
Massive Reworks (6v6)

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General Changes

Developer Comment: 6v6 is more fun and creates more interesting team synergy. Antarctic peninsula is a map no one likes. Toxicity is an essential part of FPS games, so we automated it! Keeping ult charge between rounds helps increase the amount of ults per game - I personally struggled to get 2 ults per round in shorter rounds, and 5 were a struggle in longer rounds.

Player Count
  • Game reverted to 6v6

  • Automatically emotes after an ultimate gets 1 or more kills

Ultimate Charge
  • Now carries between rounds

Hero Changes

Ultimate costs are increased to make them feel more valuable - this discourages 1k and 2k ults and counterswapping.

All Ultimates
  • Build up 25% slower

All Tanks
  • Role passive no longer gives knockback resistance


Ana is more fun when she does more damage, therefore she has been less fun since the release of season 9 as she lost the ability to 3 tap people, this ability was returned against 225 heroes and she lost 25 hp as a compensating nerf. Also as there are now 2 tanks getting slept for 5 seconds is less impactful to their team, allowing the duration to be reverted.

Biotic Rifle
  • Damage and healing increased from 70 to 80

Sleep Dart
  • Tank sleep duration increased from 3.5 seconds to 5 seconds

Biotic Grenade
  • Damage and healing increased from 90 to 100


Developer Comment: Ashe's main downside is her long reload, however, by regaining ammo on every kill this allows people who hit consistent headshots to reload significantly less often. Bob, being a significant part of Ashe's kit, is exempt from the 25% ultimate charge cost increase.

The Viper
  • Gains 1 ammo on kill

  • Ultimate charge rate increased by 25%


This is just a goofy change.

Biotic Launcher
  • No longer has Gravity

  • Primary fire removed

  • Alt fire now deals 50 splash damage to the enemy team

Regenerative Burst
  • Deals 60 burst damage and 10 damage per second for 4 seconds to the enemy team


Developer Comment: Bastion recieved a significant rework in this custom game, this attempts to make him into a better form switcher by allowing him to switch forms at will.

  • Health decreased from 250 to 200

  • Armour decreased from 100 to 75

  • Cooldown decreased from 12 seconds to 0 seconds

Configuration: Recon
  • Movespeed increased from 5.5m/s to 6.875m/s

  • Jump height increased by 25%

  • Damage per shot decreased from 25 to 22.5

Configuration: Assault
  • Can no longer jump

  • No longer takes knockback

  • Can no longer move

  • Damage per shot decreased from 12 to 8.5

A-36 Tactical Grenade
  • Cooldown decreased from 8 seconds to 6 seconds

  • Self damage removed

  • Knockback increased by 50%

Configuration: Artillery
  • Removed

Configuration: Tank
  • New ultimate

  • Puts you into Configuration: Assault for 12 seconds

  • -15% movespeed

  • -35% damage recieved

  • Cannot use abilities

  • Fires a devastating cannon dealing 205 damage with a 5m AOE, damage has 10% falloff per meter dealing small knockback

  • Can bomb jump using the cannon sending Bastion flying at a speed of 20m/s

  • Removed


Developer Comments: Ultimates gaining value in this mode makes it extra important that CC cannot cancel ultimates, and I tried to ensure we didn't end up with another Brigitte stunbash so this is a good middleground.

Shield Bash
  • Now cancels all non-ultimate abilities

  • Cooldown increased from 5 seconds to 7 seconds

Cassidy - maybe getting redone

Cassidy is just a numbers character, it's hard to give him an interesting, meaningful rework

  • Regains all ammo on kill

  • Maxmimum ammo decreased from 6 to 5

D.VA - Definitely being redone

D.VA is hard to give an interesting, meaningful rework

  • Health decreased from 200 to 150

  • Armour decreased from 375 to 300

  • Cancelled with melees

  • Cooldown increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds

Defense Matrix
  • Maximum duration decreased from 3.5 seconds to 2.25 seconds

Micro Missiles
  • Cooldown increased from 7 seconds to 10.5 seconds


Developer Comment: Many people miss DPS doomfist, this rework intends to reach a middle ground between DPSfist and Tankfist.

