
12 Hogs: Gas Powered! by Scrumrot#1685

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New Features

  • Kill Steal Bonus: Get more points when you steal someone else kill.
  • Gas Powered Stick (Take a Breather): Gives the player a very minor Air Jump.
  • Shove(Melee): give the player a very minor Air Jump.
  • Out Of Bounds: No more randos hooking you away from the hole.
  • Ultimate bonus: get your own Kill Steal Bonus if you Ult and make it back to the ground without taking damage.
  • Ultimate Interrupt: Gain +1 to your score if you hook someone that is using their Ultimate.
  • Hit The Bal!l: Gain +1 to your score if you deal damage to a player with a kill steal count of 6+.

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Based on 12 hogs 1 hole:When Pigs Fly! by Block#12425

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