

Balancing the current kits for 6v6.

Note: Due to workshop limitations, Echo's Duplicate will not have workshop changes.

Balance Changes

Note: Tank health based on role queue values.

General Changes

  • All ultimate abilities now restore ammo.

Role Damage
Damage Role Passive

  • Dps passive healing reduction decreased from 25% to 10%

Role Tank
Tank Role Passive

  • No longer reduces knockback taken
  • No longer reduces Damage Passive


  • Base health in mech reduced to 375 to 225 (600 total)

Defense Matrix
Defense Matrix

  • Maximum duration reduced from 3 to 2 seconds

  • Recharge rate decreased by 50%

This change aims to return’s hp and abilities to make them closer to what she had in OW1.


  • Health decreased from 525 to 400

Seismic Slam
Seismic Slam

  • Cooldown decreased from 6.5 to 6

Power Block
Power Block

  • Now functions on a resource meter
  • Cooldown reduced from 7 to 1.5
  • Damage reduction from the front increased from 80 to 85%
  • Damage reduction from all other angles increased from 0 to 25%
  • Damge blocked to reach empowered punch increased from 120 to 167

This change aims to slighty shift Doomfist's power for a 6v6 setting. The slight reduction to his health keeps him from being too oppressive while the buff to his Powerblock helps him against enemies from multiple angles as well as enemies with stuns.


  • Health reduced from 427 to 275 (500 hp total)

Spike Guard
Spike Guard

  • Max duration decreased from 3 to 2 seconds

Violent Leap
Violent Leap

  • Cooldown increased from 5 to 7 seconds

Jagged Wall
Jagged Wall

  • Health decreased from 400 to 300
  • Cooldown increased from 12 to 13 seconds

Adrenaline Rush
New Passive: Toxic

  • Damage dealt by melee and Violent Leap with cause the target to take 1 dps for 7 seconds


  • Health reduced from 475 to 375
  • Shield health increased from 0 to 75 (450 hp total)


  • Ammo decreased from 8 to 6

Jagged Blade
Jagged Blade

  • No longer pulls Tanks more that non tanks

Adrenaline Rush
Adrenaline Rush

  • Wound to healing conversion rate reduced from 2.25 to 1.5

Commanding Shout
Commanding Shout

  • Cooldown increased from 12 to 13 seconds
  • Now heals all allies in range for 25 health
  • Heals Junkerqueen for 25 additional health.


  • Can now be cancelled by pressing melee

This change aims to improve Junkerqueen’s ability to keep her teammates alive while decreasing her own survivability.


  • Base health decreased from 575 to 375 (575 total)


  • Cooldown increased from 5 to 8 seconds

Cardiac Overdrive
Cardiac Overdrive

  • Damage to healing percentage rate decreased from 100% to 50%
  • Damage to healing percentage rate for teammates decreased from 50% to 25%

Cage Fight
Cage Fight

  • Duration decreased from 8 to 6 seconds

Mauga doesn't need the same level of defensivness, as he will have a second tank helping him and a second easy target to shoot.


  • Health decreased from 325 to 250
  • Armor decreased from 300 to 250 (500 total hp)

Augmented Fusion Driver
Fusion Driver

  • No longer uses a heat system
  • Now has a max ammo of 120
  • Projectile speed increased from 90 to 120
  • Movement speed while firing decreased by 10%
  • Reload duration decreased from 3 to 2.5 seconds


  • Max overhealth decreased from 100 to 50
  • Overhealth generates over time instead of instantly
  • Cooldown reduced from 16 to 12 seconds
  • Cooldown now begins when the ability ends
  • Movement speed penalty removed

Javelin Spin
Javelin Spin

  • Now functions in a resource meter
  • Cooldown decreased from 9 to 1 seconds
  • Deals a small damage over time for 1 second
  • Does not cancel reload

Energy Javelin
Energy Javelin

  • Slows Orisa by 25% while casting.
  • Now deals 20 additional damage over the course of a second.
  • Cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds
  • Cancels reload