  • Health decreased from 375 to 325

Hand Cannon
  • Damage per pellet increased from 5 to 6

Seismic Slam
  • Damage increased from 50 to 60

Rocket Punch
  • Damage increased from 75 to 90

  • Wall impact damage increased from 40 to 48

Power Block
  • Damage absorbed to power up block decreased from 100 to 50

  • Empowered punch damage increased from 112.5 to 135

  • Empowered punch wall impact damage increased from 60 to 72

New Ability - Uppecut
  • Activated with reload

  • 6 second cooldown

  • Sends Doomfist and all players within 5m of him up at a speed of 15m/s

  • Deals 65 damage to all players within 5m of him

  • Removes all gravity for Doomfist and all players within 5m of him for 0.6 seconds

  • All victims can no longer control their movement for 0.6 seconds

Meteor Strike
  • Inner ring damage increased from 300 to 360 damage

  • Outer ring minimum damage increased from 50 to 60

  • Outer ring maximum damage increased from 100 to 120

The Best Offense...
  • Overhealth per victim decreased from 40 to 30

Echo - Unchanged

Echo is really well made and I don't want to ruin that

  • Maximum health decreased from 250 to 225


I didn't nerf Genji yet but I am extremely ready to

  • Maximum health decreased from 250 to 225

  • Movement speed increased from 6m/s to 7.2m/s for 3 seconds after a kill

  • Damage increased from 27 to 29

  • Ammo decreased from 30 to 21

  • Ammo refreshed after kill

Swift Strike
  • Damage increased from 50 to 65

  • Cooldown refreshed on kill

  • Damage increased from 110 to 200

  • Now has 15% lifesteal

  • Decreases Swift Strike cooldown from 8 seconds to 2 seconds

  • Duration increased from 6 seconds to 7.5 seconds

New Passive - Shimada
  • Makes Genji go invisble after 1 second if he is not shooting, moving, using abilities and is crouching


Developer Comment: Hanzo has been significantly less enjoyable and powerful since the 1 shot headshot was removed, to nerf to playstyle of spamming, his bodyshot damage and storm arrow count has been nerfed, however headshot damage got a significant buff.

Storm Bow
  • Damage decreased from 120 to 100

  • Critical damage multiplier increased from 2x to 2.5x

New Ability - Grappling Arrow
  • Activated with secondary fire

  • Shoots a grappling arrow and then grapples Hanzo a distance towards it

  • 12 second cooldown

Storm Arrows
  • Count decreased from 5 to 3

  • Damage decreased from 75 to 60

  • Critical damage multiplier increased from 2x to 2.5x

Sonic Arrow
  • Fully charged damage decreased from 120 to 100

  • Critical damage multiplier increased from 2x to 2.5x

  • Decreases movespeed of all players hit by it by 35% for 0.25 seconds, timer resets each hit

New Passive - Shimada
  • Makes Hanzo go invisble after 1 second if he is not shooting, moving, using abilities and is crouching


Developer Comment: Illari deals extremely high damage, however, she only has a 1.5x headshot multiplier, making headshots deal less than if they had the full 2x, the damage over time amounts to a 2x headshot multiplier.

Solar Rifle
  • • Critical hits now start a burn effect dealing 5.5% of the damage dealt per second for 6 seconds, however, if another headshot is hit it will detonate the DOT causing all the not yet dealt damage to happen in one instance

Junker Queen

Developer Comment: Junker Queen is an extremely well balanced hero so it doesn't feel bad to make her even better as a dps and worse self sustain.

  • Maximum health decreased from 375 to 275

  • Maximum armour increased from 0 to 125

  • Ammo increased from 8 to 10

  • Damage per pellet increased from 8 to 10

Commanding Shout
  • Cooldown decreased from 12 seconds to 9 seconds

  • Overhealth decreased from 175 to 125

Jagged blade
  • Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4

  • Impact damage increased from 65 to 80

  • Damage over time on impact increased from 10 for 3 seconds to 12.5 for 3 seconds

  • Damage over time on return hit or melee increased from 5 for 3 seconds to 6.25 for 3 seconds

  • Cooldown decreased from 8 seconds to 6 seconds

  • Impact damage increased from 105 to 130

  • Damage over time increased from 13.33 for 3 seconds to 16.66 for 3 seconds

  • Impact damage increased from 40 to 50

  • Bleed damage increased from 20 for 4.5 seconds to 25 for 4.5 seconds

Adrenaline Rush
  • Healing decreased from 2.5x bleed damage to 1.5x bleed damage


Developer Comment: Junkrat is an 'explosive-obsessed junker' but doesn't carry a landmine? And he doesn't have explosives on his fist? A likely story.

