Give Zenyatta his balls back
Only for teams and Genji Masters.
Use deflect to pass the orbs to each other and kill zenyatta on every map.
Teamwork is essential and it is recommended to join the Voice Chat.
Use Shift to run faster.
If you get stuck press Primary + Secondary Fire.
Essential Genji Tech:
- Use deflect
- Deflect only works in a 0-90° angle in front of the player.
- You cannot deflect your own orbs. Passing between multiple teammates is essential.
All Maps are tested with 2 players however this is very hard.
3 players should be hard and so on... The more players there are the easier it gets.
Maps available:
- Blizzard World (Winter)
- Château Guillard (Halloween)
- Ecopoint: Antartica (Winter)
- Hanamura (Winter)
- Havana
- Horizon Lunar Colony
- King's Row (Winter)
- Lijiang Night Market (Lunar New Year)
- Petra
- Temple of Anubis