
1v1 Arena Deathmatch v2.3.0 by waltermelon#1907

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Deathmatch Arena (Code-> Y6P87M)

The goal of this mod is to create a fast and free-flowing 1v1 version of Overwatch, in the same vein as a game like Quake, with the ability to string moves together, similar to fighting games. Current Overwatch is made for heros to be cogs in a team, supported with healers and shields which clearly will be absent in this game mode. Because of this damage had to be scaled back significantly and team-centric abilities had to be reworked or removed. To compensate for this, movesets where altered to give heros more tools that better suit a 1v1 game mode. Heros were also given different move speeds, jump heights, and gravities to accentuate their unique character designs/feel. This will also change the way other characters interact/combo one another.

The map pool was chosen to promote smaller, nonlinear maps that allow for constant interactions. Feel free to add/remove maps to your liking. Health pack timers are greatly increased to discourage players from holding areas with health packs and ensure that they must continue move around the map regardless of their health, even if it is in a non combative manner.

I would also like to give thanks to the many people who have made theirs codes publicly avaliable including but not limited to Therister, Darwin, A Shrew's Berry, kaiomm, awayawayawayaway69.




  • Passive-landing an ability sets the victim on fire, hitting an enemy that is on fire with a basic attack will proc the fire and deal bonus damage [25]
  • Whip shot-roots its victim and accelerates Brigette in their direction
  • Given a second whip that will pull enemies towards her and stun them for .3 seconds on hit
  • Ultimate-pulls enemies with in a radius of 8 units towards Brigette and sets them on fire


  • Shield recharge rate 100->1
  • Shield bash invincibility frames added on frames 5-12
  • Whip shot CD 100->140 knockback 100->49


  • Damage dealt 100->73
  • Healing received 100->40
  • Health 100->90
  • Jump vert 100->90
  • Movement gravity 100->125
  • Movement speed 100->90




  • Rocket punch-hitting an opponent in the air will knock them down for 2.5 seconds
  • Meleeing a knocked down opponent will wake the victim up
  • Boosted attacks-by communicating the "acknowledge" voice line (G by default) and inputting either your primary attack or seismic slam you will be able to perform a boosted version of that attack at the expense of his ultimate charge %.
  • Boosted primary fire-sets victim's movement speed to 40% for 1.75 seconds and costs 25% of Doomfist's ultimate charge %
  • Boosted seismic slam-grants 10 frames of invincibility on seismic slam and costs 50% of Doomfist's ultimate charge %
  • Doomfist will perform a quick burst of movement forward if you press interact (F by default) and backwards when crouching
  • Doomfist can cancel uppercut and seismic slam by pressing jump while performing either move


  • Uppercut cooldown 100->40 6 frames of invincibility on start up
  • Rocket punch cooldown 100->200 knockback 100->20
  • Ultimate duration 4->1 second
  • Ammo size 4->1 regen rate 100->165


  • Damage dealt 100->55
  • Damage received 100->95
  • Jump vert 100->130
  • Movement gravity 100->150
  • Movement speed 100->120



  • Ultimate-damage is now determined by his distance from the victim. The closer he is the lower the damage.
  • Upon landing a primary attack while using Genji's ultimate .1 seconds of hits stun while be applied to Genji
  • Primary attacks will cause victims to take damage over time (bleed), 1% of max vicitim health for 5 secs
  • Deflect-using deflect while Genji's ult is active will cause a puff of smoke to appear around Genji
  • Ult secondary fire-when performed on the ground Genji will perform a backwards jump
  • Genji can cancel swift strike by pressing jump while performing the move


  • Deflect cooldown 100->20 duration .32 seconds
  • Swift strike cooldown 100->75 2 frames of invincibility on start up
  • Ultimate duration 100->60


  • Damage dealt 100->50
  • Jump vert 100->120
  • Movement gravity 100->120
  • Movement speed 100->115
  • Ammo 100->70




