
Overwatch Unshackled (FFA) + 1 sources

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The heroes of Overwatch have been shackled by their teammates for too long, and they've finally snapped. Every hero has made the most unethical changes to their kit in order to wipe their enemies off of the face of the earth, will you join your favorite heroes in their quest for revenge on their piers?

Howdy Hey! I welcome you all to Overwatch Unshackled, my first officially public workshop gamemode. After multiple instances of previous versions of this mode getting annihilated off my computer, I've decided to release the game in versions just to get it into the hands of players faster.

This game is a 7 player FFA deathmatch where you have 15 minutes to get 50 eliminations. I intend for the full roster to be added to the game, but for now there are only 19 playable heroes. Heroes will be added in chunks at random and I will go back to balance older heroes if needed. Enough from me, let's discuss the changes.

General Changes

  • Earning eliminations heals for 50.
  • Final blows heal for an extra 50.
  • All damage sources now give enviromental kill credit.
  • Earning eliminations with ultimates (or while ultimates are active) grant +10% ultimate charge.
  • Final blows with ultimates (or while ultimates are active) grant an extra +10% ultimate charge.

New Passives

All of the old passives are still in the game. However, two new passives have been added and distributed among the Damage role.

Offense Passive Cassidy, Echo, Genji, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Tracer, Venture

  • Increases Movement Speed by +10%.

Defense Passive Ashe, Bastion, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Sojourn, Symmetra, Torbjörn, Widowmaker

  • Eliminations grant 50 Overhealth that lasts for 3 seconds or until destroyed. More Overhealth cannot be granted in this timeframe.

Health & Ultimate Changes

This section is relatively short, but every has had their health changed and those changes will put in the patch notes without me syaing how much was added or taken away.

As for the ultimates, passive ultimate charge has been increased by +83%.
Comabt ultimate generation is decreased by a set amount based on the role:

  • Tanks: -40%.
  • Damage: -30%.
  • Support: -20%.

Hero Changes: Tank has always been prone to 'gamer rage' as it were. She asked Dae-hyun to make her mech as explosive and heated as she is.

General (Mech)
  • Health: 200 | Armor: 400 | Total: 600

General (Pilot)
  • Health: 250 | Overhealth: 100 | Total: 350

  • Vertical jump height increased by +100%.

  • Upon the mech exploding, activate a mini-Self Destruct (The explosion has the same range as Self Destruct, but the damage is halved).

  • now launches very high up after ejecting from the mech.

Light Gun
  • Projectile speed increased from 50 to 150 meters per second.

Defense Matrix
  • Duration increased from 3 to 3.5.

  • Recharge rate reduced by -13%.

  • While active, damage dealt and projectile speed are increased by +75%.

  • Cooldown increased from 3.5 to 6 seconds.

  • Knockback increased by +15%.

Micro Missiles
  • Cooldown decreased from 7 to 5 seconds.

  • Minimum-Maximum splash dmage increased from 1-5.5 to 6-10.5. This means a single direct rocket now does 17.5 damage up from 12.5.

Self Destruct
  • Knockback increased by +100%.

  • Upon exploding, anyone who survived the initial blast will take burn damage for 5 seconds. The damage per second is 20% of what the intitial blast damaged them for.

Call Mech
  • All of the changes for Self Destruct apply to Call Mech as well.

  • Now heals pilot fully when used.


After his best agents defected, the entirity of Talon as an organization fell into ruin. Doomfist is unleashing that crumbling feeling upon all those who defy his power.

  • Health: 350 | Shields: 100 | Total: 450

The Best Defense
  • Overhealth gained on hit reduced from 40 to 20.

  • Overhealth gained on hit from Meteor Strike reduced from 75 to 37.5.

  • Overhealth maximum reduced from 200 to 100.

Hand Cannon
  • Ammo recharge rate increased by +33%.

  • Ammo increased from 4 to 5.

Rocket Punch
  • Cooldown decreased from 4 to 3 seconds.

  • Knockback reduced by -15%.

  • Minimum-Maximum impact damge shifted up from 25-75 to 65-115.

  • Minimum-Maximum wall impact damage shifted up from 10-40 to 50-80.

Seismic Slam
  • Pressing jump while Seismic Slam is active allows the player to readjust their angle.

  • If timed correctly at the end of the slam, the readjustment can launch the player high into the air.

Power Block
  • Move speed penalty removed.

  • Damage requirement to empower the Rocket Punch is decreased from 100 to 80.

  • Power Block gives Doomfist +100 Overhealth while active.

  • Power Block now heals Doomfist for 70 health per second.

