
As played by Seagull and Emongg


The objective is simple: Roll around the map and pick up the orbs to score points. Your trail will grow (and your speed will increase) every time you pick up an orb. If you run into a trail (or stop moving!) you die and your score is reset. First to 60 points wins.

Up to 11 players can play at once, but only up to 6 at a time can be active - the rest are in spectator mode queued up and ready to sub in when someone dies (it happens often!). Each player has a unique color trail.

A leaderboard showing players' best runs is shown in the top left. The top player on this leaderboard wins if time runs out.

In single player mode (Player Count = 1) your trail can get extraordinarily long! The single player experience is about trying to reach 60 points before time runs out. It's harder than it sounds!

Hold Primary Fire to switch to a top down view and gain a little awareness of your surroundings (works best in areas with high or no ceilings). Hold Secondary Fire to use your rear view mirror.

A few special notes:

  • You have 3 seconds of spawn protection when you start your run.
  • A super high-tech portal will save you if you fall off the map!
  • You can jump right over trails if you time it right!
  • Some maps have jump pads to give alternate routes to high ground.
  • Some orbs are placed in very challenging areas - but they're all reachable with a little creativity.
  • You can use Ability 1 to increase your aim speed for sharp turns

Map Difficulty

Oasis City Center
Oasis Gardens

Black Forest
Horizon Lunar Colony
Ecopoint: Antarctica
Oasis University
Ilios Ruins

Blizzard World
Route 66
Château Guillard

Workshop Settings

Game Settings

  • Easy Mode: When enabled, players do not die by coming to a stop. They can only die by running into a trail.
  • Player Count: How many players can be active at the same time. The higher this number is, the shorter the max length of each player's trail is. Default: 4
  • Orb Count: How many orbs are active at once. Raise or lower this number to control the scarcity of orbs. Default: 10
  • Time Limit: How long the game is in minutes. Set to 0 for infinite. Default: 10

Player Settings

  • Base Move Speed: Starting speed of players. Default: 110
  • Max Move Speed: Cutoff after which the player's speed will not increase on orb pickups. Default: 170
  • Speed Increase Increment: How much the player's speed will increase on orb pickup. Default: 1.2

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