
Mercy paintball

Mercy Paintball:

Mercy paintball, but with special abilities.

  • Crouching activates a sheild to block damage, while you cant shoot when using this ability, you can melee!
  • Earning a kill earns you one granade, usable by pressing secondary fire.
  • Pressing crouch while in the air allows you to "fast fall" or rather, fall faster till you hit the ground.

2 modes in 1!
pre game - team deathmatch
fight with your allies in a casual no score mode till the lobby fills!

regular - elimination
fight and resurrect teammates in a fastpased mode with friends!

potential changes

  • more 24/7 hosting rules for when anyone decides to host this can do so afk
  • add bots to a team when a player is missing, that way a player doesnt have to sit out a round if they choose
  • add bots pre game for when theres less than 6 players in the lobby
  • more gamemodes! i might even include mercy boxing in the mix for the heck of it

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