Overwatch, except it's cursed...
Welcome to the famous "Cursed Overwatch" where every hero is made dumb and really overpowered! Even if some heroes may seem really OP, they always can be countered with other categories of heroes :)
Here are the different roles:
TITANS: Maximum HP
Reinhardt, Roadhog, Orisa, Mei, Bastion, Zarya
WARRIORS: Big damage, versatile
McCree, Sigma, Junkrat, Ashe, Soldier:76, D.Va, Winston, Genji, Hanzo, Baptiste
Hammond, Pharah, Brigitte, Doomfist
GODS: One-Shot ability
Torbjorn, Sombra, Ana, Reaper
MOSQUITOS: Lowest HP but hard to kill
Lucio, Moira, Widowmaker, Zenyatta, Mercy, Echo, Tracer, Symetra
Join the discord server for more information about the heroes and abilities: https://discord.gg/NwzXNgmXyD
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