
SIlly Goofy Changes (30 Heroes Modified)

**Thank you for checking out my silly goofy scrim!

Below I have listed every change, categorised respectively.**

This Version includes 30 heroes. (8 tanks, 13 Damage, 9 Supports.)


Fall damage is enabled. yes you heard that right. Careful where you're falling from, it might kill you if you're weak!

Dying to fall damage displays a message showing who died accompanied by a random message e.g "player succombed to gravity."

Throughout the match, you may get randomly prompted to melee, failing to do so kills you. this is the QUICK! Melee mechanic, a quick time event.

Passive: Healthy = Tougher.

Becoming fully healed from sources excluding yourself will grant 50 armor temporarily.

Release Version - August 2024

Tank Changes


Befus' Comment: D.Va's boosters' knockback was proven to be rather ineffective, so it's been amplified just slightly to give it more of an effect.

  • Knockback Increased By 275%


Befus Comment: Doomfist can now more effectively follow up on punched targets, or this may be an inconvenience. Power Block now grants doomfist greatly increased speed. (this is an april fools original change.)

Rocket Punch
  • Now sends victims upwards diagonally.

  • Now stuns punched victims regardless of wall contact.

Power Block
  • Grants 275% Movement Speed during Block

Junker Queen

Befus Comment. A little bit lame, but also fun, her commanding shout poisons nearby enemies, and her knife pulls in ALOT more harshly.

Jagged Blade
  • Pulls in alot more aggressively.

Commanding Shout
  • Poisons Enemies nearby her when she activates it

  • Cooldown increased from 12 to 14 seconds.


Befus Comment: Allowing Orisa free vertical movement allows for more fun and engaging opportunities instead of defaulting to orisa's normal playstyle.

Javelin Spin
  • Propels orisa in her facing direction. (April Fools original ability.)


Befus Comment: Ramattra can feel sometimes like he can never get close enough to his enemies, or that he's TOO close, which is why we've given him a way to bring enemies closer and a way to propel them away, all in his new rework. Aswell as this, ramattra's regular pummels are gonna feel a lot harsher, with their slight damage increase.

Void Barrier (Omnic Form)
  • Holding the void barrier placement mode up will pull nearby enemies you're looking at. Deals low damage to victims.

Nemesis Form
  • Damage per pummel increased from 65-77 per hit.

  • strongly propels nearby enemies away from ramattra upon casting.


Befus Comment: Reinhardt, Oh reinhardt, how many changes can i give you before you're balanced? As many as I want, but anyway..

Reinhardt Has received flight on almost every aspect of his kit, to give him the vertical mobility he never once had.
As well as this, Reinhardt is benefited further, with:
Minor damage increase
All Attacks do an extra 15 damage.

  • Allows for flight. Hold jump to go upwards and hold crouch to go down.

  • Fire strikes are sent forward with reinhardt when he charges, which ricochet a few times.

  • Pin wall impact reduced from 315-204.

Barrier Field
  • Slowly floats reinhardt upwards when using with a relatively high maximum height.

  • Lowers reinhardt's gravity when in the air, persists after dropping barrier. (ends when on ground)

Wrecking Ball

Befus Comment: I felt as though wrecking ball's pilot, hammond, wasn't acting enough like an unpredictable small rodent, so he now acts as so.

Wrecking ball's new effect on grapple hit targets allows for him to easily deal some follow-up damage.

Passive: Fat fingered.

Hammond will randomly press a button occasionally, including your ultimate.

Grappling Claw
  • Now lowers the gravity of hit enemies briefly.


Befus Comment: Zarya can now effectively flank and earn kills for her team with her new found jump tech.

Particle Cannon
  • Secondary Fire: Propels Zarya upwards with it when she hits herself with it, aswell as immensely increasing speed until hitting the ground.

