Mega Heroes

The goal of Mega Heroes is fairly simple. One player on each team is randomly chosen to become a boss called a Mega Hero. These two Mega Heroes and their teams fight until all the players on one team are eliminated and the winning team gets a point. When a team gets enough points they win!
Mega Heroes
Mega Heroes are bigger, faster, and stronger than regular players. Each team will continue to respawn until their Mega Hero is eliminated, so eliminating the Mega Hero is very important if you want to win. In addition to being bigger, having better stats, and allowing their team to respawn every Mega Hero has special abilities they can use to fight the enemy team or enable their own. Different Mega Heroes have different abilities, but every Mega Hero has access to a basic set of special abilities.
Mega Hero Basic Abilities
Mega Melee
- The Mega Hero's Quick Melee does extra damage
- The Mega Hero's Quick Melee has much greater knockback
- Heroes without a Quick Melee have a similar, but weaker effect on their primary fire
- The weaker Mega Melee can't push Mega Heroes
Mega Strength
- Mega Heroes can use their Mega Melee while holding crouch to pick up other players
- Picked up players can be thrown or dropped
- Throwing an enemy at another enemy does damage
- The throw distance and damage increase the longer the ability is active
- Mega Strength can be used on friendly players as well as enemies
- Enemy players are forced to aim at the Mega Hero while picked up
- Friendly players can aim freely
- When a friendly player is picked up and takes damage some of the damage is taken by the Mega Hero instead
- Crouching with a friendly player increases this effect
- When using Mega Strength on an enemy player the enemy Mega Hero can use their Mega Melee to cancel it
- When using Mega Strength on a friendly player the Mega Melee only applies a stun to the picked up player
- When cancelling Mega Strength you can use your own Mega Strength instead of a regular melee to steal the player
- Being stunned cancels this ability regardless of teams
- Heroes without a Quick Melee can use this ability by holding the melee button and using their primary fire
Mega Landing
- Mega Heroes can land near enemy players to knock them into the air and do a small amount of damage
- This can only occur if the enemy player is on the ground
- Landing directly on top of an enemy player does more damage
Mega Charge
- Mega Heroes can walk straight for 1 second to do a charge attack
- The Mega Charge increases the Mega Hero's move speed and knocks back nearby enemy players
- Mega Meleeing during the Mega Charge knocks down any enemy hit including the enemy Mega Hero
- Changing directions, jumping, or stopping ends the Mega Charge
- While Mega Charging the Mega Hero has a visible cloud effect around their feet
- A Mega Hero can partially resist the Mega Charge + Mega Melee combo by crouching before getting meleed
In addition to the basic abilities every Mega Hero has their own hero specific abilities. Most of these don't work on the enemy Mega Hero unless the ability is specifically related to the enemy Mega Hero.
Hero Based Mega Hero Abilities
Mega Ana
- Mega Ana's grenade puts players to sleep
- Players on Mega Ana's team can sleep at any time to heal, reduce their ability cooldowns and gain ultimate charge
Mega Ashe
- Players killed by Mega Ashe's gun explode similarly to dynamite
- Players damaged by Mega Ashe's dynamite are slowed
- Mega Ashe's ultimate gives nearby friendly players their ultimates and sends them with Mega Bob
Mega Baptiste
- Mega Baptiste's healing grenades reload his teammates' guns
- Mega Baptiste's Regenerative Burst temporarily gives nearby teammates the ability to jump higher
Mega Bastion
- Mega Bastion can use his grenade cooldown to fire a huge laser that does significant damage and stuns enemy players in recon form
- In sentry form the ability is no longer a laser and damages any enemy player near Mega Bastion. This version does less damage and stuns less frequently
Mega Brigitte
- Mega Brigitte can apply armor health to friendly players by picking them up and pressing ability 2
- Mega Brigitte's Whip Shot is considered a partial Mega Melee and applies additional knockback. It can also be comboed with Mega Charge and be used to cancel or counter Mega Strength
- Friendly players near Mega Brigitte gain a small amount of ultimate charge when she hits the enemy Mega Hero with her weapon
- The ultimate charge given decreases when more friendly players are nearby
Mega Dva
- Mega Dva can pick up friendly players and press ability 2 to temporarily increase their maximum ammo and ability charges
- Friendly players can enter Dva's mech to avoid taking damage and slowly heal, but can't attack in the mech
- When Dva's mech is destroyed her mech ability attaches players to her back and can only be used by one player
- This version of the ability doesn't provide full damage immunity or healing, but allows the player to attack
- Mega Dva's ammo boost is applied by both forms of this ability
- The damage sharing behavior of friendly Mega Strength also applies to this ability
Mega Doomfist
- Mega Doomfist's Mega Melee does more damage
