thewholehole Deadeye Duelists Copy P51KD Previous Next Description Controls Comments 0 This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function. View original size Duel your foes with both your reflexes and the big iron on your hip in this FFA gamemode! Duels are very customizable; you can enable/disable the following features: Optional Feature Description Dustcloud A dustcloud appears while dueling. Western Filter The screen turns orange while dueling. Even Ground Players must be on similar elevation in order to start a duel. Ten Paces Duelers must turn around and walk slowly away from each other before turning back around and firing. Score Loss Player loses score if they lose a duel. Players | 1 - 6 Categories: Free for all, 1vs1 Tags: duel western Heroes: Cassidy Maps: Hanamura, Paris, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries, Dorado, and 17 more... Created at: Last updated: Current version: 1.0.0 Report code Controls Interact Start Duel (when someone is in range) Start Duel (when someone is in range) Start Duel (when someone is in range) Start Duel (when someone is in range) Start Duel (when someone is in range)