  • Sonic Arrow has been replaced with new ability 'boomerang'
  • Boomerang-on hit the projectile will deal 40 damage and stun the victim for .5 seconds. then it will bounce back towards Hanzo. missing the attack or failing to catch the returning projectile will leave the it on the ground. if the projectile is caught/picked up the CD will be reset, otherwise the full CD will run (4 secs).
  • Secondary fire-Hanzo can fire two projectiles, one at a time, that will continue forward until they hit a surface. once both projectiles are out a beam will connect that two projectiles if they are in line of sight of each other. the projectiles must be destroyed before you can set more. this can be done two ways. 1. if an enemy walks between the two projectiles and breaks the beam, they will be knocked down for .75 seconds and destroy the projectiles 2. pressing interact (F by default) will destroy everything and reset the CD.
  • Storm Arrows-reduces the enemies movements speed by 15% per hit. Hanzo has his damage is reduced to 40% while active. The idea of this is to help Hanzo land his primary fire.
  • Melee-hitting an enemy will cause them to be pushed back
  • Primary Fire-If Hanzo has a height advantage > 5 units and hits an enemy, they will be briefly knocked down
  • Damage no longer charges Hanzo's ult, instead moving on the ground will increase charge percent at rate 1% every .24 secs you are moving
  • Ult disabled, instead Lunge now cost 33% of Hanzo's ult charge to use


  • Lunge CD 100->0
  • Lunge dist scalar 100->150
  • Storm arrows CD 100->75
  • Sonic arrow disabled
  • Ult disabled


  • Damage dealt 100->50
  • Jump vert 100->225
  • Movement gravity 100->165
  • Movement speed 100->120
  • Projectile speed 100->280




  • primary fire-can now apply 3 special charges to next attack 1. communicating 'group up' will freeze hit enemies for 1.75 seconds. 2 communicating 'thanks' will burn hit enemies 3. communicating 'hello' will knockback hit enemies. the fastest way to access these commands are to hold down 'C' hover over the desired command, and release 'C'. these will perform a bonus if you hit an enemy that already has a status applied to them, see chart:

1st shot + 2nd shot = effect
fire + frost = slow
fire + knockback =further kb & knockdown
frost + fire =2x d.o.ts
frost + knockback = burst damage & unfreeze

  • Fan-now costs 50% of ultimate charge to use
  • Stun-now creates a 2 second blind


  • Ultimate disabled
  • Flashbang stun reduced


  • Damage dealt 100->70




  • Primary attack-speed of missiles is altered by pressing interact (F by default). missiles have 3 speeds and deal different damages given the speed. the speed/damage ratios are as follows: 1) 1.5x speed/.75x damage 2) 1x/1x 3).25x/1.5x.
  • Melee-On hit Pharah will set a mine on the victim. this mine can be detonated by pressing crouch and will deal 60 damage to all players within 3 units of the mine. It will also stun for .48 secs and knock up the player with the mine attached.
  • Ultimate-When on the ground, Pharah will surround herself with missiles and accelerate forward. Crouching will cancel her acceleration and her missiles will continue ahead of her. When in the air her ult will function as normal
  • Movement speed in the air is 1.5x faster
  • Running off of elevated surfaces will put her in a glide state
  • Pressing crouch in the air will lower Pharah's altitude
  • Secondary fire-Flamethrower dealing 2 damage per .016 secs, range of 4 units
  • Aerial boost-while in the air if Pharah is communicating 'Need Healing'/'Acknowledge' she will recieve a quick boost left/right respectively


  • Concussive blast CD 100->50
  • Hover jets max capacity 100->65 recharge rate 100->25


  • Damage dealt 100->50
  • Damage received 100->95
  • Health 100->110
  • Jump vert 100->120
  • Movement gravity 100->90
  • Movement speed 100->90




  • Primary attack-Reaper can switch between 2 attack bonuses by pressing interact (F by default). the first will heal reaper for a percentage of the damage dealt by his primary attack and apply a stun that scales by distance, max stun of .3 seconds for point-blank hits. the second will increase his attack by 1.5x, but he will take a percentage of the damage dealt as damage to himself
  • Ult-If in healing form hit enemies will be knocked back and reaper is launched in the air. Ult cancles aftter .25 secs. If in damage form ult will function as normal with large upfront damage that falls 30% per .016 secs
  • Passive-if reaper stands still for 5 seconds he will go invisible, but will also take damage at the rate of 5 damage per second. invisibility is cleansed and damage over time stops once Reaper begins to move again.
  • Shadow step-cost 50 health to use. Upon exiting phase reaper will take this damage. If in damage form gains a 1.5x speed boost.
  • Wraith form-if enemy is within 7.5 units of Reaper, Reaper will create a tether to the enemy. if the tether is maintained at the end of 2 seconds the enemy will be stunned for 1 second.


