4v4 nanoblade with V-Fix balance
- Randomized heroes: Reinhardt, Ana, Genji, McCree.
- Increase max hp and damage when there's a player number difference.
- Start with ultimate (Only McCree don't ;c).
McCree has shield when dodging.
Reinhardt can now cancel charge ability.
Reinhardt generate shield when charge (Its based on his armor now!).
Genji heals when deflecting.
Ana heals when nanoboosting someone.
Ana can now self nanoboost.
- Support for Map: (Workshop Island, Workshop Island (Night))
- Fun ;)
Future plans:
Reinhardt hp shield is generated when he's charging and is equal to his shield hp points.
- Fix old balance code.
- Fun x2.
If you have balance suggestion write comment. :3
Overwatch player