
Assimilation Mystery Heroes

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Assimilation Mystery Heroes


Mystery Heroes with a twist! Upon killing an enemy hero, you will turn into that hero after a short delay. Dying cancels this transformation. Your HP percentage and ultimate charge transfer to the new hero. Dying works like normal Mystery Heroes.

This has some interesting gameplay implications like:

  • Bad RNG being mitigated since the enemy 3-tank 2-healer team is going to turn into all your lousy heroes once they kill you.
  • Killing a hero so you can use their ult when yours is fully charged.
  • Focusing a hero that you're particularly good at playing to try to be able to play them.
  • Dying because you were Pharah and flying over a void when you suddenly turned into Sigma.
  • Lining up to charge an enemy into a wall as Soldier 76 because you're about to change to Reinhardt.

The transformation delay defaults to 3 seconds, but can be changed in Workshop Settings.

Matches start by default when the lobby is full; you can experiment with the "assimilation" mechanic freely while waiting.

Some specifics:

  • If you're already in the process of changing heroes (the 3 second countdown timer is active), further kills will not restart the timer or change who you're transforming into.
  • Dying during the transformation process cancels it -- even if you are resurrected by Mercy.
  • Dying is otherwise just like a normal Mystery Heroes death (mostly) where your hero is re-randomized unless Mercy resurrects you.
  • Bots cannot be random heroes; nor will they transform upon getting a kill. Human players killing a bot will still assimilate them, however.

Some technical notes:

While this is setup with "Respawn as Random Hero: On", it actually uses a fully Workshop-based implementation of hero randomization under the hood. This is because the normal Mystery Heroes feature does not play too well with forcing you to change heroes after kills.

Thus, if you want to limit the number of heroes of any given type (vanilla Mystery Heroes is 3), you'll need to change "Max Random Heroes Per Role" under Workshop Settings instead of changing "Random Hero Limit Per Team"

Note that this limitation only applies for randomization. If you limit it to 3 of any given role, it's still possible to get 5 tanks on a team if, for instance, all of your non-tanks kill enemy tanks to start the transformation process.

The randomization this mod uses favors roles you have the least of. When picking a random hero, it has max(0, M - N) chances to pick each (where M is your "Max Random Heroes Per Role" setting and N is the number of heroes on your team currently with that role. This likely differs from the standard Mystery Heroes randomization, but I'm not sure what that is.

As coded, this should work for any team versus team format (e.g. CTF, Team Deathmatch, etc), including changes to make games 6v6. Out of the box, it is only configured for the ones normally included in Mystery Heroes

by Exodus#1324 aka dewin on Discord ~ S6F77

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