

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

This is a FFA variant of Chaos Mystery Heroes.

Click here for the original version: CHAOS MYSTERY HEROES

Is Mystery Heroes too basic and sometimes frustrating? Now its time to make a change.
Prepare for even more CHAOTIC version of Mystery Heroes!
Instead of swapping heroes when you die and being stuck with a hero you didn't want...

NOW every player swaps heroes after a specified amount of time!
Adapt to new and unexpected events, farm ultimates and use them on a hero more suitable for the current situation!
Strategize and use your knowledge of next hero to your advantage! Use sombra to hide behind the enemy and swap to bastion and melt your enemies. Play wrecking ball and grapple onto the point and swap to torbjörn and smelt your enemies with your ultimate. There are countless of strategies to use.

What this workshop contains:

Swap Timer: Once depleted, every player swaps heroes.

Health and Ultimate Inheritance: Player health and ultimate are calculated with percentage and passed onto the next hero! Farm ultimate power on another hero and use it on a hero, which ultimate is more suitable! Causion! Ultimates used on previous hero despawn on swap. Time it correctly!

Hero Information: The next hero the player swaps to is show on the top left corner of the screen.


Made by Mirex
Date of release 15.1.2024, 5.02am

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