
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Having a bad streak of games? Feel like you just can't do anything, get elims or contribute? Burnt out on the PvP scene? Say no more!

OverBots is a co-operative spin on traditional overwatch, players will be given a random (but re-rollable) hero with some amped up abilities, and you will need to work together to push the attack through an army of whackity botty bois. I've done a pass over almost every hero and coded them in a little gift to try make the mode fun to discover and play through.

You'll be coming up against Reins, Brigs, Torbs (hammer only), Genji's and a Doomfist who will all try to smash, pummel, thwack and slice their way further into your bad books. Not to fear, however, you'll find you have a bunch of new tools in your arsenal to deal with the hordes.

Players | 1 - 3
Categories: PvE
Heroes:, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Sigma, and 27 more...
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 2.1


Hold Interact to Re-roll your hero in Spawn
Hold Interact to Re-roll your hero in Spawn
Hold Interact to Re-roll your hero in Spawn
Hold Interact to Re-roll your hero in Spawn
Hold Interact to Re-roll your hero in Spawn



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