
Every 15 seconds and each time you earn an elimination or die, you will receive a random effect.

  • Over 150 possible effects!
  • Gain stat upgrades such as increased damage and speed
  • Increase your maximum health with armor, shields, and overhealth
  • Gain temporary powerful abilities such as invisibility and aimbot
  • Be teleported around and randomly explode
  • Gain your ultimate instantly or have no cooldowns for a few seconds
  • Swap to a new hero every time you die, but keep your ultimate charge
  • Highly customizable settings
  • And much more!

In the top left of the screen, you can see the latest effect that you received as well as any temporary effects you have and how long they will last for. Green is generally an upgrade, red is usually a negative effect, purple is a special ability, and yellow is a stat reset.

In the top right of the screen, you can see your current stats (damage, speed, gravity, size, health, and knockback).
(The health stat refers only to maximum health and does not include additional health such as armor or shields)

If you get stuck, hold crouch and interact to respawn.

This is a variant of my Chaos Randomizer Deathmatch code (WGR12) that works with normal gamemodes like control. Some effects and mechanics were changed for balance.

You can edit the duration of effects and customize other settings in the workshop settings tab.

This mode is absolutely not supposed to be taken seriously. You can make a lot of cool plays, but you will also die stupidly. A lot. Just relax and have fun!

Total effect count (v1.4) - 155

Effect List

  • Damage Dealt Up/Down
    • Permanently increases or decreases your damage dealt, multiple variations.
  • Reset Damage Dealt
    • Resets your damage dealt to 100%. Can also trigger if damage dealt goes below 80%.
  • Speed Up/Down
    • Permanently increases or decreases your speed, multiple variations.
  • Reset Speed
    • Resets your speed to 100%. Can also trigger if speed goes below 80% or above 400%.
  • Random Hero Swap
    • Swaps you to a random hero.
  • Invisibility
    • Makes you temporarily invisible to all players.
  • Gravity Up/Down
    • Permanently increases or decreases your gravity, multiple variations.
  • Reset Gravity
    • Resets your gravity to 100%. Can also trigger if gravity goes below 5%.
  • Nighty Night
    • You are slept for a short time (like Ana's sleep dart).
  • Cool Emote!
    • You are forced to use an emote and will be locked in place/unable to shoot for a short time if an emote cannot be performed.
  • Goodbye
    • Your character will say goodbye before exploding, usually killing everyone around them.
  • Broken Keyboard
    • You will be forced to crouch repeatedly and cannot shoot for a short time.
  • On Fire (Literally)
    • You will be set on fire, taking damage over time.
  • Chill Out!
    • You will be frozen for a short time (like Mei's ultimate).
  • I'm Better Than You At...
    • You will be swapped to the hero that your victim was playing.
  • Max Health Up/Down
    • Permanently increases or decreases your maximum health percentage, multiple variations.
  • Reset Max Health
    • Resets your maximum health to 100%. Can also trigger if max healh goes below 10% or above 700%.
  • Size Up/Down
    • Permanently increases or decreases your size, multiple variations.
  • Reset Size
    • Resets your size to 100%. Can also trigger if size goes below 0.3x or above 2.5x.
  • Knockback Up/Down
    • Permanently increases or decreases your knockback dealt and received, multiple variations.
  • Reset Knockback
    • Resets your knockback dealt and received to 100%. Can also trigger if knockback goes below 0%.
  • 1,000% Knockback
    • Temporarily sets your knockback dealt and received to 1,000%.
  • Get DDoS'd
    • You are hacked for a few seconds and will be unable to use abilities.
  • So Dizzy...
    • You are stunned for a few seconds.
  • Become Unkillable.
    • You will be unkillable for a few seconds. Players that have this effect will have purple sparkles around them.
  • You're Invincible. Shoot Them.
    • You will be unable to take damage for a few seconds. Players that have this effect will have white sparkles around them.
  • Back to Spawn!
    • Immediately respawns you, whether you were alive or not.
  • Resurrect Victim
    • Instantly respawns the last player you killed in the same place they were when they died.
  • Realistic HUD
    • Disabled your HUD for a few seconds.
  • No Gravity
    • Everyone's gravity is set to 0% for a few seconds before returning to 100%.
  • Everybody Press Q!
    • Everybody is instantly given their ultimate ability and forced to use it.
  • Hello There!
    • Teleports you to a random player.
  • Aimbot
    • Temporarily gives you aimbot on your primary and secondary fire. (Does not lock on to teammates)
  • No Ability 1 Cooldown
    • Your ability 1 will have no cooldown for a few seconds.
  • No Ability 2 Cooldown
    • Your ability 2 will have no cooldown for a few seconds.
  • No Ability 3 Cooldown
    • Your abiltiy 3 will have no cooldown for a few seconds.
  • No Cooldowns!
    • All abilities will have no cooldown for a few seconds.
  • Everything is Hitscan!
    • Your projectile speed will be set to 500% for a few seconds.
  • Slow Motion
    • The game will run at 50% speed for a few seconds.
