
Murder Mystery

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Murder Mystery is based on the Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT) game mode included in Garry's Mod.
About 25% of all players in a match are selected as Traitors at the start of each round. While the Traitors have to kill all innocent players, the Innocents have to figure out who's the Traitor and who's not, before the Traitors kill them. If an Innocent attacks another Innocent, the attacker will die, so make sure that you have enough evidence before you try to kill a potential Traitor.

Latest version: 1.6.9 (07/12/2020)


Traitors are randomly selected at each start of a round (max. 25% of all players). They have to kill all innocent players to win, but since they are outnumbered, they must use the element of surprise and their special abilities to reach their target.


One player in each round is selected as a Hunter, if the stealth ability for Traitors is enabled. A Hunter is an Innocent too, but has a special passive ability to reveal nearby invisible Traitors. A Hunter can also deploy a dome to trap players (preferably Traitors) inside. If a Hunter dies, you can become the new Hunter by pressing the interact key (F) on the dead body (yellow orb) of the last hunter.)


Innocents have to figure out who the Traitors are, before the Traitors kill them. Even if every other player looks suspicious, do not rush it but rather look out for burning bodies (which means that a Traitor killed them), players who act strangely (like following you all the time) or players which are still alive while other alive players are already confirmed as innocent. If you try to kill another innocent (as innocent), you will die and confirm the victim as innocent. Confirmed innocents have blue sparkles and are tagged as "Innocent". Innocents win if all Traitors are dead or the match time is running out.




Go invisible for a limited amount of time. You can't deal damage to other players while you are invisible and for 3 seconds after you left invisibility. There is a "No damage" indicator on your hud while you can't deal damage. Innocents can kill you while you are invisible.

  • Hold crouch key (CTRL) and press ability 2 key (E) to activate
  • Stealth gets canceled if you stop holding the crouch key
  • Hold secondary fire (RMB) to float above the ground and increase speed to 5.5m/s (v1.0+)
  • Duration: 30 seconds
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds

Resurrect (v1.1.0+)

Resurrect another Traitor

  • Press ultimate ability key (Q) near a dead Traitor to resurrect him
  • Resurrect takes 2 seconds. If you are killed while you resurrect a Traitor, the resurrect will be canceled
  • Resurrected Traitors are knocked down and phased out for 3 seconds after they have been resurrected
  • Only one resurrect per Traitor and round
  • **Resurrect is only available if the Traitor/Innocent ratio is below 0.25 in a round*


  • Communicate "Group up": Display small message "Come here!" to all traitors
  • Communicate "Need healing": Display small message "Help!" to all traitors
  • Communicate "Acknowledge": Display small message "Yes!" to all traitors
  • Use primary fire (LMB) to ping a static position (only one ping can be active at the same time)
  • Hold primary fire (LMB) to remove a ping

Mobile Dome (v1.1.0+)

Deploy a mobile dome to trap players inside.

  • Hold secondary fire (RMB) and point to the location where the dome should be deployed
  • Use primary fire (LMB) while still holding secondary fire (RMB) to deploy the dome
  • Players inside are trapped and can't escape the dome. Other players, which were outside while the dome was deployed, can pass through.
  • Duration: 15 seconds
  • Radius: 5 meters
  • Range: 50 meters
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds

CRIS (Close Range Infra-Sight)

Spot nearby invisible Traitors while crouching.

  • Range: 15 meters

UAV (Flying Object)

Start a UAV to fly quickly across the map. The UAV is visible to all players.


  • Hold Ultimate key (Q) for 2 seconds to start or stop the UAV
  • Hold primary fire (LMB) to fly forward
  • Hold secondary fire (RMB) to fly backward
  • Hold ability 1 key (SHIFT) to increase the speed
  • You cannot fly through walls
  • Duration: 30 seconds
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds


Move faster while holding ability 1 key (SHIFT).

  • Stamina is reduced by 12% (8% for Traitors) every second while sprinting
  • Stamina regenerates by 5% each second if you are not sprinting
  • Stamina regeneration is delayed by 3 seconds if you used up all of your stamina (0%)

Super Jump

Jump higher if you crouch first (works like Baptiste's Exo Boots).