Terra Surge

  • Deals 50 damage when canceled by hack.
  • Can now be cancelled by pressing crouch
  • Duration deceased from 5 to 2.74 seconds
  • Max damage decreased from 500 to 225
  • When the animation is complete, Orisa now deploys her Supercharger, increasing her damage output by 25% for 8 seconds

Fleeting Bulwark
New passive: Efficent

  • Heals Orisa when damage over time is active

These changes are intended to shift Orisa’s power between her abilities. The increase to her weapon’s projectile speed should make her more relable at longer ranges. The additional damage on her Javelin should increase its leathality but still allow for some time for the enemy to react. The changes to her Javelin Spin should make blocking more reliable while also allowing her to use it for mobility without being punished for it. The nerf to her total health, Foritfy’s duration and overhealth, and movement speed while firing should give enemies more opportunities to fight back. The change to her ultimate makes it more interesting by empowering Orisa with her base kit rather than raw damage.


  • Health decreased from 400 to 250
  • Armor increased from 75 to 100
  • Shield health in Omnic form increased from 0 to 100 (450 hp total)

Void Accelerator (Omnic Form)
Void Accelerator

  • Ammo increased from 100 to 150
  • Projectile speed increased from 80 to 90 meters per second

Nemesis Form
Nemesis Form

  • Armor reduced from 300 to 150

Ravenous Vortex
Ravenous Vortex

  • Projectile speed increased 30 to 45 meters per second.
  • Cooldown increased from 11 to 12 seconds

Void Barrier (Omnic Form)
Void Barrier

  • Health decreased from 1000 to 250
  • Cooldown reduced from 13 to 8 seconds

Block (Nemesis Form)

  • Now Functions on a resource meter
  • Running out of resource disables it for 2 seconds


  • Now heals Ramattra for 5 heal per second when dealing aoe damage (does not change depending on the numbers of enemies).
  • Minimum duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
  • Maximum duration increased from 20 to 25 seconds

These changes aim to shilft Ramattra's strength for a 6v6 setting. The addition of shield health, which goes over his armor, means that there will be less instances when where he leaves Nemisis form at full health. The nerfs to his health and Nemesis Form should allow for counterplay, with the buffs to his Vortex and Barrier increasing the utility he provides.


  • Health decreased from 400 to 350 (600 hp total)

Rocket Hammer
Rocker Hanmer

  • Damage reduced from 100 to 90

Barrier Field
Barrier Field

  • Increases movements speed by 25% for 2.5 seconds when broken

Shield Slam
New Ability: Barrier Rush

  • Bound to reload
  • Can only be used when holding Barrier Field
  • Increases movement speed by 25%
  • Shrinks Barrier Field by 25% for the diration of the ability
  • Cooldown is 12 seconds
  • Lasts 4 seconds
  • Shares a cooldown with Charge

Fire Strike
Fire Strike

  • Now deals an additional 5 burn damage per second for 3 seconds
  • Cooldown increased from 6 to 10 seconds

Crusaders Resolve
New Passive: Determined

  • Heals Reinhardt for 5 healing per second for 5 seconds when dealing damage.

New Passive: Steadfast

  • Reduces knockback taken by 20%

These changes should encourage players to be more aggressive while also prevent him from being burst down quickly. His self healing passive should help to partily balance out the dps passive.


  • Health decreased from 750 to 600

Scrap Gun

  • Ammo increased from 6 to 8

Take a breather
Take a breather

  • Max duration decreased from 2.5 to 2 seconds
  • Now heals allies for 30 health per second
  • Cooldown increased from 1.5 to 4 seconds

Chain Hook
Chain Hook

  • Cooldown increased from 6 to 8 seconds

Pig Pen
Pig Pen

  • Cooldown decreased from 12 to 10 seconds

This change gives Roadhog the ability to protect his teammates outside of body blocking while also decreasing his survivability.


