
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Props to CapCaptain for letting me use his keyboard!

What do you get when you combine quiplash and overwatch?

Want to play quiplash but you spent your money on overwatch instead? Look no further!

  • Played as a slightly simpler version of quiplash, each round you answer two prompts.
  • During the voting phase, your answer- as well as an opponent's -will appear on screen.
  • All players will then get a chance to +1 the answer they like the best!
  • There are two normal round and one final round of Acro-Lash.
  • Get the most points to win!

Note: Game is an endless loop, there isn't an actual victory screen so play as long as you like!
Note 2: Game will break if players leave. Best played with a group of friends

Made during the Elo Hell Workshop Jam | February 2021 | Theme: +1

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