Steel Trap
  • Now explodes for 100 damage in a 5m radius around the trap

  • Sends all people in the aoe up at a speed of 10m/s

Total Mayhem
  • Makes melees explode doing an extra 40 damage in a 3m radius and booping Junkrat and all victims away from eachother

  • Junkrat meleeing a wall also has the effect on himself


Developer Comment: Kiriko has, since release, been a jack of all trades, master of none all, she has the best mobility in the game, on a short cooldown, lots of healing, a small hitbox, lots of damage and a cooldown with: Burst healing, intangibility AND cleanse. In this mode, Kiriko is closer to a jack of all trades, master of none.

  • Maximum health decreased from 250 to 225

  • Hitbox size increased by 10%

  • Damage decreased from 45 to 32.5

  • Critical damage therefore decreased from 112.5 to 81.25

Swift Step
  • Cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 12 seconds

  • Can now travel 25% further

  • Makes Kiriko move 25% faster for 3 seconds after using it

Protection Suzu
  • No longer heals other players unless you cleanse an effect

New Passive - Backstab
  • Melees deal 3x damage from behind


Developer Comment: Lifeweaver has, since release, had a terrible damage output. And he has only dealt burst healing so after his Healing Blossoms healing a healing over time affect is added, this increases his hps to an average of 105 per second.

Healing Blossom
  • Maximum burst heal decreased from 80 to 70

  • Charge time decreased from 1.15 seconds to 1 second

  • Starts a healing over time effect which heals for 10% of the healing dealt in the burst per second for 5 seconds

  • Automatically fires after reaching maximum burst and starts charging a new blossom

Thorn Volley
  • Damage increased from 6 to 7


Developer Comment: 'She dies last patch' is no longer a valid excuse

  • Maximum health decreased from 250 to 225

Sonic Amplifier
  • Damage increased from 18 to 20

  • Knockback increased by 11%

New Passive - Rocket Punch
  • Melee damage increased from 40 to 80

  • Melee instantly kills Widowmakers

  • Melee boops victims

  • Melee sends Lúcio forwards at a speed of 15m/s


Developer Comment: Mauga has, since release, been a stupidly powerful tank buster and has little more than that, this rework attempts to make him no longer do that

  • Maximum health decreased from 525 to 325

  • Maximum armour increased from 200 to 225

  • Only one gun can be fired at a time

Incendiary Chaingun
  • Damage per bullet increased from 4 to 5

  • Hits to ignite targets decreased from 10 to 5 hits

Volatile Chaingun
  • Damage per bullet increased from 4 to 5

  • Targets hit critically hit by it on fire

Cardiac Overdrive
  • Lifesteal percentage decreased from 100% to 0%

  • Ignites Mauga for its duration

  • Increases damage dealt per bullet from 5 to 6

  • Damage reduction decreased from 50% to 25%

Cage Fight
  • Ignites targets in its radius for its duration upon activation

  • Lifesteal percentage decreased from 50% to 33% of critical damage

  • Maximum overhealth created decreased from 150 to 100

New Passive - Pyromaniac
  • All fire started by Mauga does 1.5x as much damage


Developer Comment: Mei not freezing players doesn't feel right, so I readded it in a less oppressive way.

Endothermic Blaster Alt Fire
  • Hitting 3 headshots on one target freezes them for 0.75 seconds.


Developer Comment: Damage boost makes characters like Pharah hit breakpoints such as killing people in just 2 shots, and just pocketing 1 person doesn't feel angelic, which Mercy is meant to be.

  • Gravity decreased by 10%

Caduceus Staff
  • Secondary fire removed

  • Primary fire healing increased from 50hps to 75 hps

  • Primary fire healing increased from 75 to 125 when the person being healed is below half health

Guardian Angel
  • Cooldown decreased from 1.5 seconds to 1.1 seconds

Sympathetic Recovery
  • Removed


Developer Comment: She's a horse, she WILL get ridden into battle and WILL get more horse-like attributes. Being serious, these changes force more intelligent usage of your abilities as it forces her to slow down whenever she uses one and it makes it easier for her to be left without any cooldowns up.

