
Bomi [ Support Rework]

Character Rework using as a base.

This is my original character concept for a Dive Support- replacing She has been scaled up 10% to be a bit easier to hit. This also has not been play tested at all so if she is OP, then it is what it is.


  • 175 Health

  • 75 Shield

Secondary Fire
  • Quick healing projectile that heals allies in a small AoE, plus bonus healing for direct hits (like Baptiste's right click, but faster and heals less)

  • Heals for 10 (+6 for direct hit)

  • Shares ammo clip with Primary Fire

Energy Surge (Ability 1)
  • Allies in front of Bomi are healed more the closer they are. Enemies in front of Bomi are damaged more the closer they are. Heals Bomi for the maximum amount.

  • 15 meter range

  • Heals for 6 - 125

  • Damages for 3 - 110

Exo Pad (Ability 2)
  • Deployable horizontal jump pad that can be used by Bomi or Allies.

  • Launches player 15-20 meters in any direction

  • Lasts for 15 seconds or until destroyed by pressing Ability 2

  • Damages for 3 - 110

Tempaura (Ultimate)
  • Resets the cooldowns of all allies within 15 meters around Bomi

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