  • Hold crouch key (CTRL) to charge
  • Press jump key (SPACE) to activate
  • If the crouch key is released, the charge will remain for 1 second
  • If the crouch key is pressed again during this time, the charge will reset
  • Range: 12 meters (full charge)
  • Charge time: 2 seconds for full charge
  • Cooldown: 12 seconds *** *** ***


  • Global Variable C at Index 0: Rounds per match (default: 5)
  • Global Variable C at Index 1: Match time in seconds (default: 270)
  • Global Variable C at Index 2: Preparation time in seconds (default: 12, don't set it too low so that players have time to spawn)
  • Global Variable C at Index 3: Players required to start the mode (default: 3)
  • Global Variable C at Index 4: Display number of alive Traitors, Hunters and Innocents (default: FALSE, only to dead players)
  • Global Variable C at Index 5: Enable Super Jump ability (default: TRUE)
  • Global Variable C at Index 6: Enable Stealth ability for Traitors (default: TRUE)
  • Global Variable C at Index 7: Enable Third Person mode (default: FALSE)
  • Global Variable C at Index 8: Tag Innocents (default: 2)

    • Value 0: Never tag as innocent
    • Value 1: Only tag as innocent if they killed a Traitor and are within sight of another Innocent
    • Value 2: Tag as innocent if they killed a Traitor or were attacked by another Innocent and are within sight of another Innocent
  • Global Variable C at Index 9: Enable UAV (default: TRUE)

  • Global Variable C at Index 10: Enable Teleporters (expand maps) (default: TRUE)

  • Global Variable C at Index 11: Enable burn effect, if a Traitor killed an Innocent (default: TRUE)

  • Global Variable C at Index 12: Enable Resurrect ability for Traitors (default: TRUE)


Murder Mystery v1.0.2


  • A scoreboard is now displayed at the end of each round with the role, kills and earned points of each player


  • You earn 5 points now if you win and 2 extra points if you are still alive


  • New config option added: Tag Innocents


  • Enabled background music while in hero select screen, after the round is finished and during overtime

Murder Mystery v1.0.1:


  • Fixed a bug where players didn't get revealed during overtime
  • Improved stability


  • Hold secondary fire (RMB) to float above the ground and increase speed to 5.5m/s
  • Cooldown increased to 30 seconds


  • Added a ring effect to show the detection range
  • Traitors can now see who the current Hunter is


  • You only get tagged as innocent now if you kill a Traitor and there is at least one other innocent in line-of-sight

Murder Mystery v0.9.9.5 (unstable):


  • Fixed a bug that reduced your sprint stamina while holding the sprint key and standing still
  • Fixed a bug where confirmed innocents sometimes didn't get tagged as innocent (speculative fix)


  • If a hunter dies, you can now become the new hunter by pressing the interact key near the dead body of the last hunter (yellow orb)


  • Zenyatta is now disabled by default


  • All config parameters are now stored in a single global variable (C)

Murder Mystery v0.9.9.4:


  • fixed a bug where Quick Melee didn't work under certain circumstances


  • increased the detection radius to 15 meters


  • updated the description

Murder Mystery v0.9.9.3:


  • Press the ability 2 key (E) while crouching to enable stealth mode and make you invisible to other players
  • Stealth mode gets cancelled after 30 seconds or if you stop holding the crouch key
  • You can't deal damage to other players while in stealth and for 3 seconds after you left stealth
  • You can take damage while in stealth
  • Stealth has a cooldown of 20 seconds


  • One player is selected as a hunter, if the stealth ability for traitors is enabled
  • A hunter is innocent too, but has a special passive ability to reveal nearby invisible traitors -> Hould crouch to make invisible traitors within a radius of 10 meters visible


  • Communicate "Group up": Display small message "Come here!" to all traitors
  • Communicate "Need healing": Display small message "Help!" to all traitors
  • Communicate "Acknowledge": Display small message "Yes!" to all traitors
  • Press interact key (F) to ping a static position (only one ping can be active at the same time)
  • Hold interact key (F) to remove a ping


  • added a countdown for the preparation phase


  • New global variables added: -> Variable T = Set match time in seconds (default: 270) -> Variable P = Set preparation time in seconds (don't set it too low so that players have time to spawn, default: 12) -> Variable H = Enable stealth ability for Traitors


  • Enabled background music for the POTG screen

Workshop Code v0.993: 92GDP

Murder Mystery v0.9.9.1:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented superjump from activating, like on elevators, tables or the destructible floor on the map Petra Workshop Code: 2DEVB

Murder Mystery v0.9.9:


  • Fixed a bug where players could activate superjump mid-air


  • Sprinting now consumes stamina. You can see your current stamina on the top-left of your screen. The stamina will be reduced by 12% every second for innocents and by 8% every second for traitors while sprinting. If your stamina is fully consumed (0%), there will be a 3s delay until it starts to recover, so it's recommended to never use up all your stamina. Stamina regeneration rate: 5% every second v0.99 Workshop Code: Y29AB


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