- Players on Mega Doomfist's team do extra damage and knockback with their quick melee attacks
Mega Echo
- Mega Echo's sticky bombs slow enemy players damaged by them
- Mega Echo's Flight ability launches friendly players near her into the air
- Players on Mega Echo's team can glide in the air to fall slower and move faster
Mega Genji
- Mega Genji's Mega Charge takes less time to activate
- Players on Mega Genji's team can double jump
Mega Hanzo
- Hitting an enemy with a Sonic Arrow reduces the cooldown of the next Sonic Arrow, roots the enemy hit and hacks them
- Hitting an enemy with a Storm Arrow temporarily slows their projectiles
Mega Junker Queen
- Hitting an enemy with your primary fire slows them
Mega Junkrat
- When Mega Junkrat uses Mega Strength to throw an enemy at another enemy they both explode
- When Mega Junkrat dies he creates a huge explosion that does significant damage to anyone nearby including the enemy Mega Hero and his teammates
Mega Kiriko
- Healing an ally as Mega Kiriko makes them move faster
Mega Lucio
- Mega Lucio's Amped Up speed song speeds up ability cooldowns
Mega Cassidy
- Mega Cassidy's gun doesn't use ammo if it hits an enemy player
- Mega Cassidy's grenade sets enemy players on fire
- Friendly players near Mega Cassidy have an increased projectile speed
Mega Mei
- Mega Mei's secondary fire freezes enemy players
- Headshots apply a longer freeze
- Mega Mei can pick up friendly players and press ability 2 to give them a single use Cryo Freeze charge
- Mega Mei's Cryo Freeze affects nearby friendly players
- Friendly players affected by Mega Mei's Cryo Freeze are also given a single use Cryo Freeze charge
Mega Mercy
- Friendly players picked up by Mega Mercy are healed over time
- Mega Mercy can pick up dead friendly players to revive them with a reduced cooldown on Resurrect
- Players near Mega Mercy heal slowly
- Mega Mercy can pick up enemy players and press ability 2 after their Mega Hero is eliminated to spare them
- This prevents them from doing damage and allows the round to end without killing them
Mega Moira
- Mega Moira's secondary fire pulls enemy players closer
- Mega Moira's damage orb and ultimate shrinks enemy players
- The effect applied by Moira's ultimate lasts longer than the effect applied by the damage orb
- Small enemy players do less damage, move slower, and have less health
- Mega Moira's healing makes friendly players bigger
- This effect is functionally the opposite of the one applied by her damage orbs and buffs her allies
Mega Orisa
- Mega Orisa's Mega Landing Attack is stronger during Fortify
- Mega Orisa's Fortify speeds up the projectiles of nearby friendly players while it's active
Mega Pharah
- Mega Pharah can give friendly players Flight Fuel by using Jump Jet near them or picking them up and pressing ability 2
- Flight Fuel allows players to fly similarly to Pharah
Mega Reaper
- Mega Reaper stuns and steals health from picked up enemy players
- Players on Mega Reaper's team gain 30% life steal on their primary fire
Mega Reinhardt
- Mega Reinhardt's hammer knocks down enemy players
Mega Roadhog
- Mega Roadhog's hook gets a reduced cooldown if an enemy player is hooked
- Using Mega Roadhog's trap gives nearby friendly players temporary health
Mega Sigma
- Mega Sigma's primary fire launches enemy players into the air
- Mega Sigma's Kinetic Grasp gives nearby friendly players reduced gravity
Mega Sojourn
- Players on Mega Sojourn's team can slide by pressing Interact
- This ability has a short cooldown
Mega Soldier: 76
- Friendly players near Mega Soldier: 76 gain an explosive attack when he uses Helix Rockets
- The explosive attack triggers the next time the player does damage
Mega Sombra
- Mega Sombra's Mega Melee hacks enemy players
- Mega Sombra can pick up friendly players and press ability 2 to make them invisible
- Using Mega Sombra's Translocator makes nearby friendly players invisible
- The invisibility functions similarly to Sombra's Stealth ability
- When Mega Sombra makes a friendly player invisible they also get a single use translocator that teleports them back to Mega Sombra when used
Mega Symmetra
- Mega Symmetra can pick up friendly players and press ability 2 to give them shield health
- The shield health is recoverable, but goes away after a while
Mega Torbjorn
- Mega Torbjorn's hammer sets enemy players on fire
- Using Overload gives nearby friendly players temporary armor
- Mega Torbjorn's hammer is considered a partial Mega Melee and applies knockback. It can also be comboed with Mega Charge and be used to cancel or counter Mega Strength
- Mega Torbjorn's hammer can be used to repair and upgrade friendly players
Mega Tracer
- Mega Tracer's Recall affects nearby friendly players
Mega Widowmaker
- Mega Widowmaker's gun knocks back enemy players
- Headshots increase the effect and apply a knockdown
- Players on Mega Widowmaker's team can grapple to her
Mega Winston
- Mega Winston's primary weapon does increased damage to enemy players with high health and decreased damage to enemy players with low health
- Mega Winston's primary weapon also applies a shock status that makes it difficult for enemies to control their hero. The effect becomes stronger as the enemy's health gets lower
