmetra Symmetra

# Talent Name Info
1 Prism Glass Damage from sentries and damage to shields is tripled.
2 Reflection Break reality when teleporting, exploding and turning into an apparition.
3 Diffraction Fully charged photon blasts unleashes an additional lightning bolt.
4 Refraction Photon Projector creates a separate energy arc weld at its endpoint.
5 Business Resilience Gain extra shields and unlimited ammo.

torbjorn Torbjörn

# Talent Name Info
1 Foundry Forge Hammer deals 40% more damage and run 40% faster when holding it.
2 Metal Saw A burning spinning blade surrounds you during Overload.
3 Hot Air Equip a Jetpack.
4 Volcanic Splinters Gain extra health but less speed with Overload. Detonate explosions when overhealth breaks.
5 Tesla Mount Instead of a turret, equip a Tesla cannon that shoots bolts at enemies.

tracer Tracer

# Talent Name Info
1 Vortex Enemies are pulled to the activation point of Recall and snared.
2 Chain Reaction Pulse Bomb creates chain explosions on other enemies who get hit by them. Quick melees are more powerful.
3 Flash Blinking through enemies will damage them.
4 Adaptive Reload Using an ability will instantly reload Pulse Pistols.
5 Time Lapse Gain +1 Blink charge every 5 seconds; capped at 6.

widowmaker Widowmaker

# Talent Name Info
1 Baiser De Soie Scoped shots inflict poison and reveals enemies hit.
2 Felt More Alive Gain smoother aerial scoping and increased aerial scoped damage by 40%.
3 Infestation Fully charged scoped shots heal health and ricochet from enemy to enemy.
4 Très Toxique Venom Mine is now an explosive projectile, inflicting blind, slow and spreading between enemies.
5 My Parlour Gain a second hook charge and receive 15% less damage and deal 15% more for every visible enemy.

winston Winston

# Talent Name Info
1 Evolutionary Dawn Deploying Barrier Projector attaches snares that slows players caught.
2 Neuron Activation Zap attack direct hits zap twice, heal for dealt damage.
3 Ballistic Barrier Barrier Projector damages enemies in its radius, and explodes when expired.
4 Groundbreaking Jump Pack land force deals more damage and slows enemies.
5 Thundercrash Fully charged zap attack send a small volley of bolts.

wrecking ball Wrecking Ball

# Talent Name Info
1 Mirror Ball Reflect 100% of taken Adaptive Shield damage. Radius increased by 50%
2 Billiards Consecutive roll strikes reduces hook cooldown and adds 25 more damage per strike.
3 Crash Landing Piledriver spawns 3 falling stars around you when used.
4 Magma Flares Adaptive Shields creates a pool of flames underneath each enemy nearby.
5 Rubberbanding Ball form increases knockback and jump height; guns deal more damage after piledriving.

zarya Zarya

# Talent Name Info
1 Combusta-Bubble Particle Barrier regenerates health and explodes when it expires.
2 Feel The Force Bubbles and rocket jumping lowers gravity. Particle bombs gravitate enemies.
3 Flaming Amazon Particle bombs fly faster and deal fire damage when outside of beam range.
4 Plasmathrower Periodically fire reticle-targetting energy bolts alongside Particle Beam.
5 Voltage Surge Particle Barrier greatly boosts attack range and damage for a period of time.

zenyatta Zenyatta

# Talent Name Info
B Orb of the Void Harmony orb instead spawns a mega void orb that shoots shadow missiles at enemies in sight.
1 Abyss Looks Back Orb of the void shoots at enemies hit from attacks; orb explodes when it expires.
2 Welfare Move and jump 40% faster when Orb of Discord is active.
3 Karmic Return Discord Orb automatically fires shadow missiles at enemies while inactive.
4 Salvo Shields Orbs fly faster and build up overhealth when charging up orb volley.
5 Tarot Cards Critical hits add extra shots to the next orb volley; crouch to add to primary fire.

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