Meteor Strike
  • Duration reduced from 4 to 2 seconds.

  • Those who are damaged by Meteor Strike will begin to fall through the terrain for the next 1.5 seconds or until they die.



  • Health: 350 | Armor: 200 | Total: 550

  • Move speed increased by +5%.

NEW PASSIVE: Paladin's Charm
  • After finishing an ability, Reinhardt heals for 60 health.

  • The healing provided is split between each individual charge of Fire Strike.

  • Using ''Hello'' on the communication wheel also activates the passive (6 second cooldown).

Barrier Field
  • Size reduced by -30%.

  • Barrier health reduced from 1400 to 850.

  • Move speed penalty removed.

  • Reinhardt has a +100% knockback resistance while Barrier Field is active.

  • Recharge rate increased by +400%.

  • Cooldown increased from 5 to 8 seconds.

  • Now has a maximum duration of 4.5 seconds before automatically being put down.

  • Barrier Field's cooldown now starts as soon as the shield is put down.

  • Cooldown increased from 7 to 8 seconds.

  • Knockback increased by +15%.

  • Wall pin damage increased from275 to 350.

Fire Strike
  • Cooldown decreased from 6 to 3 seconds.

  • Projectile speed increased from 25 to 30 meters per second.

  • Fire Strike now does 30 burn damage over the course of 2.5 seconds.


After all the stuff that's gone down, Roadhog is done following Junkrat around. Junkrat isn't done following him, though... Roadhog had to get creative in order to escape Junkrat's tomfoolery.

  • Health: 750

  • When Roadhog is missing 75 health or less, he takes half damage.

NEW PASSIVE: Civilian Disguise
  • While using an emote, Roadhog becomes invisible and immune to knockback.

Scrap Gun
  • Ammo reduced from 6 to 5.

Take a Breather
  • Maximum duration reduced from 2.5 to 1 second (Note that the take a breather heals for the same amount as before).

  • Recharge rate reduced by -50%.

Chain Hook
  • Cooldown increased from 6 to 13 seconds.

  • Damage increased from 5 to 110.

  • Final blows with Chain Hook, Quick Melee, or via the enviroment reset the cooldown of Chain Hook.

Pig Pen
  • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds.

  • Dealing damage with Pig Pen speeds up the cooldown of Chain Hook.

Whole Hog
  • Damage per bullet increased from 6 to 10.

  • Knockback reduced by -50%.

  • Looking down while firing Whole Hog sends Roadhog upwards and gives him a +150% move speed increase.

Wrecking Ball

Junkrat actually managed to flatten Junkertown and Junker Queen is LIVID. So naturally she sent her best man after him. Unfortunately... Hamsters are not known for their attention span. Now there's just a giant hamster with a pinball addiction lurking around.

  • Health: 350 | Armor: 125 | Shields: 125 | Total: 600

  • Ammo increased from 80 to 100.

  • Damage per bullet is increased from 5 to 6.

Grappling Claw
  • Cooldown reduced from 5 to 4 seconds.

  • Knock increased by +33%.

  • Entering Ball Mode now will rapidly restore Wrecking Ball's ammo over a short period of time.

Adaptive Shield
  • Initial overhealth generation reduced from 100 to 75.

  • Additional overhealth per nearby enemy reduced from 100 to 75.

  • Cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds for every instance of knockback dealt.

  • Activating the ability from ground level will launch Wrecking Ball into the air to use the ability.

  • Now has an infinite duration.

  • Health reduced from 60 to 45.

  • Knockback increased by +50%.

  • Minefield now locks the movement of its victim until they hit the ground.

Hero Changes: Damage


After a rogue hamster went through and shot her crew dead, Ashe has severe PTSD and doesn't want B.O.B anywhere away from her side. Thanks to her fortune, she bought some upgraded weaponry to help her relieve some of that stress.

  • Health: 300

NEW PASSIVE: Black Gunpowder
  • Damaging burning enemies detonates them and spreads fire to more enemies.

The Viper
  • Ammo decreased from 12 to 10.

  • Scoped critical hits ignite targets for 1 second.

Coach Gun
  • Coach Gun enemy knockback decreased by -70%.

  • Coach Gun self knockback decreased by -40%.

  • Coach Gun now reduces Ashe's gravity by -50% until she hits the ground.

  • Maximum Coach Gun damage increased from 90 to 225.

  • Fuse duration reduced from 2 to 1 second.

  • Now has an infinite duration.

  • Health reduced from 1000 to 850.


After most of Overwatch went off the rails following the 'Rubber Duck Incident', Cassidy has once again been looking for work as a merc for hire. He learned that he can cheese the system if the universe is impressed with his work... and a little help from Sombra.

