Ultimates are disabled!
Time to Kill is much higher than in normal Overwatch!
Instant Respawn as long as the match hasn't begun.
Besides that I removed the Assemble Your Team Phase, so that the round will start within ~30 Seconds.
Class limit is 1.
Heavy (Roadhog)
- very slow movement
- Shotgun and Minigun
- Can run faster sacrificing HP ("Gloves of Running Urgently)
- Can Heal himself
Soldier (Pharah)
- slow movement
- Can Rocketjump
- adjusted aircontrol
Demoman (Junkrat)
- just a little bit slower
- Junkrat can now do nadejumps by jumping on his (normal!) grenades
- adjusted aircontrol
Scout (Tracer)
- very fast movement
- can do doublejumps, but all other abilities are disabled
- I know some might think that a better match for the Scout woud've been Reaper,
but well, Reaper has that mega big hotbox, so I go with Tracer
Pyro (Mei)
- made her a little bit faster
- Flamethrower
- Flaregun does double damage on burning enemies!
- airblast
- no deflect, sry :D
Spy (MCCree)
- becomes invisible by pressing his Ult button (Q) when charged
- Instakill on backstab
Engineer (Torbjörn)
- almost untouched, nothing special here
Medic (Mercy)
- nothing special here
- sadly I wasn't able to implement overheal & ubercharge, maybe someday if possible
Sniper (Widow)
- no crabbling hook
- still got her nade as jarate replacement
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