
Overwatch Mario Kart by DarkLord7#1714

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Workshop code: WR2VM
Made by DetectiveT and Darklord7

Overwatch Mario Kart:
Mario Kart recreated in the Overwatch workshop, as faithfully as we were able to. The game has 13 items, including shells, bananas, and all the classics. The game supports up to 6 players, competing to be the first to complete 3 laps. 1 lap is all 3 stages of Ilios, looped together with teleporters.

How to play:
Hold primary fire to accelerate forward, secondary fire to reverse. The A and D keys can be used to provide a small amount of strafing. After running over an item box (blue sphere), an icon will appear over your character telling you what item you have. Avoid red spheres which slow you down (unless you use a mushroom or starman) and hit speed boosts and jump pads and try to maintain your speed. If you get stuck in a red sphere, you’ll have to repeatedly click to get out. Item distribution is based on your position in the race, just like in Mario Kart.

Item Icons:
• Banana: Yellow Dizzy
• Green Shell: Green Circle
• Fake Block: Upside Down Question Mark
• Red Shell: Red Circle
• Mushroom: Red Up Arrow
• Thundercloud: Red Lightning
• Starman: Purple diamond (why don’t they have a star icon)
• Ink: White dot
• Golden Mushroom: Yellow Up Arrow
• Pow Block: Blue Down Arrow
• Lightning: Yellow Lighting
• Bullet: Fire
• Blue Shell: Blue Circle

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