chill / kill bases + 5 sources
chill / kill bases
a chill or kill gamemode designed with AFKing in mind.
suggestions and feedback are very welcome - submit them here
once you enter your base, you are protected from any damage and crowd control (CC) effects such as stuns and knockback!
you can modify the characteristics of your hero or your base in the preferences menu! here are some notable ones:
player mode • aside from the default kill mode, there are 2 player modes available (plus one extra):
- chill mode makes you invulnerable to damage and resilient to knockback (reduced to 10%). you are still vulnerable to CC effects.
- unbound mode is a combination of chill and kill mode, and more!
- zen mode makes you invulnerable to damage and CC effects, but prevents you from using your abilities.
base mode • there are 3 base modes available:
- a passive base has no effect to other players inside it (besides in-base gravity and movement / jump speed).
- a friendly base protects other players inside it, as well as letting players fast travel to it.
- an exclusive base prevents other players from entering.
ability and ultimate modes • choose between different ability modifications, including ability / ultimate spam!
custom message • type some custom text that will be shown above the hero's head.
dream mode • gives you zen mode effects and lets you spectate players randomly. you can even set dream mode to auto-enable after x minutes of inactivity! ultimate AFK experience if you ask me.
colors for custom message, hero outline, effects, etc. • there's also a rainbow option!1!1!!!
base lock • prevents you from leaving your base. useful if griefers keep pushing you out of your base with CC.
fast travel • lets you teleport to, from, or between bases.
allow mounting • lets players attach themselves to you like a Minecraft horse with a saddle.
...and more!
in moderator mode, you are able to execute the following actions:
- paralyze / unparalyze players
- kill / resurrect players
- teleport to players, or teleport players to you
- ban players or their comms (text + voice chat)
- remove players' bases
- promote players / demote moderators (only available to host)
this gamemode was made with OverPy and previously Deltin's Script To Workshop.
This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.