Lotto Echo/Genji Attack Visualizer Copy EHSJS Previous Next Description Snippet Comments 0 This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function. Echo Focusing Beam The green spheres that appear while using Focusing Beam indicate the damage hitbox of the ability. The green circle that appears indicates the maximum distance of the ability. (tip: Use the Interact key to change to a different camera angle). Tri-Shot The yellow spheres indicate the predicted location of the Tri-Shot projectiles The green spheres indicate the location of the most recent Tri-Shot projectiles (persisting after impact) Genji Swift Strike The green spheres that appear while using Swift Strike indicate the damage hitboxes of the ability. Shuriken The yellow spheres indicate the predicted impact location of Genji’s primary and secondary fires. The green spheres indicate the location of the last fired shurikens (persisting after impact). Categories: Practice Mode, Tools, Miscellaneous Tags: echo genji visualizer Heroes: Echo, Genji Maps: Hanamura, Horizon Lunar Colony, Paris, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries, and 34 more... Created at: Last updated: Current version: 1.0.0 Report code Snippet Loading... Fullscreen Copy to clipboard