1v1 Arena ⚔️

Join my discord to give feedback or report bugs: https://discord.gg/DMvpEy3
There is also a 2 player version of this mode available, where players get to pick their next hero (1 life per hero) which I would suggest checking out if you want to challenge your friend to a "fair" 1v1 or play any kind of hero elimination match, code EMPAH
Scoring and queue flow
First to 50 points, to win the map you need to be the king of the hill and get your final elimination in Arena 1, scoring and the arena queue system explained in the picture below:
Hero rotation
These 14 heroes are enabled by default, you get a new hero every time you die, order of the heroes is randomized for each player, heroes and modifiers listed below, passive healing is disabled for all heroes:
- Ana
- Ashe (Ult. duration 50%)
- Baptiste (Drone disabled)
- Cassidy
- Echo (Ult. duration 50%)
- Genji (Ult. duration 75%)
- Hanzo
- Illari (Pylon disabled)
- Kiriko
- Sojourn
- Soldier (Ult. duration 75%)
- Tracer
- Widowmaker (Grapple CD 30%, Health 250)
- Zenyatta
All heroes enabled mode
I have tried to balance all heroes for 1v1, you can toggle this mode on from the workshop settings with 1 click. You can give balance feedback on my discord and help develop the mode.
- Tank size has been reduced by 20%, health pools have been reduced, some defensive cooldowns are longer and shields have been nerfed or removed.
- Most heroes should be able to beat most heroes and most heroes work just as expected with minimal changes, some heroes like Brig, Rein and Mercy have received more changes .
- You can see all changes to your current hero on the hud on the left side of your screen.
- Scoring has been changed: 40 heroes, 40 kills (in Arena 1) = 50 score
- This mode is balanced for Arena 1. Some heroes are too powerful in Arena 2&3 when they spawn with full cooldowns and that is fine. Like for example Zarya spawning with 2 bubbles can easily get a kill, but it should be harder to get multiple kills in a row on Arena 1 when your cooldowns don't reset.
- If a hero can consistently get 3-5 eliminations on the main arena nerfs could be considered.
- The bot will only play the default 14 heroes and doesn't know how to handle the new heroes.
Bot match
- If you are alone in the game a bot will show up to challenge you, the bots difficulty is auto adjusted by default based on how you are doing.
- The bot plays all 14 of the default heroes and plays by the same rules as the player.
- If you really want a challenge you can go to the workshop settings and pick Champion as the difficulty.
Bot match explained more in depth:
- The bot will hit shots more often if you are moving too predictably = moving too long in the same direction.
- The bot has 5 difficulties and as the difficulty gets harder the bot will hit more shots, have better reaction time and have a harder movement pattern.
- The bot plays by the same rules as the player, does not have any damage boosts or damage reductions except taking less burn damage when out of the zone and tracer bot doesn't take self damage from pulse
- It is possible to get easy kills against the bot using certain abilities like sojourn zone, sonic arrow etc, locations and playstyles. I cannot patch all the holes in the bots game so some of it is up to the player to decide, do you really want to win against a bot abusing x to get free kills?
- There are 182 matchups just from the default 14 heroes, if you are playing a hero not in the default heroes the bot might do some dumb stuff.
Workshop settings
- You can enable hero switching and hero locking, you will forfeit your current duel to so (your opponent gets the points for winning) Hold reload to change and lock your hero.
- You can enable the all heroes mode.
- You can change available heroes for all players.
- You can create a different hero list for the host and other players, for example if you want to only play certain dps heroes against your friend who only plays certain support heroes.
- You can make all cooldowns and shields reset after each round in Arena 1.