
Capture the Fly🌀

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Inspired by Rayman M "Capture the Fly" gamemode!
Capture and hold the Fly to WIN.

Fly Carrier

  • Disables certain basic abilities. (Excluding Ultimate)
  • Charges your Ultimate to 100%.
  • Health is set to 200.
  • Health Regen disabled.

Fly carrier can eliminate other players with Ultimates or melee.
Each second the Fly Carrier gains a point! By default the target score is 120 (2 minutes).

Other players

Eliminating the Fly carrier makes YOU the Fly carrier!

Damaging other players without the Fly freeze them for 3 seconds (when HP goes below 50%).
In the frozen state, the player cannot use any abilities, move or take damage (except from the Fly Carrier).
Once the freeze period is over, you regain your max health and half a second invulnerability!

Freeze other players to your advantage and block them from capturing the Fly!


Made by Mirex
Date of release 14.1.2024, 11.25pm.

Questions / Comments

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