  • Base health decreased from 300 to 200 (475 hp total)
  • Base model size decreased by 10%


  • The second Hyper Sphere's travel distance increased from 22 to 33 meters

Experimental Barrier
Experimental Barrier

  • Barrier health increased from 700 to 900

Kinetic Grasp

  • Can now be canceled by pressing melee


  • Now stuns rather than knocks down

These increase to his barrier health should make Sigma more durable against a second tank, and being able cancel Grasp should make him a bit more flexible. The change to the stun should help allies with follow up.


  • Health decreased from 475 to 300 (550 total hp)

Tesla Cannon
Tesla Cannon

  • Alternate fire max damage increased from 50 to 60
  • Alternate fire now deals up to 10 damage to enemies within 2 meters of the target

Primal Rage
Primal Rage

  • Deals more damage based on how low Winston’s hp is.

This change is intended to increase the threat from Winston during primal rage as well as return his health to what he had in 6v6. The increase to his alternate fire's power helps him against ranged heroes.

Wrecking Ball
Wreaking Ball

  • Base health decreased from 450 to 325 (650 hp total)

Quad Cannons
Quad Cannons

  • Now reloads 10 ammo per second while not firing

These changes decrease his health closer to what he had in 6v6 and increase his up time._


  • Heath decreased from 375 to 225
  • Shield health decreased from 325 to 225 (450 total)

Particle Cannon
Particle Cannon

  • Alternate fire ammo cost reduced from 25 to 20

Particle Barrier
Particle Barrier

  • Using it disables the ability for 5 seconds
  • Cooldown decreased from 11 to 10 seconds

Projected Barrier
Projected Barrier

  • Using it disables the ability for 4 seconds
  • Cooldown decreased from 9 to 8 seconds

The ammo changes should make Zarya’s gameplay more fluid. The changes to her barriers should allow her to keep her lower cooldowns while also giving her oppoenents more openings.


  • Base health reduced from 250 to 225

Vipers Sting
New Passive: Marksmen

  • Doesn't use ammo his she lands a headshot


  • Base health decreased from 250 to 225 (325 hp total)

Configuration: Assault
Configuration: Assault

  • Now only slows Bastion down while firing
  • Damage per bullet decreased from 12 to 7 (360 dps to 210)


  • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 8 seconds
  • Heals 25 health upon use

Self Repair
New Ability: Self Repair

  • Functions on a resource meter.
  • Heals for 75 hps
  • Bound to ability 2

These changes should hopefully encourage Bastion to be more independent by allowing him to heal himself. The changes to his Configuration: Assault form should make it more versitle against non tanks.


  • Base health reduced from 275 to 250

Magnetic Grenade
Flash Bang

  • Cancels active abilities of target stuck

This change aims to give Cassidy more utility.


  • Base health reduced from 250 to 175
  • Base shields increased from 0 to 50 (225 hp total)

Blade Twisting
New Passive

  • Genji's melee, Swiftstrike, and Dragonblade now deal an additional 5 damage for 2 seconds.
  • Heals Genji at a 1 to 1 ratio

This change is intended to give Genji a bit more survivability when compared to other flankers.


  • Base health reduced from 250 to 200

Since he can one shot most heroes again, this should make him more fragile when compared to most heroes


  • Base health reduced from 250 to 225


  • Base health reduced from 300 to 250
  • Shield health increased from 0 to 25 (275 total)

This change aims to give her some hp recovery without having to use an ability.


  • Base health reduced from 225 to 150
  • Base shields increased from 0 to 75 (225 total)

These change should allow Pharah to be more independent from Mercy without increasing the strength of the synergy too much.


  • Base health reduced from 300 to 275

New alternate fire

  • Reaper fire orbs at 90 meters per second that deal 30 damage

This change aims to increase Reaper’s options and add some variety to his gameplay.


  • Base health decreased from 250 to 225.


  • Secondary fire now uses 5 ammo.

Power Slide
Power Slide

  • Can now push enemies slightly out of the way.

