★ Find 65 items from the list and press F
★ Set ultra model detail settings to see all items (Options > Video > Graphics quality > Advanced > Model Detail)
★ List of items:
- 17 clocks (can be in different forms)
- 13 roosters
- 5 footballs
- 5 drills
- 4 cash registers
- 4 laptops
- 3 white gloves
- 3 approns
- 3 helmets
- 2 radios
- 5 single items: a scale, a step stool, a purse, a microphone and a camera
Inspired by the original mode from Foren
This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.
Not on Workshop.codes