
Core Enforcers

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Inspired by modes like Hero Mastery: Gauntlet, and Rein Invasion. Step into a simulation where your main goal is to fight off 16 waves of challenging enemies, and protect your core from their attacks with 14 different upgrades!

┏━━━━ SPECIAL THANKS ━━━━━┓


━ Creator of Rein Invasion, big inspiration for Core Enforcers


━ Assisted in multiple design choices and optimizing the mode


━ Motivated me to make the first release through a friendly competition

━ And all of the friendly folk in the Discord!

━ Supporting me and cheering me on through this project!

┏━━━━ CHANGELOG ━━━━━┓

┏━━━ VERSION 1.0.0 ━━━┓

┣━ First build of the game released, in playtesting phase

┏━━━ VERSION 1.0.5 ━━━┓

┣━ Integrated system to allow Overwatch AI to work in games
┣━ Fixed a bug that prematurely started rounds
┣━ Changed Moving Wall Beams to be Static
┣━ Gave Tank Role Passive Health to All Players
┣━ Added a nerf to Pharah and Echo that increases their gravity as they take more damage

┏━━━ VERSION 1.1.0 ━━━┓

┣━ Added beams at the bottom of the map
┣━ Changed Airstrike to a 5 burst effect
(Time between airstrikes set to 0.25s)
(Time between bursts set to 3s)
┣━ Changed it so enemy count increases from rounds 6-10 rather than 2-6
┣━ Changed it so Overwatch AIs immediately Ready when the round ends
┣━ Changed respawns to increase every time a player dies (2s * each death)
┣━ Reduced Shop Texts
┣━ Changed Shop Navigation from Cursor Menu to Scroll Menu
(If you hold down one direction for 0.75 seconds, it'll auto scroll (less sore fingies))
┣━ Replaced Turret Upgrades with Cannon Upgrades
(Cannon upgrades add a cannon to the core, which the core shoots out of)
┣━ Fixed a bug that gave players extra energy or less energy for existing
┣━ Fixed a bug that prevented Stun and Slowdown Fields from working
┣━ Fixed a bug where the Heal Pulse effect would only display half of its true area
┣━ Fixed punctuation inconsistencies of some upgrade descriptions
┣━ Increased Flame Cannon damage from 5 to 15
┣━ Increased Freeze Cannon damage from 5 to 20
┣━ Increased Knockback Cannon fire rate from 0.4/s to 2/s
┣━ Increased Starting Energy from 300 to 500
┣━ Increased Timer to 2:30
┣━ Introduced Role Limits
┣━ Lowered Ballistic Cannon damage from 15 to 12.5
┣━ Lowered Ballistic Cannon fire rate from 5/s to 4/s
┣━ Lowered Flame Cannon fire rate from 10/s to 4/s
┣━ Lowered Freeze Cannon fire rate from 10/s to 1.25/s
┣━ Lowered Knockback Cannon damage from 40 to 10
┣━ Removed the grid at the top of the map
┣━ Removed Ability to swap heroes mid-round
┣━ Added Upgrade: Swap Hero
┣━ Added Message when player buys an upgrade to display to other players

┏━━━ VERSION 1.1.1 ━━━┓

┣━ Added Names to final bosses
┣━ Removed speed boost from final bosses
┣━ Fixed a bug that allowed a charging Reinhardt to instantly kill the core (Thank you AiluRed!)
┣━ Fixed a bug that made it so the field effects aren't accurate to their position
┣━ Fixed a bug that kept Rein from attacking the core despite being in range
┣━ Added Ready and Incoming lines during the pre-wave
┣━ Added Icons and Text to show where shopping players are
┣━ Stun Field now deals 50 damage to whoever it affects
┣━ Lowered time between initial Heal Pulse from 8 to 4
(Heal Pulse still has an 8 second cooldown, but it'll start pulsing 4 seconds after the round starts instead of 8 like the Knockback Pulse)
┣━ Fixed a bug that didn't apply core collision in the proper place

┏━━━ VERSION 1.1.5 ━━━┓


┣━ Removed chance for 2 tanks to be played in rounds
┣━ Set amount of enemies to scale with amount of players (5 * Player Count)
┣━ Fixed a bug that caused the Ballistic Turret and Swap Hero upgrade to not show its status properly
┣━ Added 3 new voice lines to the wave start
┣━ Fixed a bug that caused the final wave to show up as "Wave 16" instead of "Boss Wave"
┣━ Barrels are no longer permanent, and can only be rebought once all 10 are used
┣━ Fixed it so that the boss wave no longer forces one hero on the enemy team to be Ramattra

┏━━━ VERSION 1.2.0 ━━━┓


┣━ Upgraded the AI of multiple heroes
(Baptiste Crouch jumping, Kiriko Swift Stepping and Suzuing, Lifeweaver using Life Grip smartly, and much more!)
┣━ Added Wave and Enemy events
(Events have a 10% chance of appearing on normal rounds, and will always apply every 5th round. Events will NEVER apply on round 1 (including with the "Eventful" challenge))
┣━ ---WAVE EVENTS---
(Speedy Enemies - (Increase enemy speed by 50%))
(Explosive Enemies - (Upon death, enemies explode and deal 100 damage to all players within a 3 meter radius))
(Big Enemies - (Increase enemy size and health by 50%))
(Small Enemies - (Decrease enemy size and health by 50%))
(Fogged Up - (Create a sheet of fog around the map, disables all forms of non-workshop HUD))
(Fiery Fiesta - (Mauga, Ashe Torbjorn, Illari, Zenyatta))
(Old Timers - (Reinhardt, Torbjorn, Soldier: 76, Mercy, Ana))
(Debuff Hell - (Mauga, Sombra, Cassidy, Ana, Zenyatta))
(Winton - (Winston, Winston, Winston, Winston, Winston))
(Found Family - (Ramattra, Genji, Hanzo, Kiriko, Zenyatta))
(Oops! all Tanks/Damage/Supports - (5 heroes of that specific role))
┣━ Added Challenge modes in the workshop settings
(Eventful - (Every wave has an event))
(Half Core - (Core has half as much health))
(Limited Upgrades - (Every three rounds, upgrades are removed))
(Mystery Swap - (Changes your hero each round to a random one))
(Single Life - (All player deaths are permanent. If all players die, the game is over))