With the overall decrease to hero health, the power of Sojourn's secondary fire is increased, so having it use up (but not require) ammo is meant to balance it out a bit.

Soldier: 76
Soldier 76

  • Base health decreased from 250 to 225

Biotic Field
Biotic Field

  • Cooldown reduced from 15 to 13 seconds.


  • Now reloads ammo at a rate of 5 ammo per second

These changes are intended to allow Soldier to be able to reposition faster.


  • Base health reduced from 225 to 175
  • Shield health increased from 0 to 50


  • Now add to the target's current cooldowns by 1.5 seconds
  • Deals 1 dps to hacked targets
  • Now gains a small amount if Ult charge for healing with health backs.


  • Cooldown reduced from 7 to 5 seconds


  • Deals 5 dps for the duration of the ultimate to all enemies affected

This change should give Sombra some utility by effectively allowing her to pause enemy cooldowns as well as prevent the passive healing from activating.


  • Base shield health reduced from 150 to 125 (250 total)

Photon Projector
Photon Projector

  • Healing when dealing damage to barriers or shield health decreased from 10/20/30 to 5/10/15hps.
  • Now heals 5 hps when damaging enemy heroes.
  • (Energy orb) Now deals up to 10 dps for 2 seconds on enemy heroes

Sentry Turret
Sentry Turret

  • Health decreased from 40 to 30


  • Base health decreased from 100 to 75

  • Base shields decreased from 250 to 187.5

Photon Barrier
Photon Barrier

  • Health decreased from 4000 to 3000

The change to her primary fire aim to make her counter certain heroes less while moving some of that sustain into other match ups. The change to her orbs is intended to balance out the charge time by increasing the total damage.


  • Base health decreased from 250 to 200


  • Base health decreased from 175 to 125
  • Base armor increased from 0 to 25

By changing some of her health to armor, she is less vunerable to certain abilites


  • Base health decreased from 250 to 225

Drill Dash
Drill Dash

  • Cooldown increased from 8 to 9


  • Base health decreased from 200 to 175


  • 25 base health converted to shield health

Biotic Rifle
Biotic Rifle

  • Ammo decreased from 15 to 12

Sleep Dart
Sleep Dart

  • Cooldown deceased from 14 to 13

The addition of shield health should slightly decease her downtime when she survives a duel on low health. With the addition of a second tank, the overall the power of her Sleep Dart was lowered. The reduction to her ammo should also give enemies more opportunities to fight back.


  • Base health decreased from 250 to 225

Biotic Launcher
Biotic Launcher

  • Healing per direct shot reduced from 70 to 60
  • Splash healing per shot decreased from 50 to 42

Regenerative Burst
Regenerative Burst

  • Instant healing reduced from 40 to 34
  • Healing over time reduced from 40 to 34 over 4 seconds.

These changes aim to reduce Baptiste's overall healing.



  • Healing per second reduced from 15 to 12

Repair Pack
Repair Pack

  • Initial burst heal reduced from 25 to 20
  • Healing per second reduced from 50 to 40
  • Cooldown increased from 5.5 to 6

Shield Bash
Shield Bash

  • Now cancels the target's abilities.
  • Cooldown increased from 5 to 6 seconds


  • Bonus armor decreased from 100 to 75
  • Add 25 shield hp to brig
  • Decreased base health from 200 to 150 (300 hp total)
  • Barrier health reduced from 750 to 600
  • Now grants up to 50 overhealth to brig at 20 health per second
  • Now allows for the use of Shield Bash while casting

The change to her health and healing should encourage Brigitte to brawl more often and directly defend her team instead of relying on her healing. The ability cancel on her Shield Bash aims to increase her utility by allowing her to cancel the enemy abilities. The changes to her ultimate aim to make in encourage more aggresive plays.


