Re-Balanced Tank Heroes
Hello! I was bored so i decided to re-balance the current tank heroes since many of the tank heroes feel unimpactful and clunky. Enjoy!
Match Time
- Assembling Heroes timer reduced from 30 to 20 seconds
- All heroes no longer keep ultimate charge upon swapping heroes.
- All maps with a weather or time alternative are all now in the map cycle rotation

D.Va is a very strong tank, whereas her damage and survivability are incredible. However, they both feel really overtuned, and my goal here is to bring her back in line with how the other tanks are performing. I reduced her mech health, but redistributed the power in Defense Matrix to make the ability feel better by allowing it to appear more often in situations where even the littlest bit is needed. This power redistribution rewards good ability usage, and it puts her survivability into more of her kit that isn't just living on the battle field. The Micro Missiles cooldown nerf is put in place due to her high damage output onto squishies, so reducing the frequency of the abiltiy should help lessen that strain on squishy heroes.
- Mech health decreased from 350 to 325

Defense Matrix
- Maximum duration decreased from 3 to 2.5 seconds
- Recharge rate decreased from 6 to 5 seconds

Micro Missiles
- Cooldown increased from 7 to 8 seconds

Doomfist feels better after the season 9 patch dropped, but Power Block objectively feels out of place and needs tuning desperately. I am decreasing its speed penalty as 35% feels way too harsh, and I am decreasing the duration of the ability as a whole. I then am able to reduce the minimum damage required to actually empower his punch, which rewards good ability usage and timing, along with letting Doomfist capitalize on his enemies mistakes better. The Meteor Strike change is to make Meteor Strike less of an annoyance for enemies as with the new Power Block buffs, he can end up being too strong since hes already quite strong as is. This should objectively make Doomfist feel better to play against and as.

Power Block
- Duration decreased from 2.5 to 2 seconds
- Minimum damage mitigated required to empower Rocket Punch reduced from 100 to 90 damage
- Movement penalty decreased from 35 to 25%

Meteor Strike
- Healing per second decreased from 75 to 50

Mauga is such a nightmare to balance, but my goal is to decentivize his "Shoot the Tank!" playstyle that plagues him from being a fun hero to play. I reduced his ammo to make players use his guns more sparingly instead of just dumping damage because they can, and I buffed the stats to reward that. Overrun also has no reason having such a high damage resistance, so I am reducing it to reel in his survivability in a bit to make him feel less like this unstoppable brute force who can go in and out whenever he pleases. Cardiac Overdrive is the single handed ability that makes going against Mauga absolutely unbearable, so I decided to rework it to make it more rewarding and engaging. Instead of healing himself and allies, it now burns enemies who are within his range instantly. Along with some tuning elsewhere in the ability, these changes should make Mauga feel overall much more engaging to play as, but less frustrating to play against. I will keep my eye on how these changes play out, and I hope this relieves some tension for the hero as a whole.

Incendiary & Volatile Chainguns
- Damage increased from 4 to 4.25
- The number of shots with the Incendiary Chaingun to ignite enemies decreased from 10 to 8
- Ammo decreased from 300 to 250

- Damage resistance decreased from 50 to 30%

Cardiac Overdrive
- Cooldown now starts after the ability ends
- Cooldown decreased from 17 to 12 seconds
- No longer heals Mauga or his allies
- Upon activation, enemies within 10 meters of Mauga will be given the Burning status effect for 5 seconds for a total of 50 damage and a bonus impact damage of 25. Mauga keeps his original 30% damage resistance while active.

After Orisa's recent changes, her nerfs reasonably pushed her overall effectiveness into the dumpster, which honestly I seriously am glad that happened but I still want all heroes to feel good to play no matter how much I hate them. These changes I am giving Orisa are to kind of shift her main playstyle a bit, if she has long range then I feel like decreasing her actual health is deserved so shes not the monster she was before. I wanted to give more power into her sustainability outside of Fortify though, so I increased her armor to allow her to survive more often without the need of Fortify. I redistributed power in Fortify to make its damage resistance weaker obviously because of the armor change, but I also removed the speed penalty it puts on Orisa because it just makes her feel very slow and clunky. While cancelling Fortify early sounds like a nice change on paper, in some cases you can be spamming the button for Fortify to activate the ability, just for it to end right away because you self cancelled on accident. Being able to cancel Fortify doesn't do much besides start the cooldown early, and with how the cooldown works in the live game, it would only make it go from 12 to 16.5 seconds which feels awkward unless your in Kitsune Rush. The cooldown changes should make the ability feel better and simpler. Since I made Fortify a bit better overall, I increased her Javelin Spin cooldown to further encourage the player to think about using the ability in the right moments, which should allow enemies to capitalize on the mistake of it being used wrong.
- Health decreased from 275 to 200
- Armor increased from 350 to 400

