
APE76 Smart Skirmish

Video Explanation of Controls

Previously N1223



APE76 smart skirmish is a tool to help you practice whatever you can think of. It provides each player with a dummy bot they can place anywhere they want on the map using their interact key. With a variety of settings from strafe patterns, buff statuses, and dummy heroes, to a rollout mode to help you practice repeatable actions.

Great for practicing, Movement, rollouts, jump shots, aim, combos, juggles, tech, ability trajectories, and more. Communicate anything to open menu, make your selections using your primary and secondary fire, and get practicing.


Each player is allotted one enemy dummy that they can place anywhere on the map using their interact key. Only you are capable of damaging your dummy. When you eliminate your dummy, it will respawn to the spot you placed it.

Communicating anything will open the menu. The menu allows you to change dummy hero, add status buffs, change the dummy strafe pattern, return to spawn, Toggle HUD, and enable Rollout mode.

Rollout mode allow players repeatedly practice a certain path or mechanic. While in rollout mode, your position will be reset after killing your dummy, allowing you to repeatedly practice without having to travel back to your starting point every time. Holding crouch at any time will set a new starting position for your rollout. Tapping crouch 3 times will reset the user to the start postion.


  • Interact - hold interact to find dummy spawn point. release interact to spawn dummy
  • Any communication - Opens menu. Communicating while in menu will replace the menu in the direction the user is facing.
  • Primary fire - confirm menu option
  • Secondary fire - last menu option
  • Hold Crouch - Enables rollout mode if not active. Sets a new rollout starting position if rollout mode is active (Reload for Ball and
  • Triple Tap Crouch - Resets user to rollout start (Reload for Ball and

Dummy Settings


  • 0 - Standing. Dummy will walk back to it's starting point if displaced.
  • 1 - Linear strafe. Dummy will strafe side to side at random.
  • 2 - Radial Strafe. Dummy will walk randomly within ~2m radius of starting point.
  • 3 - Jump Strafe/Specialty movement. For most heroes, the dummy will jump left and right to allow practice for tracking on jumping targets. For a handful of heroes, this setting is a movement specific to that hero.
  • 4 - No Movement. Dummy will not move, even when displaced.


  • Pharah - Flight
  • Wrecking Ball - Piledrive
  • Reaper - TP in place to practice shadow step timing
  • Illari - Outburst jump
  • Ashe - Coach gun jump
  • Bap - Exo Boots jump
  • Hanzo - Lunge jump strafe
  • Reinhardt - if user is also playing Reinhardt, bot will 1v1 you. (AI is under-tested in current iteration. Might put the "dumb" in "dummy")


  • 0 - Regular Damage
  • 1 - Nanoboost
  • 2 - Mercy Damage Boost
  • 3 - Amplification Matrix multiplier
  • 4 - Lucio Speed
  • 5 - 0% damage # Additional Features Damage numbers shown above dummy. Can be disabled by turning off HUD in menu.

Doomfist - Using block will trigger your dummy to shoot you. Damage received increased while using block to empower punch from a larger variety of dummy heroes.

Reinhardt - Activating Setting dummy to Reinhardt specialty strafe will activate an AI to practice Rein 1v1s

Zarya - Using self bubble will automatically give you 40 charge

Lucio - Speed shown in HUD

Wrecking Ball - Speed shown in HUD, Double Boop UI tool

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