  • Health: 325

NEW PASSIVE: Gambler's Game
  • Bodyshots with the Peacekeeper reduce Combat Roll and Flashbang's cooldowns by 0.75 and 1.5 seconds respectively.

  • Headshots with the Peacekeeper reduce Combat Roll and Flashbang's cooldowns by 1.5 and 3 seconds respectively.

  • Fan The Hammer shots with Peacekeeper reduce Combat Roll and Flashbang's cooldowns by 0.25 and 0.5 seconds respectively.

Combat Roll
  • Has increased vertical movement is Cassidy is in the air.

  • Cooldown increased from 6 to 8 seconds.

  • Damage increased from 45 to 50.

  • Has a 0.8 second stun duration.

  • Cooldown increased from 12 to 13.

  • Holding jump while Deadeye is active causes Cassidy to float in the air.


Angela wasn't there to heal him so he had to start meditating really hard. Turns out, greed is a good way to unleash the dragon's wrath.

  • Health: 200 | Armor: 75 | Total: 275

  • By using the ''Need Healing'' or ''Need Help'' voice lines on the communication wheel, Genji heals himself for 50 health (6 second cooldown).

  • You can't use the voice lines back to back to double your healing so don't even bother.

Quick Melee
  • Now does 27.75 wound damage over 3 seconds (9.25 damage per second).

Swift Strike
  • Now does 75 wound damage over 3 seconds (25 damager per second).

  • Earning eliminations resets Deflect's cooldown.

  • Duration increased from 6 to 8 seconds.

  • Each swing of the sword shoots out a projectile that does 90 damage.

  • The projectile moves at 40 meters per second and has a 1.15 meter explosion radius.


After going out on the roof to brood, he got struck by lighting. Now he has cool electric powers or something like that. Yep, that's totally how it works. (To be fair, it's implied that Hanzo does have some kind of storm based power through his... everything. So he probably DID stand on a roof at one point to get zapped).

  • Health: 300

  • By using the ''Need Healing'' or ''Need Help'' voice lines on the communication wheel, Hanzo heals himself for 50 health (6 second cooldown).

  • You can't use the voice lines back to back to double your healing so don't even bother.

Sonic Arrow
  • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 8 seconds.

  • Cannot be used during Storm Arrows.

  • Sonic Arrow will instantly enter the Quiver if it was the selected arrow when Storm Arrows is used.

  • Direct hits with the Sonic Arrow now give the target the ''Charged'' status condition for 6 seconds.

Storm Arrows
  • Quantity decreased from 5 to 3.

  • Cooldown reduced from 8 to 4 seconds.

  • Shooting a player with the ''Charged'' status with do 5 bursts of 15 damage over 0.2 seconds.

  • Leap distance increased by +25%.

  • Hanzo is considered ''Phased Out'' during the cast time.

  • Cast time of the ultimate has tripled.

  • Pairs of dragons increased from 1 to 3.


Junkrat finally was able to have his way and flatten Junkertown to a crisp. However, this was the last straw between him and Roadhog's ''friendship''. So now he has to find a new bodyguard. Luckily, he found someone who was also at rock bottom. Now he is being taught by his new bodyguard in the art of making others suffer as they have. It seems like those lessons have made his explosives more unpredictable, at the cost of being able to return from the dead.

  • Health: 300

NEW PASSIVE: Civilian Disguise
  • While using an emote, Junkrat has +50% damage reduction and heals for 100 health a second.

Total Mayhem
  • Reloading his Frag Launcher causes Junkrat to drop any grenades left in the clip, dealing 50 damage per preojectile.

  • Being knocked back by his own Concussion Mine causes Junkrat to drop 6 grenades over a 0.9 second period, dealing 50 damage per projectile.

  • Earning an elimination while dead instantly revives Junkrat, creating an explosion around himself deals a maximum of 375 damage at the center.

Concussion Mine
  • Cooldown reduced from 7 to 6 seconds.

  • Knockback increased by +13%.

Steel Trap
  • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 6 seconds.

  • Duration reduced from 10 to 4 seconds.

  • Health increased from 100 to 150.

  • Damage scaled up from 100-600 to 250-750.


After the 'Rubber Duck Incident', Sojourn went back to her hometown in Canada where she met a very distressed Sombra. After Sombra explained everything that's happened in the short timeframe since the RDI, Sojourn became her co-conspirator and together they are going to figure out what exactly went down that day. Sombra decided to upgrade Sojourn's weapons as a token of appreciation.

  • Health: 225 | Shields: 50 | Total: 275

NEW PASSIVE: Energy Shield
  • Her shield health has a natural +30% damage resistance.

