
Echo Duplication Duel

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Adaptive Circuits Engaged!

Multiplayer Fun!

Join 6 other players and duplicate the specified hero as fast as you can. The faster you duplicate, the more points you earn! Don't worry. You can also play solo if you desire, but it's better to play with other people!


The Bots are Ruthless!

  • At round 4 the bots will begin using abilities to attack you and possibly teleport to your side of the map. Taking damage decreases your score.
  • At round 6 their attacks will begin to intensify and your score could decrease DRAMATICALLY upon taking damage.
  • Your score decreases by 3 upon death.
  • Echo's ability FLIGHT is your best friend! Look for the specified bot while dodging attacks. Read their movements and stay focused.


Duplicated the wrong hero? No worries! You'll revert to your original form and you'll get another shot at duplicating the right hero, but for less points.

Get through 10 rounds PLUS a generous bonus round and dominate the other players! What are you waiting for? Give this custom game a try!

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