- No longer has a speed penalty
- Damage resistance decreased from 45 to 40%
- Can no longer be cancelled manually
- Cooldown now starts as soon as the ability is over
- Cooldown decreased from 16.5 to 12 seconds

Javelin Spin
- Cooldown increased from 8 to 10 seconds

Ramattra almost never is seen using his barrier hich sucks because every hero should be able to use each ability equally as often in-order to keep up with Overwatch 2's fast-pace motion gameplay, so, I changed his barrier to work more towards using it offensively and defensively instead of just only defensively. Annihilation has always been very strong, and when used right, it basically guarantees a team fight win. Making it have a strict maximum duration should make it more easily balanceable by number tuning along with allowing players to predict when its going to end. Void Accelerator feels a little lackluster as its not that great at poking, so increasing the projectile speed along with reducing the damage should help just incase the speed is too unbearable to go against.

Void Accelerator
- Damage decreased from 5 to 4.75
- Projectile speed increased from 80 to 100m/s

Void Barrier
- Health decreased from 1000 to 700
- Cooldown decreased from 13 to 7 seconds

Nemesis Form
- Now goes on half of its cooldown after Annihilation

- Now has a strict set duration of 10 seconds

Reinhardt has been feeling pretty solid, but I wanted to re-add the more "memey" changes that were implemented. His Earthshatter critical damage instantly killing normal squishy heroes should return more of the funny moments in his gameplay.

- Critical damage increased from 170 to 250

Roadhog is definitely a hero thats very flawed design wise, but I believe theres ways to fix that without needing to rework him further. I reduced the damage resistance of Take a Breather to make it less of an annoyance to go against but reduced the recharge rate so the ability feels nicer to use, along with reducing its actual cooldown should open up more opportunities to use the ability.

Take a Breather
- Damage resistance decreased from 40% to 30%
- Recharge rate decreased from 12.5 to 8 seconds
- Cooldown decreased from 1.25 to 1 second

Sigma has been an incredibly powerful hero ever since Overwatch 2's release. He needs to be toned down a bit because he is a jack of all trades. I increased Kinetic Grasp's cooldown so enemies have a chance to kill him as his shield and Kinetic grasp together in one kit essentially gives him too much defense while having great poking potential. Tuning down his defense, I chose to reduce the stun duration as the stun never needed to be increased. These changes should help bring Sigma in line with the other tank heroes. Also, with the way Accretion's cooldown works in the live game, its displayed as a 10 second cooldown instead of its actual 12 second cooldown. The change that reduces his cooldown from 12 to 10 seconds is there to keep its usual cooldown in place.

Kinetic Grasp
- Cooldown increased from 12 to 13 seconds

- Cooldown now starts when the cast time ends instead of at the ability's activation
- Cooldown decreased from 12 to 10 seconds
- Knockdown duration decreased from 1.1 to 0.8 seconds

Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball's rework has helped quite a bit, but I do feel like there are some touch-ups in his kit that are very much needed. I disabled the collison he has with enemies while in ball form because it is very ridiculous how a large robotic mech can be stopped by a short 80 pound british girl. This is a very nice Quality of Life change that has been needed for awhile. Minefield on the other hand, I wanted to powershift it into being more effective but at the cost of a shorter duration. The fact his mines last so much has always irked me, and so I decided to reduce it so its not so obnoxiously long.

- No longer has collision with enemy players (can still knockback players with Grappling Claw)

- Maximum duration decreased from 20 to 15 seconds

Zarya is a fairly strong hero, but there are some parts about her kit that need some adjusting. Her beam damage can feel really overtuned, as she can just burn down enemies quickly at 100 charge. I am reducing the minimum and maximum damage it has, in an inbetween to its strongest power and its weakest to make it feel more balanced. Her secondary fire is often used at 0 charge to build Graviton Surge quickly, but its damage being 55-110 can feel a little too strong, so I am reeling it in slightly to make it more even yet still strong. I lastly wanted to add in two changes from the Overwatch 1 days, which is higher knockback on her secondary. The increased knockback should add more funny moments in her gameplay and also allow her to achieve heights she couldn't before, and the ammo consumption reduction should be a great benefit to how much power she lost in her only damage sources.

Particle Cannon
- Primary fire minimum damage decreased from 95 to 90 damage per second
- Primary fire maximum damage decreased from 190 to 180 damage per second
- Secondary fire minimum damage decreased from 55 to 50
- Secondary fire maximum damage decreased from 110 to 100
- Secondary fire ammo consumption decreased from 25 to 20
- Secondary fire knockback strength increased by 50%