Welcome to Pokemon RPG 2! This gamemode, being inspired from the Havana version by Kaeku, follows many of the same mechanics as the original.
Primary Fire: Catch wild pokemon or collect item.
Need Healing: Beg for money.
Group Up: Teleport to last town.
Interact: Use potion.
Reload + Melee: Use repel.
Follow the tips and hints at the top of your screen for a bit of help on legendary locations and more, and do your best to complete the entire Pokedex and ultimately catch 'em all!
King's Row variation by Zeke (DT_Zeke#6456), but again, more credit goes to the original creator of the Havana version, and the translator, JumpyWizard. https://workshop.codes/KPQHJ
Enjoy, and have fun finding all the legendaries and easter eggs of the map. :)