The Dorado Crime Spree
The Dorado Crime Spree
- I developed this game mode in 2019 - 2020. Please be aware that you may encounter bugs, quirks, or crashes. I have worked on slightly optimizing the code and improving certain features in response to requests for me to share my old and unfinished game modes.
Game Mode Description
The Dorado Crime Spree is a cooperative game mode where you and a friend work together to complete a heist in Dorado based on your careful planning in the workshop settings. While you can choose to go solo, doing so will significantly increase the difficulty of the heist.
This is based of Junkrat and Roadhog's attempt in robbing Dorado's bank. But this time these two dipstick's plan it differently and hopefully succeed.
Important things are highlighted in Orange
The Whiteboard / Workshop Settings
Planning is the most important aspect of this game mode. Before you start, you need to invest time in strategizing the Heist to increase your chances of success. You have the ability to adjust various factors, including difficulty levels, upgrades, and more. Keep in mind that everything comes with a cost, whether it’s a percentage cut from your earnings or a flat fee. These expenses will be subtracted from your final score. Aim to find the best approach tailored to your needs to achieve the highest possible score after completing the Heist.
You will find all the information about what these specific workshop settings do below.
1. Difficulty | |
Difficulty | Change the difficulty of the game. This changes the reanings multiplier. The harder, the more money. |
2. Crew | |
Gunman | Enables ablities in order: + Ability 1, + Ability 2, + Ultimate. |
Getaway | Grants an ally that you can pick up later. They help with Battle or Transportation. |
Hacker | The better the hacker, the more time you will have in the vault. |
3. Approach | |
Approach | This is the way you perform the Heist. It will drastically change how the game mode is played. |
└ I. Aggressive | Strictly combat based with Junkrat and Roadhog themselfs. |
└ II. Big Con | Disguised stealth. Depending on the time of day and disguises; certain Soldiers will let you pass. |
└ III. Sneaky & Silent | Heavy Stealth. Noise and other general stealth attributes play a huge role. |
Disguise | Use these to get to certain places of the map without suspicion. (only for Big Con). |
Starting Position | The position you will start in. |
Time of Day | This shifts the Soldiers patrol routes and positions drastically. |
4. Aqcuirements & Upgrades | |
Destroyed Soldiers Shipment Equipments | Weaken the enemies equipment; decreasing their attack and defense. |
Life Insurances | Gain more team lives. |
Guard Patrol Routes | Shows the Soldiers their current position and number. |
Heavy Demolition Charges | Grants the chance to detonate an alternate entrance to the vault. |
Portable Jammer | Decreases the amount of backup from the Soldiers. |
Power Drills | Gives you the ability to drill open deposit boxes in the vault. Value per deposit box varies randomly. |
Upgraded Equipment | Increases health and damage dealt for your character. |
Vault Keycard | Straight up buy an access card to the vault, saving you time. |
5. Support Crew | These are only active during combat. |
Bomber | Bombs an area of an enemy every now and then, setting them on fire. + Tiers = more often. |
Fighter Jet | Constantly Damages a set of enemies. + Tiers = more targets. |
Pocket Healer | Permanent healing over time. + Tiers = more healing. |
Sniper | Kills a random target ever so often. + Tiers = more frequent. |
Stun Drones | Stuns a set of enemies. + Tiers = longer stun. |
Developer Words
So, apperantly some people wanted me to publish my old and wanky modes. So I did!
This is one of them and maybe I'll post some more in the future for you guys to see! 😊