
This game swaps all the roles around. The Tanks become Dps, Dps become Support and Support becomes Tanks! There are some things in this that i havent implented such as giving the tanks the dps passive since they are now dps. I have also changed some things about people like all the tanks are smaller so they dont have a bigger hitbox and supports can heal but they all heal for less. All the dps can heal using primary fire and some can heal with secondary, though text will appear at the top of your screen while in spawn about your hero. Here is some changes we have done to certain heroes.

Kiriko: Suzu gives kiriko 75 overhealth for 5 seconds

LifeWeaver: When you heal with lifegrip you give the gripped target 60 overhealth,When you full charge a heal you give whoever you are looking at 50 shield for 10s and untill the shield decays, you can not heal using primary fire

Wreckingball: Your adaptive shields are on a shorter cooldown

Junkerqueen: Your healing from bleed have been increased

Sigma: You Have a slight speed boost

Zenyatta: You have Harmony orb but it heals for very little

Reaper: When you ult, you heal alies around in bursts for around 100

Pharah: When you ult, you heal alies around you in bursts of 300

Sombra: When you cast EMP, you burst heal 225 around you up to 20 meters, When u translocate you heal everyone around you for 100 over 2.5 seconds

Lucio: Boop gives you 50 overhealth per person you boop, Beat damages eniemes around you in a 15m radius for 300 damage over 6 seconds (50 damage a second)

Brigitte: When u heal someone with repair pack, you give them 50 armor for 6 seconds and it only works for 1 target at a time

Mercy: When you Ult, u give allies around you in a 20m radius 50 overhealth every 1.75 seconds but YOU MUST BE HEALING for it to work

Bastion: When you Ult, you heal in bursts around you in a 15m radius for 50, but you can not be killed in that form, if you fire all 3 of your shots in ult it will cancel early and you wont deal damage in ult.

Venture has been added in with their release in season 10.

Venture: Heals for 65 a shot, Does very little damage, Burrow heals Venture for 75 over 4 seconds, Drill Dash Heals allies around Venture for 200 over 4 seconds, Ult gives allies around them in a 15 meter radius 50 shield health for 15 seconds and heals for 100 a shot with ult.

Note: All the heals in the dps catagory can be changed in the workshop editor.

All heals REQUIRE line of sight to heal them, they also do have a limited range.

We tried to balance the heals with how fast the person's gun fires. So if you think someone isnt healing enough try holding primary fire or Let me know if it just isnt enough. I have NOT tried this in a 5v5 or 6v6 so that might be where i went wrong

Players | 1 - 12
Heroes: All
Maps: Circuit Royal, Dorado, Havana, Junkertown, Rialto, and 27 more...
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