  • Wraith form CD 100->75
  • Ammo size 100->50


  • Damage dealt 100->70
  • Jump vert 100->105
  • Movement gravity 100->85
  • Movement speed 100->95




  • Movements-Sombra can wall climb up to 2.5 units off the ground. also given another jump after performing this. Double tapping crouching causes Sombra to slide forward
  • Passive-deals increased damage to enemies when they are not facing Sombra. enemies facing Sombra will take 25% less damage.
  • Hacking an enemy will also give Sombra a speed boost based off of the enemies base movement speed.
  • Ultimate-sets game in slow motion for 2.25 seconds, Sombra will continue to move at near max speed.
  • Dive kick - If Sombra is in the air and she communicates 'acknowledge' (G by default) she will perform a dive kick in the direction that she is facing. If she hits an enemy while doing this she will deal 25 damage, spin the victim 180 degrees and stun the enemy for .3 secs. She will be in 1.7 seconds hit stun if she misses the attack.


  • Stealth CD 100->260 duration 6 seconds
  • Translocator CD 100->150
  • Ammo size 100->75


  • Damage dealt 100->90
  • Damage received 100->105
  • Jump vert 100->135
  • Movement speed 100->115




  • Passive-Widowmakers primary fire, movement speed, and grappling hook coooldown scale with missing health. the lower her health the more damage Widowmaker's primary fire (non-scoped) will do (max 1.15x), the faster she moves, and the faster her grappling hook will come off CD
  • Crouching while on the ground will create a copy of Widowmaker at her current location at the cost of half of her current health. the dummy will stay at that location for 5 seconds. if Widowmaker presses crouch again she will teleport to the dummy's location, destroying the dummy and taking its spot.
  • Ult-costs 50 health to use. if you have less than 50 health and use her ultyou will die.
  • Killing an enemy with primary fire will recovery 50 health.
  • If Widowmaker is in the air and she communicates 'acknowledge' (G by default) she will perform a dive kick in the direction that she is facing. if she hits an enemy while doing this she will deal 25 damage and will knock the victim down for 1.5 seconds. she will be in 1.7 seconds hit stun if she misses the attack.
  • Venom mine-hacks enemy for 1.2 seconds and slows them by .5 for 3 seconds


  • Grappling hook CD determined by missing health
  • Venom mine CD 100->40
  • Ult duration 100->59 also costs 50 health
  • Ammo size 100->60


  • Damage dealt 100->70
  • Jump vert 100->140
  • Movement gravity 100->90
  • Movement speed 100->105



  • Secondary fire-grabs enemies within 3 units of Winston's facing direction and holds them in front of him as long as the secondary fire button is held. if Winston holds secondary fire for 1.75 seconds he will enter a knockdown state and will be unable to act. releasing a held enemy while flicking your mouse will throw the enemy in Winston's facing direction
  • Ability 2 (E by default)-when on the ground, Winston will hit the ground causing a pillar to erect in front of him. enemies in this area will take 20 damage, get knocked down for 1.25 seconds, and will be pushed into the air. if Winston is in this area he too will be thrust upwards. this move has a 5 second CD
    • Leap-if hits an enemy while he is using leap they will get knocked down for 2.5 seconds.
  • If Winston takes damage while he is in the first .26 seconds of communicating 'need healing' and is within 10 units of the attacking enemy he will perform a parry, this will freeze Winston in place momentarily. this will freeze the attacker for 2 seconds, unfreeze Winston, and negate the incoming damage. if Winston does not take damage or the enemy is farther than 10 units away Winston will instead remain frozen in place for 2 seconds and will be able to be attacked freely after the initial .26 seconds.


  • Primal rage duration infinite knockback 100->65


  • Damage dealt 100->85
  • Health 100->50
  • Jump vert 100->130
  • Movement gravity 100->140
  • Movement speed 100->105



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