  • Ammo reduced from 45 to 40.

Railgun Alt Fire
  • Energy charge rate increased by +15%.

Power Slide
  • Cooldown increased from 7 to 8 seconds.

Disruptor Shot
  • Now reduces the ultimate charge of those damaged by it (-20% ultimate charge if someone stays in for the full duration.

  • Duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds.

  • Railgun shots now hack enemies for 2 seconds.

Soldier: 76

Soldier hasn't really changed that much since the whole world fell into ruin. He has had to depend on stealth tactics to get things done.

  • Health: 300

  • Crouching increases damage of the Heavy Pulse Rifle by +30%. +60% when using Tactical Visor.

  • Getting final blows while crouching resets Biotic Field cooldown and makes Soldier: 76 invisible for a maximum of 4 seconds.

  • Crouch speed is increased by +50%.

Heavy Pulse Rifle
  • Ammo reduced from 30 to 25.

Helix Rockets
  • Knockback increased by +45%.

  • Pressing interact while sprinting lets Soldier slide on the ground (or air), he cannot shoot or use abilities while sliding.

Biotic Field
  • Cooldown reduced from 18 to 14 seconds.


Even after the 'Rubber Duck Incident', Tracer doesn't really have any enemies. Her and Winston were mostly content just sitting back and watching the carnage play out. But Tracer got antsy, and with some teleportation modifications from Winston, she's diving headfirst to have a good ol' fashioned skirmish.

  • Health: 175 | Shields: 75 | Total: 250

NEW PASSIVE: Displacement Fist
  • Meleeing with Blink charge spends one charge to fire out a homing projectile that locks onto the closest player to her reticle.

  • The projectile does 60 damage in a 3m radius and stuns for 0.4 seconds.

  • When the projectile conects, Tracer will teleport to the person who got hit.

  • Earning final blows with Displacement Fist refunds one Blink charge.

Pulse Pistols
  • Ammo increased from 40 to 50.

  • Heals Tracer 30 Health per Blink.

  • Cooldown reduced from 13 to 12 seconds.

  • Does not restore missing shield health.

  • Now restores all Blink charges.

Pulse Bomb
  • Now Freezes those damaged by it in time for 1.5 seconds.


Venture has not really changed much after the ''Rubber Duck Incident'', they've mostly just been keeping up their opperations and exploring the ruins of the world. All that's different is that there's more of them. But they have made a new few new friends along the way!

  • Health: 275

Explorers Resolve
  • Shield health cap increased from 75 to 100.

  • The shield health provided per ability has been adjusted to still require two abilities to max out their health.

Drill Dash
  • Cooldown decreased from 8 to 6 seconds.

  • Move speed of burrow increased from 7.7 to 8.5 meters per second.

  • Using Burrow gives Venture 4 extra seismic charges, increasing their ammo to 12.

  • Dealing damage with Burrow now causes rocks identical to Venture's primary fire to fall on the heads of those hit.

  • Cooldown increased from 8 to 10 seconds.

  • Duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds.

Tectonic Shock
  • Duration increased from 7 to 10 seconds.

  • Dealing damage with Tectonic Shock primes the targets hit with the ''tremored'' condition. This condition lasts until the target dies or is activated by Venture themself.

  • When a tremor is activated, it will do 3 bursts of 60 damage, each a second apart. a new tremor cannot be applied until the first batch of tremors is used up.

  • Venture now has a +20% move speed increase while Tectonic Shock is active (This boost applies to Burrow as well).


She's the only Talon opperative who stayed loyal to Doomfist after Talon exploded from the inside out. For her loyalty, Doomfist raided a local chemical factory and gave Widowmaker a few upgrades that will surely leave a sting.

  • Health: 200 | Shields: 75 | Total: 275

Widows Kiss
  • Ammo reduced from 35 to 25.

  • Unscoped critical hit multiplier increased from 2x to 2.5x.

  • Scoped shots deal 50 poison damage over 5 seconds.

Grappling Hook
  • Earning final blows while airborne reset the cooldown of Grappling Hook.

Venom Mine
  • Total damage increased from 75 to 125.

  • Cooldown decreased from 15 to 10 seconds.

  • Cooldown jumps up or down to 5 seconds once the Venom Mine is triggered.

  • Whoever triggers the Venom Mine will be rooted for the first 2.5 seconds of the duration.

Infra Sight
  • Duration reduced from 15 to 9 seconds.

  • Doubles ammo and automatically reloads the weapon when activated.

  • Widowmaker deals double damage while Infra Sight is active.