  • Base health deceeased from 250 to 225


  • Deals 15 damage over one second

Solar Rifle
Solar Rifle

  • Ammo increased to from 14 to 30 ammo
  • Heal beam now consumes ammo for 5 ammo per second
  • Healing energy recharge rate increased by 50%
  • Now deals an additional 2 damage per second for 2.5 seconds

Healing Pylon
Healing Pylon

  • Cooldown when destroyed reduced from 14 to 12

Captive Sun
Captive Sun

  • Now heals allies within 7 meters of enemy heroes damaged by 10 health per second for 5 seconds.
  • Ultimate charge generation rate decreased by 7%

These changes aim to reduce the uptime of Illari's healing in her base kit while moving some supportive value to her utlimate. The damage over time should give her utilty by allowing her to delay the healing passive from activating.


Glide Boost
Glide Boost

  • Now heals for 5 hps during the duration of the ability

Hyper Ring
Hyper Ring

  • Cooldown increased from 14 to 15 seconds


  • Base health reduced from 225 to 125
  • Base shields increased from 0 to 50 (200 total)

Swift Step
Swift Step

  • Cooldown increased from 7 to 8 seconds

Protection Suzu
Protection Suzu

  • Cooldown decreased from 14 to 13
  • Now cleanses knock down stuns

These changes aim to increase the uptime of Kiriko's Suzu while decreasing her survivability.



  • Base health decreased from 200 to 125
  • Base armor increased from 0 to 50 (225 hp total)

Healing Blossom
Healing Blossom

  • Time to auto reload while firing Thorn Volley decreased from 2.5 to 1.5 seconds

Thorn Volley
Thorn Volley

  • Ammo increased from 100 to 150
  • Projectile speed increased from 90 to 135 meters per second
  • Now heals for 10% of the damage done
  • Time to auto reload while firing Healing Blossom decreased from 2.5 to 1.5 seconds

Petal Platform
Petal Platform

  • Health decreased from 300 to 225

Rejuvenating Dash
Rejuvenating Dash

  • Healing increased from 45 to 50

Tree of Life
Tree of Life

  • Passive ult charge rate decreased by 20%

Life Cycle
New passive: Photosynthesis

  • Heals all team members within 30 meters for 5 health per second.

The passive and damage based healing auras should allow Lifeweaver to contribute more to his team without having to be always charging his healing shot .


Sound barrier
Sound Barrier

  • Ultimate cost reduced by 5%
  • Overhealth given increased from 750 to 800
  • Now deals 250 damage to enemies within 3 meters when he lands

This should allow Lucio to keep up with other supports in terms of ultimate charge.


Caduceus Staff
Caduceus Staff

  • Healing per second reduced from 60 to 50
  • Now heals allies under 50% health for an additional 10hps


  • Can now be canceled by pressing reload
  • Canceling puts the cooldown at 25 seconds

Sympathetic Recovery
Sympathetic Recovery

  • Healing coversion rate decreased from 40% to 36%


  • Decreases the current cooldown on Ressurect by 20 seconds
  • Increases Sympathetic Recovery's coversion rate from 36% to 40%

The changes to ressurect are intended to make it a bit more fluid. The change to her healing low hp targets helps improve her healing output without having to increase her healing the whole time. .


Biotic Grasp
Biotic Grasp healing

  • If above half health and out of healing resources, Moira can continue to heal at 35 hps at the cost of her own health.

Biotic Grasp Alt Fire
Biotic Grasp Damage

  • Damage per second decreased from 65 to 55

Biotic Orb
Biotic Orb

  • Damage orb drains the target's ammo.
  • Total damage decreased from 200 to 150

New orb option: Enfeeble orb

  • Can be selected by pressing reload when choosing orbs
  • Deals 50 damage with a 2 meter aoe
  • Decreases damage dealt by 25% for 3 seconds

This change should give Moira more utility to help her team rather than only provide healing.


  • Base shields decreased from 175 to 150

Orb of Destruction
Orb of Destruction

  • Ammo decreased from 25 to 20

This change aims to decrease the uptime of his damage for flankers to take advantage of.


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