Damage Changes


Befus Comment: We felt Ashe's coach gun wasn't portraying the realistic effects of headbutting a wall at high speeds, so hitting a wall now correctly portrays this.
Ashe's new deployable friend, M.O.R.G.A.N, Is a new and improved version of B.O.B, doing everything just a little bit better. Gone are the days of waiting for your friend to hit a wall before firing, M.O.R.G.A.N starts firing almost immediately! Gone are the days of expecting who your friend will hit, this one shoots 360!

Coach Gun
  • Now Knocks enemies 50% further.

  • Now knocks Ashe 25% Further.

  • Removed.

  • Replaced by M.O.R.G.A.N.

  • Deploy a Lucio bot that, shortly after deployment, starts spinning and firing homing projectiles around him.


Befus Comment: I felt that bastion wasn't very effective at intimidating the enemy, so he can now shoot many more tac' grenades in sentry form.

Configuration: Assault
  • A-36 tactical Grenade cooldown during this form reduced to 0.1 seconds.

  • Damage during turret form reduced to 40%.

  • Tactical Grenade Button can be held for automatic firing.


Befus Comment: We felt cassidy's lack of vertical mobility was hindering his effectiveness, so the changes to his combat roll should fix these limitations.
The change to cassidy's Flashbang was to create an easier scenario for cassidy to earn an elimination on the affected target/s, making flashbang more similar to its Overwatch 1 Counterpart.

Combat Roll
  • Lowers the player's gravity briefly, and propels you in your facing direction.

  • Knocks nearby enemies away from where it detonates.

  • Stuns affected enemies on explosion.


Befus Comment: Echo will now have a shorter yet faster flight to give her more unpredictable movement during it, and make her attacks happen faster.

Duplicate's change of randomising everybody's hero is to counteract an echo duplicating for an advantage, to add a little bit of crazyness and unpredictability to upcoming fights, and to have a factory reset of the entire match's ultimate economy.

  • Sets player's move speed to 160% of its normal speed during use.

  • Duration Halved.

  • Sets everybody in the lobby to a random hero for 10 seconds, then reverts back. resets ultimate charge.


Befus Comment: Genji to me felt very unimpactful during long team fights, which is why I have decided to implement a minigun modification into his suit.

The change implemented to his deflect aims to incentivise critical hits and aiming at enemies with the deflect, if they don't already.

  • 3-Round Burst: Removed.

  • Now shoots Automatic Hitscan shurikens.

  • Deals 11 damage each, with a 1.8x crit multiplier.

  • Now Stuns, Slows, And poisons enemies hit with deflected projectiles.


Befus Comment: Why not? I wanted to have exactly 30 heroes, and I had some semi-cool ideas.

Ice Block
  • Pushes nearby enemies away and damages them.

  • Affected frozen players begin floating.

An error was found in the Hero Update markdown


Befus Comment: Reaper's rework aims to make his players more focused on staying sneaky, even more so than they normally should, as his shotguns do much less damage overall with their increased recovery time and reduced damage.

Hellfire Shotguns
  • Recovery time increased from 0.496 to 0.510 seconds.

  • Ammo increased from 8 to 10.

  • Maximum damage per pellet decreased from 5.4-4.7.

  • Minimum damage per pellet decreased from 1.62-1.41

Shadow Step
  • Removed.

  • Replacing Shadow Step: Home Reaping.

  • Press Ability 2 to fire forward a homing missile.

  • Cooldown: 7 seconds.

Death Blossom
  • Ultimate charge gained by combat increased by 8%.


To balance sojourn's offensive capabilities, she receives carpet burn per the realistic pain of sliding quickly across the ground.

Power Slide
  • Deals carpet burn to sojourn when sliding across the ground.

Soldier: 76

Befus Comment: Allowing soldier: 76 to gain speed as he travels the battlefield is a great move as it allows him to contest objectives and swiftly reposition or charge towards a widowmaker in the enemy backline, it's a multi-purpose skill to have.

Allowing his helix rockets to fire a complementary healing bomb is there to incentivise playing more of a healer: 76 playstyle, completely opposing the previous change's aim. Pick your playstyle!