Augmented Fusion Reactor
  • Time taken to overheat increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds

Energy Javelin
  • Cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 8 seconds

  • No longer prevents forced critical hits e.g Mauga's Incendiary Chaingun

Javelin Spin
  • Cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 9 seconds

New Passive - Gallop
  • If Orisa moves for 3 seconds without stopping, she breaks into a gallop making her move at a speed of 11m/s, this is instantly stopped when she uses an ability and when she stops moving

  • While galloping her jump height is doubled

  • Her teammates can ride her by looking at her and pressing interact (This is a workshop setting that is by default disabled as it is extremely buggy)

New Passive - Buck
  • • Orisa's melee no longer only hits in front of her, she now kicks with her back legs behind her dealing 85 damage and 25m/s knockback to anyone behind her

Pharah - Temporarily(?) removed


Developer Comment: Ramattra, alike Bastion, was reworked allowing him to be a better form switcher

  • Maximum health increased from 250 to 300

  • Maximum armour increased from 75 to 200

  • Base speed increased from 5.5m/s to 6.6m/s

Void Accelerator
  • Maximum ammo increased from 100 to infinite

Void Barrier
  • Unfortunately, to patch a bug, Void Barrier is now placed immediately when the button is pressed

Nemesis Form
  • Cooldown decreased from 8 seconds to 0 seconds

  • Armor granted on activation removed

  • Movespeed buff decreased from 20% to 0%

  • Gives a passive 15% damage reduction

  • Damage increased from 75 to 80

  • Maximum duration added

  • Maximum duration is 3 seconds

  • Can only be used once per activation of Nemesis Form


Developer Comment: Reaper does a bad job at flanking the enemy team, and has recently lost his niche as a tankbusting-flanker hybrid, I personally found him to be most fun and powerful during pickable passives where upon a kill he gained 30% movespeed, I added that to him in this mode.

  • Base speed decreased from 5.5m/s to 4.95m/s

The Reaping
  • Lifesteal decreased by 90%

  • Burst heals for 75 health after getting a kill

  • Gives a healing over time effect, doing 25 healing per second for 7 seconds

  • Movespeed increased from 4.95m/s to 7.15m/s for 3 seconds after getting a kill


Developer Comment: Reinhardt has been relatively strong in the past few seasons, however I think he is far too one dimensional, so this mode aims to make him more engaging to play, and causes him to be significantly more powerful when doing so.

  • Movement speed increased from 5.5m/s to 6.875m/s

  • Movement speed increased from 11m/s to 13.2m/s

Fire Strike
  • Damage increased from 120 to 125

  • Can be used to rocket jump

New ability - Armour Recovery
  • Activated by holding reload

  • Uses a resource meter

  • Has a maximum duration of 5 seconds

  • Fully recharges after 6 seconds

  • Grants 25% lifesteal


Developer Comment: Roadhog is far too tanky as the game currently stands as he can sit there using Tab and go unpunished unless the enemy team CCs or antis him, causing Ana to be nearly essential when going against him. Also he's a fatass, why isn't he slower and more effected by gravity than other heroes?

  • Maximum health decreased from 600 to 450

  • Maximum armour increased from 0 to 100

  • Movement speed decreased from 5.5m/s to 4.95m/s

  • Gravity increased by 10%

  • Melee damage increased from 40 to 50

Scrap Gun
  • Damage per pellet increased from 6.25 to 7

  • Damage per shrapnel increased from 15 to 16.8

  • Damage per shot increased from 160 to 180

Chain Hook
  • Damage increased from 5 to 50

  • Cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 18 seconds

  • Cooldown halved after a kill

  • Cooldown decreased by 75% after a kill

Pig Pen
  • Players hit by it become visible through walls for your entire team

  • Cooldown decreased from 12 seconds to 10 seconds

Take A Breather
  • If you take 75 damage during it, it instantly gets cancelled.

  • Slows Roadhog down from 4.95m/s to 3.85m/s

  • Cooldown increased from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds

  • Healing per second increased from 160 to 200


Developer Comment: I wanted to make Sigma a pokey brawl tank.

  • Pulls people hit by it towards you

  • Damage increased from 55 to 75

  • Has lifesteal equal to 6.25% of damage giving overhealth

  • Has lifesteal equal to 12.5% of damage giving overhealth

Experimental Barrier
  • Can only travel for 0.5 seconds

  • Recharges 50% faster


Sombra has been infuriating to play against as a dive hero for as long as I can remember, because her hack is a lock on CC. She has had her hack removed and been given several compensating buffs.

