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Comparing difference between and

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  • [PS4 Version : You can also use this for PC or Xbox too if you don't use PS4]
  • Physco Run
  • With a team from one against eleven.
  • Runners - 11 players
  • Physcos - 1 player
  • Runners are to run and hide from the Physco before the time runs out while Physcos have to hunt down the Runners and kill them all before time runs out for the Physco.
  • Each Runner and Physco have different abilities to assist them in-game, for Physcos each Hero will have a different play style.
  • Reinhardt is your basic run and chase killer who gets faster with his ulimate.
  • Roadhog has to hook and melee down his victims in order to kill them,
  • Winston has to use his ulimate to knockdown runners as he slowly kills them with his electric weapon.
  • All the settings are all set in place, if you want to make things more difficult then i reccomend using smaller maps.
  • Have Fun!
  • - Atomic
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