  • The cooldown of Grappling Hook is reset upon activation.

  • Weapon is reloaded when the ultimate ends.

Hero Changes: Support


After the ''Rubber Duck Incident'', Baptiste was searching the ruins of the Overwatch and Talon bases for any new tools he could find. It just so happens that he found a weapon of mass destruction Doomfist was planning on using. So naturally, he took it with him.

  • Health: 225 | Shields: 75 | Total: 300

Exo Boots
  • Falling from a height greater than 7.5 meters, regardless if Baptiste used the Exo Boots, lets Baptiste do a AOE ground pound.

  • The pound has a 6 meter radius and does a maximum of 75 damage.

  • If Baptiste lands within 2 meters of the target, damage is doubled.

  • While crouching, Baptiste has +25% damage resistance.

Biotic Launcher
  • Primary Fire ammo increased from 36 to 45.

  • Secondary Fire ammo decreased from 13 to 6.

  • Secondary fire now damages enemies for a maximum of 95 damage on a direct hit.

  • Secondary Fire projectiles can now destroy the Immortality Field.

Regenerative Burst
  • Now does 50 burst damage upon activation.

  • Cooldown increased from 15 to 17 seconds.

  • Gives Baptiste a +50% damage increase for the duration.

Immortality Field
  • Cooldown decreased from 25 to 20 seconds.

  • Health decreased from 125 to 100.

Amplification Matrix
  • Removed.

  • Baptiste launches himself high into the air, losing gravity for the cast time of the ultimate.

  • After 1.25 seconds of floating, fire a large explosive in the direction you are facing that does 500 damage on a direct hit.

  • The Biotic Bomb has a maximum range of 25 meters.


After seeing the world crumble around her, Kiriko decided the Yokai needed to be spread all around the world, so she honed her teleportation abilities to the maximum. The only problem: She doesn't know where she'll end up.

  • Health: 275

NEW PASSIVE: Vulpine Agility
  • Kiriko can now double jump.

  • Ammo reduced from 15 to 10.

  • Damage increased from 60 to 65.

Swift Step
  • No longer has a maximum range.

  • Kiriko now teleports to the closest enemy to her reticle.

  • Swift Step now heals Kiriko for 50 health.

  • Swift Step cooldown is reset if the player she teleports to is already dead.

Protection Suzu
  • Cooldown reduced from 15 to 12 seconds.

Kitsune Rush
  • Now heals Kiriko 150 health per second for the first 2.5 seconds of the ability's activation.


Mercy was taking a tour of Vishkar at the time of the 'Rubber Duck Incident'. After she got the news, she looked into a portal made by Vishkar and saw an alternate version of herself. Turns out the portal was two ways, and the two versions of herself had a little chat. The two of them came to an understanding and Mercy got to work.

  • Health: 275

Sympathetic Recovery
  • Now gives Mercy +20% Lifesteal on all damage dealt.

Caduceus Blaster
  • Projectile speed increased from 50 to 100 meters per second.

Guardian Angel
  • No longer requires an ally.

  • Now heals Mercy for 100 health.

  • Cooldown increased from 1.5 to 5 seconds.

  • No longer has a momentum meter.

  • Move speed increased (I don't know by how much but trust me it's noticable).

  • Only works when Mercy is dead.

  • Resurrects Mercy immediately.

  • Stuns Mercy for 2.5 seconds, but she is phased out for that duration as well.

  • Mercy creates a 12m radius around herself during that 2.5 stun duartion. Once the 2.5 seconds pass, any enemy within that radius will be damaged for 250 damage.

  • Cooldown increased from 30 to 45 seconds.

  • While active, replaces Caduceus Blaster's projectiles with arcing missiles.

  • The missiles do 120 damage and have an explosion radius of 2 meters.

  • The missiles move at 35 meters per second and have a fire rate of 0.75 seconds.


After leaving Talon, Moira needed new sources of funding. However, no one wanted her around, not even her colleagues at Oasis. Something snapped in her once she was shut out, and she has forgone most of her healing capabilities to maximize harming others.

  • Health: 325

NEW PASSIVE: Biotic Energy
  • Dealing damage builds up the Biotic Energy meter. Once built up, Moira does +250% damage and has +25% move speed for 5 seconds.

  • Dying or using Coalescence resets the meter.

  • Cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds.

Biotic Orb
  • Cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds.

  • Damage Orb now deals a maximum of 300 damage, up from 200.

  • Duration reduced from 8 to 2.5 seconds.

  • No longer can use Fade during the duration of the ultimate.

  • Move speed reduced from +40% to -63%.

  • Damage per second increased from 70 to 700.


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

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