This mode has not been updated to Overwatch 2, so everything might not work as intended.
Previously known as "Overwatch Puzzle Challenge 2" Every challenge is possible to be beaten in the latest patch 1.64
Discord server:
- Moira fade jump
- Nano blading flying targets
- Ball double boop (still possible after nerfs)
- Doomfist parkour jump
- Winston primal juggle
- Sigma reaction time
- Bastion rocket jumps, floor is lava
- Lucio rollout
- Rein swings and shatter blocking
- Pharah super jump + fuel control
- Ashe dynamite frenzy
- 11 Heroes, 11 Challenges
- You need to know Overwatch hero mechanics to beat the challenges
- If you play well you can one shot every challenge
- Special thanks to Matwoj for being a big help in testing
- Current fastest time can be seen in the mode ingame
- If you can complete all 11, please post a screenshot with your time as a reply here: Seita_ow
- Press Interact to restart the current challenge
- Press Crouch + Jump + Ultimate to skip the current challenge, you can later return and beat that challenge and it still counts towards your progress