Every Hero is OP: Rebirth
A complete remake of my previous code (Every Hero is OP in a Different Way)
If you arent familiar with the original, the gimmick is that every single character in the game has gotten a massive overhaul, with an emphasis on an increased power level and not takings iteself too seriously. The gamemode is still in development, and some heros have yet to be implemented, but every character so far has new abilities and or passives, reblalanced stats, changed abilties, and some even have changed weapons. The biggest improvment of the previous version is our brand new tutorial system, which gives an in depth desciption of all of the changes. The tutoirials will be shown below.
If this gamemode seems of interest to you, feel free to join our poorly designed discord server, where we have polls, suggestions, announcements, and changelogs: https://discord.gg/cmk2XZMj7g
New UI thanks to @detFriendly