
Survive The Sightless Monster! + 1 sources

==== Mode: ====
This custom mode is called "Survive The Sightless Monster" originally made by "FearlessKat" with the original mode being called "No Sudden Moves."
Currently the mode is on hold, as I am busy with RTFA and other modes. Though it has been fixed of bugs, has all characters, and more streamlined hudtext.

This mode has appeared in OW1 and a lil in OW2 with MANY differing versions. Unfortunately though, they've always died and this mode has been hit or miss with the custom game community. I wanted to try and modify it to bring back the intensity. Perhaps maybe even making it a more consistently popular mode? Who knows!

STSM selects a Winston or "Monster" at random. This Monster is blind and can only see players whenever they make a varying degree of "noise" (the character moving without crouching, using abilities, shooting, etc.)

The Monster has a new ultimate, "Roar." When used it reveals all survivors on the map or even knock them down if close enough. When one survivor is remaining this ultimate also spawns a red tracker; showing you the rough location of the last survivor!

  • The goal of the Monster is to eliminate all survivors before time runs out

  • The goal of the survivors is to survive until the timer hits 0, simple right?

This version's official code is DRCZM

You can give feedback and join the discord here for updates:

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This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

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