┏━━━ VERSION 1.2.1 ━━━┓

┣━ Knockback pulse now deals 50 damage
┣━ Maximum enemy count reduced from 15 to 5
┣━ Maximum time between enemy spawns Increased from 1 to 1.5
┣━ Time between enemy spawns can now lower by wave
┣━ Increased event chance from 10% to 20%
┣━ Fixed a bug that halved boss enemy health
┣━ Fixed a bug that stopped Stun Barrels from being repurchasable
┣━ Lowered Core health to 25000
┣━ Hotfixed a bug that caused heroes like Illari and Baptiste to only shoot downwards

┏━━━ VERSION 1.2.2 ━━━┓

┣━ Hotfixed a bug that caused certain heroes to use their facing direction specific abilities incorrectly
┣━ Removed Enemy Events
┣━ Removed Team Comp Based Enemies
┣━ Added Spawning inclusion for all heroes
(After a hero is chosen for a wave once, they will not be chosen again until all heroes from that role have been chosen, or in support and dps' case, less than 2 left)
┣━ Removed Kill Feed
┣━ Added Upgrade HUD to the right side of the screen
┣━ Added rebuying barrels before all 10 are used
┣━ Added "Oops! All Tanks", "Oops! All Damage", and "Oops! All Support" to the Wave Events section
┣━ Added Enemies To Kill counter
┣━ Changed collision of the Core and Walls to be less clunky
┣━ Fixed an oversight that caused hanzo to have 3 storm arrows instead of 5

┏━━━ VERSION 1.2.5 ━━━┓

┣━ Fixed a bug that caused the match to restart prematurely after the game is lost
┣━ Added Challenge Elite Strength (Every enemy is an elite variant)
┣━ Added Challenge Endless mode (It's here!)
┣━ Added 15 different Elite enemies, which all have an extra 25% health and size
(PROTECTING ELITE: Protects nearby enemies from all damage)
(FAST ELITE: Increases elite speed by 25%)
(REGENERATING ELITE: Heals elite by 25% over time)
(GRAVITATIONAL ELITE: Creates a black hole above the elite that pulls players towards it)
(BERSERK ELITE: Increases damage dealt and damage received by 25%)
(FROZEN ELITE: Decreases player speed by 30% for 1 second on hit)
(REFLECTING ELITE: Reflects 25% of damage back at the attacker)
(EXPLOSIVE ELITE: Explodes for 60 damage * wave upon death)
(SHIELDING ELITE: Adds 50 * wave shield health to the elite)
(DRAINING ELITE: Decreases player's ultimate charge and adds cooldowns upon hit)
(TOXIC ELITE: Deals 5 * wave damage over time to nearvy players)
(STALWART ELITE: Decreases damage received and speed of elite by 50%)
(TELEPORTING ELITE: Teleports 7.5m in a random direction upon taking damage (CD: 1s))
(HEALING ELITE: Sends out a wave of healing that heals for 10 * wave health to all nearby enemies)
(CLOAKING ELITE: Makes the elite invisible)

┏━━━ VERSION 1.2.6 ━━━┓

┣━ Fixed a bug that caused draining elites to reduce their cooldowns instead of increase their targets
┣━ Fixed a bug that caused Mystery Swap to override the Single Life challenge
┣━ Fixed a bug that allowed players to buy the Swap Hero upgrade while doing the Mystery Swap challenge

┏━━━━ UPGRADES ━━━━━┓

Micro Missiles Ballistic Cannon Flurry Freeze Cannon Fire Strike Flame Cannon Rocket Punch Knockback Cannon
Adds a cannon to the core that shoots at nearby enemies. Adds a cannon to the core that shoots ice balls at nearby enemies. Adds a cannon to the core that shoots Fire Strikes at nearby enemies. Adds a cannon to the core that shoots knockback projectiles at nearby enemies.
Cryo Freeze Frost Barrels Hellfire Desire Explosive Barrels Flashbang Stun Barrels
Spawns several barrels near the core that explode and freeze nearby enemies. Spawns several barrels near the core that explode and damage nearby enemies. Spawns several barrels near the core that explode and stun nearby enemies.
Role Damage Damage Boost Shockwave Stun Field Cage Fight Slow Field
Increases damage for all allies within 8 meters of the core by 25% Creates an area that orbits the core and stuns enemies within its radius. Creates an area that orbits the core and slows enemies within its radius.
Modifier: Death From Above Airstrike Soundwave Knockback Pulse Cardiac Overdrive Core Heal Regenerative Burst Heal Pulse
Sends out a burst of 5 airstrikes every 3 seconds around the core, damaging enemies within the blast. Repulses all enemies within 20 meters of the core. Heals the core by 25% over 30 seconds. Heals all allies within 20 meters of the core.
Duplicate Swap Hero
Sends you to the hero select menu.

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