
Bastion's Featured OW 2 changes remade in Workshop

Because none of you guys are patient

Note: Due to workshop limitations, some features were unable to be made properly in the game, and therefore have been not added or slightly changed. The basis of the changes still remain the same.

Changes Include:


New Feature Description Detailed Stats
Tactical Grenade Replacing Self Repair! Bastion fires an explosive that bounces off walls but sticks to the ground and players, shortly exploding and knockinh back enemies. 15 stick damage, 100 damage in a 6m radius. 10s cooldown
Configuration: Artillery Replacing Configuration: Tank! Bastion enters a state and has 8 seconds to select up to 3 spots to fire a powerful missile down. 600 damage max in a 6m radius. Shots take 2s to fall.
Configuration: Recon Bastion's recon weapon now has no damage falloff and spread at the cost of a slower firerate. 20 ammo. 0.25s firing rate.
Configuration: Sentry Bastion can now move while in Sentry form, but at reduced speed and damage. Lasts a max of 8s, 10s cooldown. Speed and damage reduced by 40%.


  • Bastion's Recon weapon will be a little less effective against armour and non-player entities (barriers, turrets, walls etc.), due to how its damage mechanics were done in the Workshop.
  • Configuration: Artillery's camera is slightly limiting to its turning movement and perspective options
  • If Bastion is affected by abilities that affect movement, then his Configuration: Artillery camera also gets affected
  • Some bugs may happen. Let me know!

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This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

Not on
Players | 1 - 10
Categories: Hero Adjustments
Heroes: Bastion
Created at:
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Jump while in Sentry Form
Secondary Fire
Tactical Grenade ability
Jump while in Sentry Form
Tactical Grenade ability
Jump while in Sentry Form
Tactical Grenade ability
Jump while in Sentry Form
Tactical Grenade ability
Jump while in Sentry Form
Tactical Grenade ability

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