

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.


Secondary Fire + Hold
Charge a super jump as boss, release to jump
If full, Unleash a special ability that varies between bosses
Crouch + While midair
Fast fall, shoot down into the ground killing anybody you land on
+ Hold
Charge a super jump as boss, release to jump
If full, Unleash a special ability that varies between bosses
+ While midair
Fast fall, shoot down into the ground killing anybody you land on
+ Hold
Charge a super jump as boss, release to jump
If full, Unleash a special ability that varies between bosses
+ While midair
Fast fall, shoot down into the ground killing anybody you land on
+ Hold
Charge a super jump as boss, release to jump
If full, Unleash a special ability that varies between bosses
+ While midair
Fast fall, shoot down into the ground killing anybody you land on
+ Hold
Charge a super jump as boss, release to jump
If full, Unleash a special ability that varies between bosses
+ While midair
Fast fall, shoot down into the ground killing anybody you land on

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