
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Configurable and Modular RANDOMness!

Up to three random Modifiers at once in addition to option to have most Modifiers on permanently! Everything is configurable through Workshop Settings including how long each Mod will last.


Mod Color Text Original Author Original Workshop Name Workshop Code
Disable Gravity OOPS, forgot to pay the gravity bill Herrkai OverComplicated 5HDFT
Slow Down Time When the video isn't 10 minutes long yet Herrkai OverComplicated 5HDFT
Switch Players to Random Hero Identity crisis Herrkai OverComplicated 5HDFT
Shrink Players Worse than legos...
Scale Players Mushroom power Herrkai OverComplicated 5HDFT
Deny Use of Ults No ults for you! Herrkai OverComplicated 5HDFT
Aim Sensitivity Don't be so sensative... hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Button Mash Cat on my keyboard Herrkai OverComplicated 5HDFT
Hyperspeed Bullets Everybody is hitscan Herrkai OverComplicated 5HDFT
Disable Player HUDs Cinematic mode Herrkai OverComplicated 5HDFT
Juggernaut Juggernaut hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Glass Cannon Glass Cannon hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Third Person Did someone press F5? Herrkai OverComplicated 5HDFT
Deadly Melee One Punch! hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Wall Hack Hello there... Herrkai OverComplicated 5HDFT
Regain Health REGENERATION hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Backwards Movement Only Take it back now ya'll hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Fatal Jumps Don't jump: Seriously don't do it... hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Phase Thru Walls I'm a ghoooost! hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Forced Jump Jumping Bean hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Extra Shields Mo' Cushion hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Extreme Knockback Leaf in the wind... hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Explosive Elimination Explosive Elimination hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Burning Rage Burning Rage hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Lag Lag: A gamers worst nightmare hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Fall Damage I've fallen and I can't get up! hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Slow Projectiles Mooninite Weaponry hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Sun Allergy Sun Allergy hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Infinite Jumps Double jumping just wasn't enough... hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Shockwave Don't stand so... don't stand so hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Agile Agile hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Flying Bastions Curse you, Red Baron! hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Emote to kill Emote to kill hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Chaos Mystery Heroes Mirex Chaos Mystery Heroes FJVP9
Hurt to Heal Bloodthirst hotwheelfan2014 Roll The Dice Resurgance! 42SRJ
Rainbows RAINBOWS! andygmb Rainbow Overwatch VOYYY
Power Outage L.A. Skyline Timebomb Power Outage AKSCF
Kinetic Deathmatch Repulsive Gel Josbird Kinetic Deathmatch SZZKN
Resurrect Dead Players The old Mercy experience Herrkai OverComplicated 5HDFT
Tron TRON Blockout22 HansterTron RQR6S
Hack Players r/masterhacker Herrkai OverComplicated 5HDFT
Machine Gun Zenyatta Zenyattamatic Windows15 Zenyatta Machine Gun X1WSG
Random Ultimates MonStar All heroes have random ultimage BXH5T
Killer Teleports to Victim Empathetic killer ronan Absynth PvP Minigames Collection NH0WY
Killer Changes to Victim's Hero Killing really changes you... ronan Absynth PvP Minigames Collection NH0WY
Damage-Based Scale Growing Pains
Damage Converted to Knockback Nerfed That Scourge Overwatch, but damage deals knockback RF9PA
Trippy Visuals Whoah, like, trippy!
Stats Increase over Time The Quick and The Dead
Random Ability
Cooldown Reduction/ Increase Cooldown Heatup Puuro

Calvinball works with any number of Players, any combination of Heroes, on any Map, and in any of the Modes that are enabled by default. It can also work in Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch Modes, but the Random Ability and Random Ultimates Mods will be broken as the method that those Modes uses to change characters messes with the timing.

While you can play Calvinball with the default settings it comes with, it will probably not be the best way to experience it.

Mess around with the Workshop Settings! There are other options besides which Mods to enable...
Or load in a Preset!

Preset Name Code Difference from Default Link
Fighter Plane Bastion 28RRVK Permanents Enabled: Flying Bastion, Explosive Elimination, Random Abilities and Ultimates. Only Abilities and Ultimates that would be useful in the context are turned on. Other Mods set appropriately
Flying Warship Bastion EVGTK Same as above W/O Random Ultimates. Bastion is always in Tank Form, Switches to Sentry for Ult
Polymorph GYEE8 Permanents Enabled: Chaos Mystery Heroes, Damage Based Scaling, Killer Changes to Victim's Hero, Stats Increase over Time, and Random Abilities and Ultimates. Other Mods set appropriately
More Mayhem 9K6KD Permanents Enabled: Random Abilities and Ultimates. Health of all Heroes Doubled, all Cooldowns except for Sleep Darts are 4X faster, Sleep Darts are 2X faster. Other Mods set appropriately
Knockback Attack VBXTM Permanents Enabled: Damage Converted to Knockback. Only maps with fun boop ledges included. Other Mods set appropriately
If you can Dodge a Wrench... 1RGTB Permanents Enabled: Kinetic Deathmatch, Wallhack, Third Person, and Random Abilities and Ultimates. You are always Hammond in Ball Form w/ Infinite Grappling Claw, half Health, and no Adaptive Shield (changes made through Heroes settings) EXCEPT when using Random Abilities or Ultimate. Added rule to increase Knockback dealt while Hammond. Other Mods set appropriately

If you encounter any problems, have any questions, or have a suggestion for a Preset feel free to reach out. I am known as Videoclip in OW.

Additional Credits:
In general the Color Text is taken from the Workshops that I took the code from. Code has been adapted and changed. Credits might not be the first entity to come up with the idea, but it's where I got it.
Concept of Mods that change over time + a lot of underlying code:
Herrkai, OverComplicated, 5HDFT
Calvinball Info Screen adapted from: Josbird, Kinetic Deathmatch, SZZKN
Color Text for Power Outage: Thaddycat

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