
Hero Mastery: Lifeweaver

Remember that time you tried lifting the ulting Orisa only for you to miss your platform by a hair? How about that time you thought you'd save your entire team from Zarya's ult just to put your platform anywhere but below your teammates' feet? Don't forget the countless times you tried putting your tree on top of a Sigma ult countless of times when it wouldn't have caught anyone anyway.

You don't remember? Oh right! It's because you mastered your Lifeweaver mechanics right here!


Practice your mechanics on Lifeweaver as you take on different interactions you will see commonly in your usual games! Get your flower gaming on in two (2) ways:


  • Pick whatever ability and level (interaction) you want to practice over and over again! The said abilities and levels are the following:


    • DOOMFIST - Survive Meteor Strike
    • RAMATTRA - Survive Annihilation
    • WINSTON - Eliminate Winston with Deadeye
    • REAPER & LUCIO - Survive Speed-Boosted Death Blossom
    • CASSIDY - Survive Deadeye
    • ORISA - Save everyone from Terra Surge
    • ZARYA & HANZO - Save everyone from Graviton Surge + Dragonstrike combo
    • ASHE - Eliminate Mei using B.O.B.
    • REINHARDT - Save everyone from Charge
    • ALLIED D.VA - Kill Mei with Self-Destruct
    • MEI - Save everyone from Blizzard
    • MERCY - Cancel Resurrect
    • ECHO & JUNKRAT - Eliminate them using B.O.B. without dying
    • SIGMA - Don't get hit by Gravitic Flux (Dashing is Penalized)
    • ENEMY D.VA - Survive Self-Destruct (Dashing is Penalized)
    • MAUGA - Save everyone from Cagefight
    • TRACER - Save everyone from Pulse Bomb
    • HAZARD - Don't get hit by Downpour
    • VENTURE - Don't let anyone get hit by a fully-charged Burrow


    • ROADHOG - Save everyone from Hook combo
    • JUNKER QUEEN - Don't let anyone get hit by Rampage
    • JUNKRAT - Save everyone from RIP-Tire
    • TRACER - Save everyone from Pulse Bomb
    • SOMBRA - Don't let anyone get hacked by EMP
    • GENJI - Save everyone from Dragonblade


    • D.VA - Survive Self-Destruct
    • HAZARD - Don't get hit by Downpour
    • MEI - Save everyone from Blizzard
    • SIGMA - Don't let anyone get hit by Gravitic Flux
    • JUNKER QUEEN - Don't let anyone get hit by Rampage
    • ILLARI - Don't let anyone get hit by Captive Sun
    • PHARAH - Save everyone from Barrage and eliminate herself with it


  • If you're up for a challenge, why not try this one instead? You will have to complete every level in sequence (as listed above) to complete this. Every failure will count as a death though - now don't hoard too much! He is called Life-weaver for a reason. Get through all these and you might get a nice message and bragging rights with your death count (or lack thereof) in the end! (Warning: This mode can get infuriating real fast!)


By the way, here's my personal best in Trial Mode (V1.0.4). Let me know what yours is!
(I'm not spoiling the end message :P)

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