
Custom Healthpacks Tool

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

This is a recreation of the in-game Healthpacks with limited functionality due to workshop restrictions. All they do is heal and go on cooldown for the proper amount of time. They do not check or cleanse statuses the way in-game Healthpacks do, and they cannot be hacked (for now). They properly detect if the player is anti'd to not consume the healthpack.

Planned functionality: I want to simulate the ability to hack the Healthpacks. It will probably be a little jank, but itll work.

To place the Healthpacks somewhere, you just have to put in the coordinates into the vectors in the "Healthpack Spawn Array" rule. There is a rule in the code you can turn on to get your coordinates in-game. Alternatively, you can move to the position you want the healthpack, go to the same action in the same rule and click the camera button to automatically input your coordinates from in-game.

BIG BIG help from Labbed and Clewtr25 from the Workshop Codes Discord (join it if you ever need help with workshop stuff). Honestly, they deserve like all the credit for making this because they held my hand and carried me tbh.

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