  • Gradually gains speed throughout use unless the objective is in overtime. Limits at ~250% speed.

  • Maximising the speed stuns, and burns the player.

Helix Rockets
  • Now accompanied by a healing bomb travelling with the rockets.

An error was found in the Hero Update markdown


Befus Comment: If I'm being honest I didn't have any better ideas and this sounded pretty cool, so tracer's health and size is randomised upon recalling, for a short period of time.

  • Sets tracer to a random size and health higher or lower than normal, for 7 seconds.


Befus Comment: Making widowmaker grow when she is scoped in is a change implemented to add more difficulty to hitting your shots, as widowmaker can seem very irritating to die to. In testing this also indirectly ruined widowmaker's sneak kill potential off spawn, as she is massive and very visible for anyone with relatively good vision.

Widowmaker's scoped shots may also sometimes explode, dealing big damage.

Widow's Kiss
  • Secondary Fire enlarges player. Shooting/Unscoping resets this.

  • Shots have a low chance to explode, dealing 400 additional damage.

Support Changes


Befus Comment: Making slept enemies float is a fitting change, as sleeping can feel heavenly.

Sleep Dart
  • Makes the victim float until woken up.


Befus Comment: Baptiste now gradually gains speed like soldier: 76 when crouched, although lasting alot less time, as crouching is painful, more so than running.

Exo Boots
  • Now accelerate baptiste gradually when he crouches for a brief period, Before stunning him and slowing him down.


Befus Comment: We want to make briefcase a more offensive support who doesnt need to focus on supporting her team, so she's getting a rework to her whipshot and can now float up with her shield

Barrier Shield
  • Floats the player when using.

  • Now pulls enemies towards the player.


Befus Comment: Making juno float permanently only felt fitting, but it is very annoying to actually deal with, so its been heavily adjusted during testing to be almost disadvantageous to be in the air, i think. But she is still very fun to use.

Gravity Removed.
Speed increased.

Glide Boost
  • Removed.

Hyper Ring
  • Cooldown Reduced.

Pulsar Torpedoes
  • Cooldown Reduced.


Befus Comment: To make kiriko a little more balanced, her players now have to learn to track their floating teammates when she heals them. One step closer to a balanced support.

Healing Ofuda
  • Makes the healee float when healed.


Befus Comment: I felt that lifeweaver's line of sight limitations to his life grip were too restraining, disallowing any creative plays or overtime point contests, so when a teammate is far enough but not too far, you can grip them through walls.

Aswell as these two changes, he's also getting a reimagined parting gift passive: The Sentient Vengeance. This is a slow moving, ricocheting orb that deals high damage to enemies it hits.

Life Grip
  • Can now be activated through walls.

  • Minimum distance: 25m

  • Maximum distance: 55m

  • Cooldown for Non-LOS grip: 30s

New Passive: Sentient Vengeance.
  • Sent out when lifeweaver dies. A slow moving homing orb that deals high AoE damage when hitting players.


Befus Comment: Making Lùcio's Sound Wave Send people further is a change i felt he needed. How many times have you failed to get someone off of the map because they didn't go a meter further from the boop, Zylnoodle? Well that should not be an issue now, as sound wave is much better.

  • Knockback Increased by 25%.


Moira can now heal with her biotic grasp alt fire, while still being able to damage with it. The same goes in the opposite way for her Primary Fire. This Heals AND damages depending on who you're shooting it at.

Biotic Grasp
  • Healing mist can damage enemies aswell as heal.

  • Alt Fire can heal teammates aswell as damage.


Befus Comment: Zenyatta to me felt like he didnt have enough mobility in general or enough damage potential when using his ultimate, which is why both aspects have been tuned to welcome a change as such.

Orb Volley
  • Zenyatta floats while charging volley.

  • Movespeed Reduced by 35%

  • Deals damage in a radius around you.

That's all. Happy Goofing! This was made for https://Discord.GG/Lifeweaver. Please go check it out, the owner is extremely cool.

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