  • Health decreased from 250 to 100

  • Shield increased from 0 to 125

Machine Pistol
  • Damage increased from 8 to 9

  • Maximum ammo decreased from 60 to 30

  • Impact damage increased from 25 to 28

  • Damage over time increased from 90 to 100

  • Removed

  • Damage increased from 25% of maximum health to 28.125% of maxumum health


Developer Comment: Symmetra has been made even more into a support-dps hybrid, sacrificing damage for survivability for her full team

Photon Projector
  • Minimum beam damage decreased from 60 to 48

  • Level 2 beam damage decreased from 120 to 96

  • Maximum beam damage decreased from 180 to 144

  • Ammo increased from 100 to infinite

Photon Projector Alt Fire
  • Direct hit damage decreased from 50 to 40

  • Splash damage decreased from 50 to 40

  • Total damage decreased from 100 to 80

  • Ammo increased from 100 to infinite

Sentry Turret
  • Grants her entire team 25 temporary shield on use

  • Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 7.5 seconds

  • Shield lasts for 5 seconds

  • Shield has a ⅔ uptime

  • Damage decreased from 30 to 25 dps

  • Grants her entire team 50 temporary shield on use

  • Shield lasts for 8 seconds

  • Shield has a ⅔ uptime

Photon Barrier
  • Grants her entire team 100 temporary shield on use

  • Shield lasts for 12 seconds

Torbjörn - Unchanged


Developer Comment: Tracer has been an extremely powerful character since release however she takes skill to be powerful, I have lowered her health pool and have reduced her cooldowns to increase the skill ceiling. She has been given vertical mobility to help her nuke Widowmakers.

  • Maximum health decreased from 175 to 125

  • Cooldown decreased from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds

  • Can be used to teleport upwards by double jumping

  • Warning - The above feature is very buggy

  • Cooldown decreased from 12 seconds to 10 seconds


Developer Comment: Ever since their release, it has infuriated me that Venture had a drill and yet they couldn't go through walls with it. So we fixed that.

Drill Dash
  • Can now go through walls


I hate Widowmaker >:D

  • Maximum health decreased from 200 to 199

  • All incoming healing decreased by 90%

  • Gravity increased by 4x

  • Jump height decreased by 75%

  • All heroes 1 shot her in some way - Try to find them all! (This is toggleable in workshop settings)

  • If you get a kill you instantly die

Widow's Kiss
  • Maximum Damage decreased from 120 to 48

  • Hipfire removed

Venom Mine
  • Damage decreased by 60%

  • Cooldown increased from 15 to 75 seconds

Grappling Hook
  • Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 60 seconds

  • Removed


Developer Comment: Winston is the default meta pick when no one else is busted. I'll keep it that way.

  • Maximum health increased from 225 to 250

  • Maximum armour decreased from 250 to 200


Developer Comment: His new ability allows him to get away from engagement significantly easier. His grapple also comes off cooldown upon getting kills for the same reason.

Grappling Claw
  • Comes off cooldown after a kill

New Ability - Charge
  • Activated with reload

  • Can only be used in ball form

  • Sends Hammond flying in the direction he is facing

  • 6 second cooldown

  • Instantly fireballs in grapple

  • Mines last forever


Developer Comment: Zarya needed to be balanced for 6v6, but I prefer the versitility of her 2 abilties sharing charges over them having individual cooldowns. The cooldown reduction is to compensate for the lost charge from having less bubble health. Zarya now gains 19.4 bubble health per second on average, but in the regular game, Zarya gains 20.45 bubble health per second on average.

Particle Cannon
  • Minimum damage decreased from 95 to 85

  • Maximum damage decreased from 190 to 170

  • Ammo increased from 100 to infinite

Particle Cannon Alt Fire
  • Minimum charge damage decreased from 47 to 42

  • Maximum charge damage decreased from 95 to 85

  • Knockback increased by 50%

  • Maximum ammo increased from 100 to infinite

Projected Barrier
  • Shared cooldown decreased from 11 seconds to 9 seconds

  • Shared healthpool decreased from 250 to 175

Zenyatta - Unchanged

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