- Mega Winston's Jump Pack gives nearby friendly players Jump Pack Fuel that allows them to fly in any direction for a short time
- Mega Winston does extra damage when throwing an enemy player at their Mega Hero
Mega Wrecking Ball
- Mega Wrecking Ball's ball form knocks back enemy players and does damage
- Activating Wrecking Ball's Adaptive Shield gives nearby friendly players temporary shield health and grapples
- Mega Wrecking Ball can pick up friendly players and press ability 2 to give them grapples
- The grapples are somewhat similar to Wrecking Ball's grapple and allow for better mobility, but deal no damage
Mega Zarya
- Mega Zarya can throw players further using Mega Strength
- Mega Zarya's Mega Melee always cancels Mega Strength regardless of the picked up player's team
Mega Zenyatta
- Mega Zenyatta's teammates can look at him to gain ultimate charge over time
Mega Sojourn
- Mega Sojourn's teammates can press Interact to slide
Mega Junker Queen
- Mega Junkerqueen's primary fire slows enemies
Mega Kiriko
- Mega Kiriko's healing gives a temporary speed boost
- Mega Kiriko can use Mega Strength through walls at any range with a cooldown
Mega Ramattra
- Mega Ramattra's teammates have increased health, but gain a damaged status below 50%
- This status reduces their accuracy and move speed
Mega Lifeweaver
- Mega Lifeweaver passively heals for each friendly player nearby
Mega Illari
- Mega Illari's ultimate creates an explosion that does significant damage to players on both teams
Mega Mauga
- Mega Mauga's melee slows enemies
Mega Venture
- Nearby teammates Burrow with Mega Venture
Mega Juno
- Mega Juno's Pulsar Torpedoes give teammates reduced gravity
- Mega Juno's teammates can fly for the duration of her ultimate
Mega Orbs
Mega Orbs are an optional mechanic that can be enabled in the settings. When enabled Mega Heroes will drop a collectable orb the first time they reach 66% and 33% health. This orb makes them invulnerable as long as it's nearby. Only regular players can interact with it, so the Mega Hero has to work with their normal teammates to keep it from being destroyed.
Super Mega Heroes
This gamemode includes an option to create a more traditional boss fight in the settings called Enable Super Mega Heroes for Team 2. Super Mega Heroes are significantly more powerful than regular Mega Heroes and perfect for setting up a 10v2 or 11v1 boss fight. Other team sizes could be used, but the default settings are optimized for 10v2 or 11v1. Health and damage modifier settings are included if you'd prefer to try balancing the Super Mega Heroes yourself.
Other Useful Information
- Stuns are less effective on Mega Heroes
- When a Mega Hero falls off of the map they lose 10% health and bounce back up
- Using the unstuck button, Interact, as a Mega Hero makes you take more damage until your scale returns to normal
- Mega Heroes recieve slightly less healing
- If a Mega Hero leaves a new one will be chosen from the remaining players. The new Mega Hero will have the same percent health as the previous Mega Hero, so the gamemode still works in an environment where players are frequently leaving
- Respawning reduces that team's Mega Hero's health slightly
- Picked up friendly players can cancel Mega Strength by pressing Interact
- There's a penalty for using Mega Strength to throw friendly players off the map
- Mega Heroes can be resurrected. This is completely intentional. They only revive with 7.5% health
- When there's a health difference of 30% or more the losing Mega Hero gains an enraged status that makes them do more damage
- Heroes with shield health get extra shields instead of armor in their Mega Hero health pool
- Players get 2 seconds of damage immunity immediately after respawning
- Sombra's ultimate is disabled for balance reasons
- Changing a player's team normally will overload the server. If you need to switch a player's team move them to spectator then to the other team
Using the Fancy Effects setting
Changing the Fancy Effects setting requires enabling the Workshop extensions associated with your selection in the Workshop script. There's 3 options available that have different extension requirements. Extension points can be obtained by disabling player slots or enabling only Workshop maps.
- Basic Effects - This setting requires no extensions or extension points and can run in a 6v6 format on any map. This is the default option.
- More Effects - This setting requires 8 extension points and enables the most noticable effects like the visible Mega Landing Attack, the Mega Charge sounds, and much more. It can run any map in a 5v5 format or a Workshop map in a 6v6 format. It requires the following extensions: Buff Status Effects, Explosion Sounds, and Kinetic Explosion Effects.
- All the Effects - This setting requires 16 extension points and enables all of the extension effects used in the gamemode. It can run any map in a 4v4 format or a Workshop map in a 6v6 format. It requires the following extensions: Beam Sounds, Buff and Debuff Sounds, Buff Status Effects, Energy Explosion Effects, Explosion Sounds, Kinetic Explosion Effects, and Play More Effects.
These requirements are also listed at the top of the Workshop script.