Just Hide and Seek
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Hide and Seek
- Hide and Seek gamemode on deathmatch maps with 1 seeker and 8 hiders.
- Seeker gets randomly choosen each round
- 10 minutes to seek and 1 minute to hide
- Seeker has wallhack (every 2 minutes for 10 seconds)
- Teleporters on every Assault-, Escort- and Hybrid-deathmatch map
- Mercy can use guardian angle and is able to revive hider
- Lifeweaver can use his life grip
- Kiriko can use her teleport
- Sombra got adjusted to be more fair in this gamemode
- Multiple workshop settings to costumize the game:
* Setting to enable / disbale teleporter
- Settings for scores for hider and seeker
- Setting to shrink hider
- Settings for random heroes for hider/seeker
- Settings for Mercys, Lifeweavers, Kirikos and Sombras abilitys
- Settings to enable/disable and adjust wallhack for seeker
(Black Forest, Necropolis and Ecopoint:Antarctica are disabled because i think they are to small to play hide and seek on them (But you can play on them if you want))
Mercy Enemy GA | Made by jprosk
Gamemode made by LordHobbito
Deligated by Alibi007007
Old Patchnotes:
- privatly initial release
V1.1 - 1.3:
- Made many changes to the gamemode (i don't know what changes anymore)
- Mercy as hider is now able to GA to other hiders
- adjusted Sombra Translocator / Camouflage cooldown
- Seeker don't get anymore teleported away from map if game time is 10 min or below
- adjusted available maps
- adjusted map description
- if Mercy revive a hider, seeker now gets point removed per revive (because hider now is again alive and not dead)
- adjusted map description
- fixed wall-hack for seeker
- fixed indication for sombras camouflage
- fixed all things, which got broken from transition to Overwatch 2
- seeker gets now randomly selected every round
- there is now 1 minute preporation time (during this time seeker gets randomly selected; you can use any ability, but you can't do any damage in this time)
- new heros are now playable
- Kiriko is now able to use her teleport
- reduced preporation time from 1 minute to 30 seconds
- Mercy now resurrects the person she stands next to
- new vfx for Kiriko and Mercy (player outlines) + teleport sound for Kiriko
- new hud-text for Mercy
- Added several workshop settings
- Reworked the adjustments for Sombras abilities
- New Hero Lifeweaver is now playable
- Lifeweaver can use his life grip (only as hider)
- Added vfx for life grip ability
- Life grip cooldown is adjustable via workshop settings
- Adjusted vfx for Lifeweaver and Mercy if Shrunk-Mode is activated
Now have fun with this gamemode
Players |
1 - 9
Hide and Seek
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