
Just Genjis and Beats | J.G.A.B.

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"Just Genjis and Beats" is an Overwatch workshop remake of Berserk Studio's Just Shapes and Beats.

"Just Genjis and Beats" is a co-op bullet hell gamemode where you must avoid enemy projectiles, dodge enemy crowd-control, and avoid dying, which is inevitable.

Up to 4 players can play at once. There are several difficulties to play on, higher difficulties introduce a variety of new enemies and overall an increase in difficulty. Players can also use their abilities to get them out of difficult situations.

Round Phases

Normal Phase

  • This phase takes up the first half of the round (minus the warm-up phase).
  • The normal phase is when all enemies that are able to spawn at the specified difficulty spawn.

Warm-Up Phase

  • This phase takes place in the first 15 seconds of the round.
  • The warm-up phase is nearly identical to how it is in the normal phase, however, enemies that provide CC are disabled.
  • For Example:
    • Displacers
    • Piercers

Final Phase

  • This phase takes up the second half of the round.
  • The final phase is a more difficult version of the normal phase. During this phase, enemies spawn quicker.


Pharah Pharah


Tier I Rocketeer

  • The Tier I Rocketeer appears near the ceiling of the chamber, and will fire rockets towards the players below.
  • This tier of Rocketeer will fire low-speed projectiles.

Tier II Rocketeer

  • The Tier II Rocketeer appears near the ceiling of the chamber, and will fire rockets towards the players below.
  • This tier of Rocketeer will fire medium-speed projectiles.

Tier III Rocketeer

  • The Tier III Rocketeer appears near the ceiling of the chamber, and will fire rockets towards the players below.
  • This tier of Rocketeer will fire high-speed projectiles.


  • The Displacer will also appear near the ceiling of the chamber, however, will fire a concussive blast that will knock enemies away from the collision point rather than a rocket.

Orisa Orisa


Tier I Gunner

  • The Tier I Gunner will appear on either side of the chamber, and will fire several bullets towards the players.
  • This tier of Gunner fires medium-speed projectiles.

Tier II Gunner

  • The Tier II Gunner will appear on either side of the chamber, and will fire several bullets towards the players.
  • This tier of Gunner fires high-speed projectiles.


  • The Halter will appear on either side of the chamber, and will throw a spear that will stun any players hit by it.

Mei Mei



  • The Freezer appears on the floor of the chamber and after a short duration will create a freezing beam upwards. This beam will begin to slow the player if they touch it.

Reinhardt Reinhardt



  • The Groundbreaker will fall from the ceiling on either side of the chamber, when they contact the ground, they will send a shattering blow across that side of the chamber. This blow will stun the player if they are close enough to the ground when it happens.


  • The Charger is the only character (currently) that breaks the 2D plane. They appear on the wall of the chamber that is opposite of the camera. They will charge through a random lane and will instantly eliminate any players that get hit.


Movement Abilities

Swift Strike Dash

  • Dash in the direction you’re facing. Become immune to damage and gain ultimate charge for every projectile you dash through.

Blink Blink

  • Instantly teleport in the direction you’re facing.

Grappling Hook Grapple Hook

  • Get pulled towards the nearest ally (only works with multiple people).

Defense Abilities

Deflect Deflect

  • Deflect incoming projectiles.

Captive Sun Crystallize

  • Temporarily be protected against a certain threshold of damage at the cost of receiving more knockback.

Swift Step Flash Step

  • Temporarily phase out of the arena and dodge all projectiles, CC, and enemies.

Ultimate Abilities

Outburst Eradication

  • Instantly eliminate all enemies and their projectiles.

Amp It Up Slo-Mo

  • Temporarily slow down time.

Resurrect 1-UP

  • Gain 1 Hitpoint (does not work in Chaos Mode or when Max HP).

Workshop Settings


Enable/Disable the ability types to your liking.

Default Settings

  • Enable Movement Abilities: On
    • Determines whether Movement Abilities are enabled or not.
  • Enable Defense Abilities: On
    • Determines whether Defense Abilities are enabled or not.
  • Enable Ultimate Abilities: On
    • Determines whether Ultimate Abilities are enabled or not.


Customize settings that change how difficult the gamemode is.

Default Settings

  • Difficulty: 5
    • Determines the difficulty level of the round.
  • Player Health: 5
    • Determines how many times a player can get hit by projectiles before they are eliminated (minus the charger).
  • Round Length (in seconds): 120
    • Determines the length of the round.

Extra Modes

Enable/Disable any of the extra modes that available.

Default Settings

  • Chaos Mode: Off
    • Chaos mode greatly increases the difficulty of the round. Enemy spawn weights and rates are changed, enemy projectiles are faster, more accurate, and slightly altered in some cases. Players are also limited to ONE LIFE. This is the most challenging mode in the game, and it might not even be possible (I haven't beated it myself).

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