The perfect place to practice your nanoblades
Spawning Modes
In the default spawning mode, bots simply stay at their positions when they die. To activate default spawning, place a ring spawn point and remove it.
Ring Spawning
In the ring spawning mode, bots are teleported to a random position in the ring after they die. This is great for a quick-setup with unpredictable bot locations. To activate ring spawning, navigate to the "Ring Spawning" menu page and place a ring, or press Reload if you already have a ring placed.
Preset Points Spawning
In the preset points spawning mode, bots are teleported to one of the random points you place, and move off a bit in a random direction, the distance depending on your variance value. To activate preset points spawning, navigate to the "Preset Points Spawning" menu page and place a spawn point, or press Reload if you already have spawn points placed.
Menu Pages
While in edit mode, press Ability 1 + Secondary Fire to go to the next page, and Ability 1 + Primary Fire to go to the previous page
Actions available on the "General" menu page
Keybind | Action | Description |
Primary Fire |
Create Bot (or Drop) | Creates a bot if you are not already holding one. If you are holding a bot, drop it. Hold this keybind to rapidly create bots |
Secondary Fire | Grab Bot | Grabs the nearest bot to your crosshair and makes them follow your placement sphere. Primary fire to drop. |
Ability 2 | Change Bot Hero | Selects the nearest bot to your crosshair and puts you in hero select. Select the hero you want the bot to be (can't make two of the same hero) |
Ultimate |
Remove Bot | Removes the bot nearest to your crosshair |
Ability 1 + Ultimate | Remove All Bots | Removes all bots |
Reload | Place Reset Marker | Marks the location you're aiming at as your reset point. When all bots die, you will be teleported to this reset point (or put back into edit mode if you don't have one) |
Ability 1 + Reload | Remove Reset Marker | Removes your reset marker |
Melee | Increase Placement Distance | Increases the distance at which bots are held when grabbed, reset point is placed, ring is placed, and preset spawning points are placed while held |
Ability 1 + Melee | Decrease Placement Distance | Decreases the distance at which bots are held when grabbed, reset point is placed, ring is placed, and preset spawning points are placed while held |
Actions available on the "Modifiers" menu page
Keybind | Action | Description |
Ultimate | Toggle Nanoboost Damage | Decides whether Ana will give you nanoboost |
Ability 1 + Ultimate | Toggle Nanoboost VFX | Decides whether Ana will actually give you nanoboost. If disabled and nanoboost damage is enabled, you will still have the damage buff. |
Ability 2 | Toggle Unlimited Dashes | Decides whether to give your dash cooldown back whenever possible |
Melee | Toggle Instakill | Decides whether to kill bots upon any damage |
Ring Spawning
Actions available on the "Ring Spawning" menu page
Keybind | Action | Description |
Primary Fire | Place Ring | Place a ring at the location you're aiming at. Hold this keybind to move the ring |
Secondary Fire | Remove Ring |
Removes ring and changes to default spawning mode |
Ultimate |
Increase Ring Radius | Increases the radius of the spawn ring while held |
Ability 1 + Ultimate |
Decrease Ring Radius |
Decreases the radius of the spawn ring while held |
Ability 2 | Increase Ring Height | Increases the height of the spawn ring while held |
Ability 1 + Ability 2 | Decrease Ring Height | Decreases the height of the spawn ring while held |
Reload | Reshuffle Bots / Set Spawn Mode | Sets the current spawning mode to Ring Spawning and shuffles the bots to new locations within the ring |
Melee | Toggle Respawn At Nearest Walkable Position | Decides whether bots will be teleported to a position that is guaranteed to be reachable |
Preset Points Spawning
Actions available on the "Preset Points Spawning" menu page
Keybind | Action | Description |
Primary Fire | Place Spawn Point | Place a ring at the location you're aiming at. Hold this keybind to move the ring |
Secondary Fire | Remove Spawn Point | Removes ring and changes to default spawning mode |
Ultimate | Remove All Spawn Points | Increases the radius of the spawn ring while held |
Ability 2 | Increase Spawn Variance | Increases the spawn variance while held |
Ability 1 + Ability 2 | Decrease Spawn Variance | Decreases the spawn variance while held |
Reload | Reshuffle Bots / Set Spawn Mode | Sets the current spawning mode to Preset Points Spawning and shuffles the bots to random spawn points |
Source Code (Github)
See my Todo
Made with OverPy
Member of the Grandeur Hammers
Please send any suggestions, questions, bug reports, etc to Provoxin#5368 on Discord.