Trainer is Ana. Ana can choose her Pokemon by pressing the interactive button, then throw the Pokeball(Biotic Grenade) to summon the chosen Pokemon. She can use total of 3 Heals(auto), 2 Recalls(Voice line), and 1 Ultimate during the course of the battle.
When two Pokemons are summoned, they are allowed to fight until 1 dies. Moving outside the stage deals 20% Max health damage per second.
Mode is Elimination, and possible maps are Black Forest, Castillo, Lijang Control Center, Lijang Night Market, Necroplis, Nepal Sanctum, Nepal Shrine.
Current known bug (If Ana is too close during Mercy's resurrection, player resurrected may die right after). (Symmetra and Torbiorn's Recall is restricted due to their turrets gaining invincibility). (Diva's re-mech ultimate is disabled.)
*The game is buggy and may contain other unknown bugs restricting player abilities or killing them. Game is best ran when game mode starts immediately.
Hidden feature. Trainer Ana can join the fray if she is the last one alive to fight the enemy Pokemons. However, I've yet enabled this because I'm not sure if this feature is a good addition or not to the game.
made by Asparagus#11663
Gameplay Vids.
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