  • Boingy Boingy Boingy
    • Your jump height will be temporarily drastically increased.
  • Burn Your Enemies!
    • Dealing damage will apply a burning effect to enemies. This stacks with itself, so if you hit someone with this effect, they're dead.
  • Freeze Your Enemies!
    • Dealing damage will freeze enemies.
  • Sleep Your Enemies!
    • Dealing damage will put enemies to sleep.
  • Hack Your Enemies!
    • Dealing damage will hack enemies, preventing them from using abilities.
  • Stun Your Enemies!
    • Enemies that attack you will be temporarily stunned. Players that have this effect will have yellow sparkles around them.
  • Instant Ultimate
    • Instantly gain your ultimate ability.
  • No U
    • Enemies that attack you will take damage instead. Players that have this effect will have red sparkles around them.
  • You Are Going to Brazil.
    • You will be teleported far under the map.
  • Additional Armor
    • Gain additional, recoverable armor health. Multiple variations.
  • Additional Shields
    • Gain additional, recoverable shields health. Multiple variations.
  • Additional Overhealth
    • Gain temporary additional overhealth. Multiple variations.
  • Special Health Pack
    • Gain 50 Armor, 50 Shields, and 250 Overhealth.
  • Reset Special Health
    • Removes all additional health (armor, shields, and overhealth).
  • Mosquito
    • Temporarily sets your size to 0.1x before returning you to normal.
  • Instant Heal
    • Instantly heal to full health.
  • Life Steal!
    • Dealing damage will heal you.
  • My People Need Me
    • You will be rapidly accelerated upward for a short time before falling back down.
  • Send Them to Heaven
    • Pressing interact will send the closest player to your reticle to heaven, accerlating them upward and exploding them. You can use this on teammates, if you're evil.
  • Ha! Nothing Happened
    • Literally nothing. Unlucky, friend.
    • Removes the cooldown on melee, allowing you to spam punch enemies.
  • Get Over Here!
    • Pressing interact will pull a player towards you. (Does not affect teammates)
  • Ultimate Frenzy!
    • Everyone gets their ultimates instantly for 10 seconds.
  • Oops, Wrong Button
    • Presses random buttons every 0.5 seconds for 10 seconds.
  • Let's Go Gambling!
    • Gives you a random effect every 0.5 seconds for 5 seconds.
  • Can't Stop Won't Stop
    • can't stop won't stop can't stop won't stop can't stop won't stop can't stop won't stop can't stop won't stop
  • Instant Transmission
    • Teleport to the spot you're looking at. (CAUTION: teleporting into a wall or straight up can cause you to get stuck outside of the map. Holdd crouch + interact to respawn if this happens)
  • Swap!
    • Instantly swap places with another player, including teammates. Kill credit is awarded if the player falls off of the map.
    • Press interact to knock down all players (including teammates) within a 45 degree angle.
    • Press interact to freeze everyone but yourself for 5 seconds.
  • Flying Punch
    • Using melee causes the character to launch in the facing direction. Zenyatta always has this ability.
  • Super Punch
    • Hitting enemies with melee instantly kills them (or just using melee while an enemy takes damage, because workshop limitation :/)
  • Hot Potato!
    • The hot potato explodes in 20 seconds and can be given to other players by damaging them. The player who last had the hot potato before it explodes receives kill credit. Only 1 potato can be active at a time. Once the potato explodes, there is a 30 second cooldown before another can be activated.
    • Reloading! Reloading! Reloading!
      • Forces the player to reload after shooting a shot.
    • Sneaky Sneaky
      • Forces the player to crouch for a short time.
    • It Really IS Broken...
      • Forces the player to crouch repeatedly for a short time.
    • Run Away!
      • Forces the player to move backwards for a short time.
    • Piggy Back!
      • Attaches the player to another player on their team.
  • 1up!
    • Automatically revives the player when killed with 2 seconds of invincibility.
  • Giant
    • Increases the player's size to 4x, but they only take 25% damage.
  • Cleanse
    • Instantly clears all negative status effects and makes the player invincible for 2 seconds.
  • Stat Swap
    • Swaps the player's stats with a random player.
  • Crit Damage Up
    • Dealing critical hits increases the damage stat by 1%

Known Bugs

  • The 'Burn Your Enemies!' effect will stack with itself, ensuring that anyone hit while the ability is active will be killed.
    • This is kinda funny and makes the effect somewhat unique but I might fix it eventually if it proves to be too broken (it definitely is on workshop island/chamber since you can kill everyone in a very short time).
  • Players will often get stuck in certain rooms if they are too big to fit through doors.
    • This is the main reason why the crouch + interact to respawn feature was added. This generally only happens when playing a tank hero at 2x size. Most of the time, you can crouch to fit through the door.
  • Switching players' teams while the game is active will crash the server.

Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements or new effects!


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

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